November 10, 2020
Coming Events and Information

Jim's Journal November 2020
DOM Report from Fall Book of Reports

It is a joy to serve our churches of the NKBA on mission with Jesus. Our mission (What are we doing?) statement indicates “The NKBA is an association of catalytic churches uniting together to accomplish the life-changing, world-changing mission of Jesus. We exist to EMPOWER churches to accomplish Christ’s mission to “make disciples” (Matthew 28:19), and “to seek and to save the lost” (Luke 19:10). The NKBA partners with the local churches to equip, resource, and catalyze the God-given vision for the local church.
Our vision (Where are we going?) is to develop a healthy culture and network of catalytic churches that take The Gospel to EVERY HOME in our Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and around the world (Acts 1:8). We believe healthy reproducing churches are passionate about reaching EACH ONE in their communities to live in the rescuing power of the Gospel and to do whatever it takes (within the boundaries of Scripture) to accomplish that. The aim of the NKBA is to create a culture of Christ-Centered, Gospel focused catalytic churches.
Demographics show that over 577,000 people live within a ten-mile radius of the NKBA office. The North American Mission Board (NAMB) statistics tell us that 68% of Boone County, 75% of Campbell County, and 85% of Kenton County are un-churched/de-churched/un-reached/spiritually LOST.
To accomplish this mission our core values are: (Why we are doing it?):
FOUND PEOPLD FIND PEOPLE. This shared value guides our decision of GOING over STAYING to reach “THE ONE” (Matthew 28:19-20). It is disobedient to God to not be constantly in search of “THE ONE” (Luke 15).
SAVED PEOPLE SERVE PEOPLE. This shared value guides our decision to SERVICE over SELF. Our primary concern is for “THE ONE” who is lost (Luke 19:10), so we do whatever is needed to meet people where they are at their point of need and guide them lovingly to “THE ONE” who is THE WAY, THE TRUTH, and THE LIFE (Matthew 23:11).
LOVED PEOPLE LISTEN TO GOD AND TO PEOPLE. This value guides our decisions to value TRUTH over TRADITION. A healthy disciple is one who actively listens to the hurts of people, actively listens to God and HIS WORD, then LIVES IN OBEDIENCE to that TRUTH by doing whatever is necessary to follow Jesus and to become more like Him! (James 1:22-25)
ENGAGED PEOPLE ENGAGE WITH PEOPLE. This value guides our decisions to value INTIMACY over ACTIVITY. Our engagement is always driven by our mission to “make disciples” which means developing relationships with people that lead to LIFE CHANGE. Life change happens best in groups (Sunday School, Small groups, neighborhood groups, house churches, etc.…). We must be DRIVEN as churches to constantly be focused on taking the church to our neighborhoods instead of waiting for them to come to us. Local churches MUST BE OUTWARDLY FOCUSED or will die (Dead Sea).
CHANGED PEOPLE CHANGE THE WORLD ONE STORY AT A TIME, ONE LIFE AT A TIME. This value of CHANGED LIVES guides our decisions to intentionally seek UNITY over UNIFORMITY and do whatever it takes to reach “THE ONE” in our community and TELL THE STORY OF CHRIST, HOW HE HAS CHANGED OUR LIVES AND HOW HE CAN CHANGE THE LIFE OF “THE ONE”. It is essential to intentionally build relational bridges with neighborhoods, families, schools to reach people who are lost and searching. Our story and mission are always constant; our methodology varies to include anything within the bounds of scripture to reach “THE ONE.”
To provide some framework for these core values, the B.L.E.S.S. strategy (How are we doing it?)
B= BEGIN with PRAYER. Nothing happens until we pray. (I Thess. 5:17)
L= LISTEN to God…His Word…to people and their hurts. (Exodus 18:19)
E= ENGAGE Intentionally/Missionally. Connect with people outside the walls of our churches, moving the church from their seats to the streets to connect with the hurts and needs of our communities. (Matthew 18:19-20)
S= SERVE people unconditionally. (Colossians 3:13)
S= STORY…GO and TELL of how Christ has changed your life and how He alone can change the trajectory of lives.
In 2020, a renewal for prayer for and among Pastors has been an ongoing effort. To pray for and with one another as Pastors and for the lostness of our communities. Nearly everything that was “planned” for 2020 was set aside as we worked toward flexibility and adapting to the pandemic and the impact on our churches and communities. Fortunately, work and mission continued, churches adapted, and people came to Jesus!
  • Ministry continued through our church plants to reach Asians (Korean and Chinese), African Immigrants, Hispanics, and Burmese as well as many others who were stranded due to COVID-19 at NKY through the excellent work of BCM and WMU.
  • Tens of thousands were fed by the NKBA and our partnerships with our churches, highlighting The Cornerstone Fellowship, First Baptist Covington 9th Street and their HOPE Ministry, Main Street Church, and Oak Ridge Baptist Church.
  • The NKBA also helped lives who were transformed by tragedies in Nashville and in Louisiana. We have consistently reached out beyond our Jerusalem to work with our existing partners.
  • The NKBA assisted churches receive in excess of $400,000 through the Payroll Protection Program in a difficult season to help churches and staffs.
  • The NKBA worked to provide a comprehensive list of resources and a 90-day grid to help churches plan in the midst of COVID-19.
  • The NKBA provided counseling resources to pastors, staff, and their families during this difficult season.
  • Tools have been provided to help begin Backyard Bible Clubs to reach children, PRAY AND GO, to go and pray throughout our communities in preparation to join the KBC in their emphasis to take THE GOSPEL TO EVERY HOME in 2021. More information, training and resources will be available as we look ahead to 2021.
  • Over 1500 backpacks were distributed in Christmas 2019 and we hope to deliver that many and more during Christmas of this year (still receiving them).

Following Him,
Jim Woolums, Lead Follower
Northern Kentucky Baptist Association
Baptist Village
COVID-19 Ministry Need
The Baptist Village complex is in need of some mission help during this COVID-19 pandemic. Due to the spreading virus, the Village is seeking churches that could donate individual bagged snacks, individually wrapped candy, and soft drinks for their workers at the facility. If you would be willing to make this a church mission and would like to make a donation, please contact Chaplain Mike Smith, 859-466-5332, to make arrangements. Thank you for your long time support of Baptist Life Communities and our many Baptist church members who reside there!
Our next Leadership IQ Event will be held on Tuesday Dec. 8 9:45 am-1:00 pm @ Center Point Church (163 Todd's Rd. Lexington. The event will also be available online at Central Kentucky Network of Baptists Facebook Page.
The global pandemic has had multiple side effects on communities in which we minister. As we prepare to re-engage with our communities, it is important to realize the emotional, relational and psychological needs around us due to the side effects of the pandemic.
In this special Leadership IQ Summit, we will address the impact of COVID in the community surrounding your church…
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Increased Alcohol and Substance abuse
  • Physical and Sexual Abuse
  • Suicidal thoughts and hopelessness
The church must be leveraged to bring hope to the hurting and light to the darkness. Join this special summit as we prayerfully address this urgent need in ministry.

Lunch will be provided for in person attendees. To register click the link provided below. We will be practicing Physical Distancing and observing CDC Guidelines.
Advent Devotional by Rick Iles
Nothing Is Impossible With God:
A Christmas Devotional for Families
In just a few minutes a day, this devotional will bring the birth of Jesus alive for your entire family.
It is designed for one chapter to be read each day during the month of December. Each devotion contains a Scripture verse, narrative, and questions to use with your family. The book can be used by adults as well as by children. It has been used by adult Sunday school classes, small groups and for personal devotions. We trust that this book will bring this wonderful story to life as you celebrate the first Advent of Jesus the Messiah.
Senior Pastor Position Available
Belleview Baptist Church

Belleview Baptist Church is accepting resumes for the position of Full-Time Senior Pastor. Primary duties include: preaching and teaching the Word of God, Biblically leading our church in areas of worship, evangelism, discipleship, ministry and fellowship, providing pastoral care and equipping our membership to reach the lost.

Please send resume to either the email or physical address below. Upon request, please provide a DVD or link to streaming media. Submission end date is December 18, 2020.

Visit for further details and church information.
Contact: David Stolz, Chairman, Pastor Search Committee [email protected]
Belleview Baptist Church
6658 Fifth Street Burlington, KY 41005