Newsletter June 2023
Coming Events and Information
A Word from Charles

Summer 2023 is here. I look forward to long hours of daylight and sunshine. I am adjusting to the long evenings which I loved 20 years ago when I lived outside of Louisville. While the weather is much more pleasant than the harsh cold winter. Pastors and Churches deal with the positives and negatives that summer brings. We were always aware that Summer Slump would be attacking at some point. Summer sports, vacations, recreation, and summer projects can cause a decrease in our attendance in our churches. This can be discouraging for pastors and churches. This summer slump can create a loss of interest in your ministry setting. Even though it was difficult at times, I pressed forward in ministry and dealing with the summer slump at the same time.  
There are some things that we can plan for in the summer that can boost attendance and be an encouragement to our pastors and churches. The first of these is Vacation Bible School. I know it is an summer ministry program that has been around for decades, but it still serves to be very effective in our Childrens’ ministries. For many it is still the number one evangelistic event that we have in our churches. Our Annual Church Profile is very reflective on what VBS can do for our baptisms when someone is saved at VBS. In my days as a pastor, I was always supportive of VBS. I have seen sanctuaries crammed pack on the final evening of VBS with great family prospects and with those who don’t know Christ as their Savior. It also provided an opportunity to build relationships with those that we have in our VBS Classes. 
For years, I taught an Adult VBS class. This gives an opportunity for those who are bringing their kids to VBS to share and see what the kids are learning. Also, it provides an opportunity for you to get to know them. For years, many of my senior adults would attend and enjoyed it as well. I would teach the same lessons that the students had. Even some years we would have crafts as well. 
Also, summertime is a great time for fellowship activities. I have done various things from ice cream socials to a watermelon bust, grilling hamburgers and hotdogs, snow cones, and a fish fry at the end of summer. These events can take the pressure away of the summer slump.    I will say that the events will require some effort and resources so the more involved, the more ownership you will have. As a pastor, I knew it would be challenging with all of other activities going on but felt the need to pursue for the spiritual benefit of my congregation.  
Also, I want to share that we will have our next Pastor’s fellowship at the NKBA Office. It will be on Tuesday June 27 @10am and 6pm. Come on out for a time of fellowship and meal. We look forward to seeing you and may the Lord bless your ministries this summer.
Bro. Charles 
Southern Baptist Convention Annual Meeting
June 11 - 14

for more information or to register.
Used Church Bus For Sale
Union Baptist Church (Union, KY) is selling a 2010 Ford E350, 15-passenger bus with 40,075 miles. The asking price is $17,500 (negotiable). 
Please find attached a document with information and photos (interior, engine, exterior and tires (new). Click here for pictures.
For further information or inquiries, please email or call the church office at (859) 384-3855.
Mark Your Calendars:
June 11-14 - SBC Annual Meeting
June 25 - Mission Dignity Sunday
July 2 - Religious Liberty Sunday
July 4 - Independence Day, NKBA Office Closed