Your Provincial Executive met in St. John's on June 7, 2024. Executive Notes is a summary of decisions and discussions that occurred during this meeting.
For further information contact any member of Provincial Executive or the NLTA staff person as indicated.
President’s Report
Since the last meeting of Provincial Executive, the President participated in several events and attended meetings in his capacity as President, including attendance at the CAPTTO Annual General Meeting, a Teachers’ Pension Plan Joint Sponsor Body meeting and a School Board Teacher Liaison Meeting. President Langdon also participated in several NLTA Special Interest Council conferences, as well as a number of media interviews on various topics, including cell phone usage in schools and emergency supply personnel. The full President’s report is available here.
For further information contact Trent Langdon, President.
Association Priorities
Updates on the NLTA Priorities for 2023-25 were provided to the Provincial Executive and Branch Presidents for review, questions, and comment. The priorities are: Workload Concerns; Membership Well-being and Protection; Collective Bargaining and Services for Members; Retention, Recruitment and Resources; and Advocacy on and Response to Government Initiatives. The Association priorities are available here.
For further information contact Trent Langdon, President or Stefanie Tuff, Executive Director.
Business from Standing Committees
Table Officers
The NLTA will donate $1,860 to Roots of Empathy to support their 2024-25 school programming and $2,000 to the NL Public Sector Pensioners’ Association to support their upcoming convention.
For further information contact Trent Langdon, President or Stefanie Tuff, Executive Director.
Professional Issues Committee
The NLTA will award a Centennial Study Award, valued at $2,500, to Dennis Barrow. The Study Awards are awarded to teachers on an annual basis to support the continuing professional development of certified teachers in the province.
For further information contact Hollis Cull, Chair of the Professional Issues Committee or Darlene Johnson, Administrative Officer.
Equity Issues in Education Committee
The NLTA will consider hosting a caucus/session for members of equity seeking groups interested in leadership at the next Biennial General Meeting.
For further information contact Angela Dawe, Chair of the Equity Issues in Education Committee or Jody Saunders, Administrative Officer.
Substitute Teacher Committee
The NLTA will lobby the employer to increase the number of advertised substitute positions in schools.
For further information contact Russell Stockley, Chair of the Substitute Teacher Committee or Gabe Ryan, Administrative Officer.
Membership Benefits and Services Committee
The Joint Council Observer Program will be continued and promoted within the membership without change or alteration. The NLTA supports branches in their application to fund one observer per branch to one Joint Council meeting over a two-year period.
For further information contact Darryl George, Chair of the Membership Benefits and Services Committee or Bob Johnston, Administrative Officer.
Group Insurance Managers
At their most recent meeting, in an effort to limit risk to the NLTA Group Insurance Plan, Group Insurance Managers decided to set an annual calendar maximum of $250,000 per insured member, effective June 1, 2024. Any insured member with annual claims more than $250,000 prior to June 1, 2024, will not be subject to this maximum.
The following individuals will be appointed as Group Insurance Managers as of August 1, 2024, for the 2024-25 school year:
· Rob Kennedy, a teacher representative for the Labrador Region.
· Corey Ivany, a teacher representative for the Western Region.
· Jocelyn Bath, a teacher representative for the Central Region.
· Daisy Hardy, a teacher representative for the Eastern Region.
· Craig Hicks, a Retired Teachers’ Association of NL representative.
· Provincial Executive representatives are Tracey Payne, appointed as Chair, and Sheldon Slaney.
For further information contact Tracey Payne, Chair of Group Insurance Managers or John Veitch, Administrative Officer.
NLTA Teacher Voice Facebook Page
On May 16, 2024, in response to an increased number of complaints and member-reported content related to posts and comments on the Teacher Voice Facebook group, Provincial Executive decided to discontinue access to and participation in the group, pending further consideration of the future of Teacher Voice. After careful consideration of the intended use of the group, recent concerns regarding group activity, staff capacity to monitor and moderate the group, and advice from NLTA legal counsel, Provincial Executive has decided that the NLTA will discontinue the NLTA Teacher Voice Facebook Page permanently.
For further information contact Trent Langdon, President, or Jennifer Tulk, Communications Officer.
Executive Motions
The following motions were carried by Provincial Executive:
· The NLTA will advocate for the acceptance of new Masters Level Programs (including, but not limited to, Masters of Social Work) for the purpose of “upgrading” with Teacher Certification.
· The Collective Bargaining Committee will consider for inclusion in the next round of collective bargaining, the notion of an allowance for athletic directors in the school system.
· The NLTA will request a copy of the policies regarding illness and disease prevention for students and staff.
Discussion Topics
The following topics were reviewed and discussed by Provincial Executive: Emergency Supply personnel; qualifications for teaching positions; cannabis use harm reduction study; and SAC Provincial Conference.
For further information contact Trent Langdon, President or Ian Crewe, Assistant Executive Director.
Provincial Executive Meeting Minutes
The minutes of the April 26 and May 16, 2024, Provincial Executive meetings, as adopted during the June 7, 2024, Provincial Executive meeting, are available here.
For further information contact Trent Langdon, President or Stefanie Tuff, Executive Director.
Next Meeting
The next meeting of Provincial Executive is scheduled for September 20-21, 2024.
For further information contact Trent Langdon, President or Stefanie Tuff, Executive Director.