Your Provincial Executive met in St. John’s on October 20, 2023. Executive Notes is a summary of decisions and discussions that occurred during the meeting.
For further information contact any member of Provincial Executive or the NLTA staff person as indicated.
President’s Report
Since the last meeting of Provincial Executive, the President participated in several events and attended meetings in his capacity as President, including attending the Relationships First NL Summer Institute, a counter-protest at Confederation Building in support of 2SLGBTQIA+ rights, a SAC regional president’s meeting in Grand Falls-Windsor and the NLCPA Conference. The President spoke with several media outlets, including a number of back-to-school interviews and was a featured guest on NTV Issues and Answers as well as CBC Radio’s The Signal. The full President’s Report is available here.
For further information contact Trent Langdon, President.
Association Priorities
Updates on the NLTA Priorities for 2023-25 were provided to the Provincial Executive. The priorities are: Workload Concerns; Membership Well-being and Protection; Collective Bargaining and Services for Members; Retention, Recruitment and Resources; Advocacy on and Response to Government Initiatives. The Association priorities are available here.
For further information contact Trent Langdon, President or Stefanie Tuff, Executive Director.
Business from Standing Committees
Table Officers
- The April 2024 Provincial Executive meeting will be held in Clarenville.
- The NLTA will donate $7,500 to the Kids Eat Smart Foundation to support their 2023-24 school programming.
- The NLTA will contribute $950 to the Murphy Centre to support the Readiness Program.
- The NLTA will donate $500 to Education International to support the Morocco Earthquake relief effort.
- The NLTA will support the Citizen Crime Prevention Association of NL through the purchase of an advertisement in the upcoming Drug Abuse Awareness Guide.
For further information contact Trent Langdon, President or Stefanie Tuff, Executive Director.
Finance and Property Committee
The NLTA has made changes to the Child/Dependent Care Policy to include the reference to dependent care, clarify the ages of each type of care and set the maximum daily rate for care at $120.
For further information contact Sheldon Slaney, Chair of the Finance and Property Committee or Wade Rogers, Manager of Corporate Services.
Professional Issues Committee
The Professional Issues Committee will be located in Deer Lake and permission has been granted for one member of the committee to reside outside the 100 kilometre limit.
For further information contact Hollis Cull, Chair of the Professional Issues Committee or Darlene Johnson, Administrative Officer.
New Business Items
- The NLTA will discuss with other public sector unions the possibility of a joint cost-of-living analysis, conducted by an outside agency, to determine the adequacy of remuneration under the Labrador Benefits Agreement.
- The Association will look at developing a membership survey to determine best payment methods related to the three-week pay gap.
- The NLTA will lobby the employer to hold paid orientation sessions for all new hires prior to the start of work.
- The NLTA will also lobby the employer to provide members with timely access to personal sick leave information.
For further information contact Trent Langdon, President or Ian Crewe, Assistant Executive Director.
Discussion Topics
The following topics were reviewed and discussed by Provincial Executive: SmartFind, Crises in K-6 Schools, Sick Leave Data, and IRT and Hearing & Vision Assessments/Screening.
For further information contact Trent Langdon, President or Stefanie Tuff, Executive Director.
Provincial Executive Meeting Minutes
The minutes of the August 22-24, 2023, Executive Planning meeting and the minutes of the August 24, 2023, Provincial Executive meeting, as adopted during the October 20, 2023 Provincial Executive meeting, are available here.
For further information contact Trent Langdon, President or Stefanie Tuff, Executive Director.
Next Meeting
The next meeting of Provincial Executive is scheduled for November 30, 2023.
For further information contact Trent Langdon, President or Stefanie Tuff, Executive Director.