NLAI Ministry Update | May 2022
Dear Friends,

For years research has shown that quality mentoring programs reduce dropout and incarceration rates among at-risk kids. In addition, children with a positive mentoring relationship are more likely to do well in school, aspire to graduate from a university, participate in extracurricular activities such as sports and music, are more likely to hold a leadership position in a school or church organization, and to go on to be a mentor for another at-risk child.

That is why one of the focuses of the ministries of NLAI is mentoring at-risk children – either directly or by identifying, training, and matching Christian mentors from outside the organization with the children that we serve. I hope you will take the time to hear from Roblans Mejia from Echo Reach, from NLCH’s Mentor Program Coordinator Kourtney Nance, and from William Fuentes, who along with his wife, Tara, has not only mentored kids at NLCH, but recently took one of our boys who is turning 18 into their home to live. 


Kendon Wheeler,
NLAI President
We believe in the power of mentorship!
Roblans Mejia (pictured at left), along with his wife Jessi (center background). directs Echo Reach Ministries, a soccer-as-discipleship ministry that is currently looking to expand into longer-term mentorship and apprenticeship as Roblans teaches young men how to do construction work, build furniture, and teach other marketable skills.
Kourtney Nance helped start and now coordinates the Mentorship Program at New Life Children’s Home.
Kourtney says,
"Our vision and prayer is that these mentoring relationships will continue long after our kids leave NLCH as young adults."
William Fuentes and his wife, Tara, have been part of NLCH's Mentorship program almost since its inception. They recently welcomed Carlos, William's mentee, into their home. Carlos is almost 18 and will be transitioning to independent living.
Semana Santa was an exciting and meaningful time at NLCH with all of our kiddos. We enjoyed our time together as we celebrated the resurrection of our Messiah.
We are happy to report that we have received the funding needed to complete our School Expansion Project! We praise the Lord for his faithfulness and provision!