A Word from Charles
Happy October Everyone,
This coming Wednesday October 4, we are having the NKBA Dessert and Gaither Concert at Hebron Baptist Church. We will have a Dessert and Coffee at 1 pm. The Concert will begin at 2 pm. It will last for about 45 minutes. Bro. Mark Swadley will be leading the 55+ Notes of Joy Choir from the Lone Oak Baptist Church from Paducah, Ky. I had this choir when I was at Zion’s Cause and my church really enjoyed them. Come on out, enjoy the fellowship, and praise to God in the Concert. Also, on October 26, we will have a NKBA Pastor Appreciation Dinner at Burlington Baptist Church at 6 pm. We invite all our pastors to come out to this event and bring your wife!
October is Pastor Appreciation month. I am reminded of what the Apostle Paul said to the church in Thessalonica in I Thessalonians 5:12-13. Paul said, “And we urge you, brethren, to recognize those who labor among you, and are over you in the Lord and admonish you, and to esteem very highly in love for their work’s sake.” (NKJV). Pastor Appreciation month is a time we honor our pastors for the work that they do. Most will never know what a pastor does from week to week. Preaching is primary as a pastor but there are several tasks that he will perform in a given week that is not even connected to preaching. Here are the top 12 responsibilities that congregations will rank for prospective pastors.; Sermon Preparation, Counseling, Visiting Prospective members, Leadership/Administration, Personal Bible Study and Prayer, Personal soul-winning, Visiting members (which includes the sick, homebound, and those in crisis), attending denominational meetings (association, state and national), Civic affairs, Promoting church ministries/programs, Reading, and Continuing Education. These are the top 12 listed on a questionnaire. There are many more responsibilities that are not even covered in this list. I was reading another list that gave reasons why you should honor your pastor. A pastor should be honored because he works long and hard hours. A pastor should be honored because he deals with tough stuff. A pastor should be honored because he deserves it. A pastor should be honored because he needs rest. A pastor should be honored because he needs ENCOURAGEMENT.
I encourage every church to honor their pastor or pastors this month. There are several ways that you can do that. I have seen some churches do a fellowship and give the pastor and pastors a gift. I have seen churches honor the pastors every Sunday with letters and gifts. Giving meaningful cards and messages, a gift tree, have you kids ministry do thank you projects and gifts, give a weekend off or plan a trip for the pastor and his family. Some of these things take planning and not just a last-minute preparation.
As a church take care of your pastor or pastors. They care for the needs of the church. They shepherd the congregation. They provide leadership and direction. They minister. . .
Bro. Charles