This quarter we are pleased to highlight St. Elizabeth Healthcare-Activating Hope, with whom we partner to provide substance misuse, mental health support, resources, and education to our NKY schools and communities.
St. Elizabeth Activating Hope-Promoting Health in Mind, Body, and Spirit
St. Elizabeth Healthcare provides comprehensive and compassionate care that improves the health of the people we serve. In that regard, we consider the whole person and how he or she interacts with his or her environment. Individual behaviors impact the health and well-being of our mind, body, and spirit. This includes behaviors such as eating habits, substance use, sleep patterns, and exercising that either immediately or over time impact physical or mental health. Therefore, we encourage the adoption of positive behaviors that promote the health and well-being of body, mind, and spirit. Click Here for a navigation map to the best information available on the internet about suicide, mental health, and substance use.
Join us to address mental health concerns and prevention of suicide among youth
Activating Hope: Community Collaboration
What: This is a community collaboration of individuals and organizations interested to address mental health concerns and prevention of suicide, particularly among youth.
When: The group meets on the third Thursday of each month from 10:30 a.m. to Noon.
Where: The group meets through ZOOM
Who: For more information, please contact Lisa Anglin through email at