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March 15, 2024

Several Events of Inspiration, Reflection, and Connection

Spring blessings to all and a special note highlighting upcoming events with us and partnering organizations. Please let us know if you have any questions!

March 21st, 6:00 pm "Living with The Land: Seasonal Sharings (The Gift of Tears)"


During seasonal transitions like the equinox and solstice, NM IPL is planning to host virtual gatherings that help us return to and reflect upon the rhythms of the earth.  In this first gathering we will uplift “The Gift of Tears” as intersections of spring equinox, lunar cycles, and world water day lead us to reflect on the presence and wisdom of sacred waters in us and beyond us. Join us for meditations and sharings led by Lisa Leahigh and Clara Sims.

Please register for the zoom link HERE.

April 10th, 8:30 am "In Uncharted Times: A Sacred Conversation with Creation"

(In-person and virtual options)

We are co-hosting a people of faith and faith leader breakfast with the New Mexico Conference of Churches exploring how to deepen our spiritual and theological service and transformation in a climate warming world. All who are ordained and non-ordained but committed to living and working faithfully in our ecological and climate challenged moment are encouraged to join with others in this inspirational gathering of meditation, sharing food, and input and conversation with Episcopal Bishop Michael Hunn and Rev. Talitha Arnold, United Church of Santa Fe.

For in-person participants: optional guided meditation at 8:00, breakfast at 8:30, and speakers at 8:45. Please RSVP HERE for a light breakfast of pastries, fruit, and yogurt.

For virtual participants: we begin livestreaming to Facebook at 8:45. Register HERE.

April 15th, 6:00 pm "Letters to My Grandchildren: An Evening with Author Larry Rasmussen


Do you have a green justice team or initiative in your faith community? We want to better imagine how we can collaborate and support one another in the work of deepening our relationships of care to creation. We are holding this virtual gathering for communities across New Mexico and in El Paso. We will be joined by Larry Rasmussen reflecting on his book The Planet You Inherit: Letters to My Grandchildren When Uncertainty’s a Sure Thing. 

Please register for the zoom link HERE.

April 21st, 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Earth Day Festival at Balloon Fiesta Park, ABQ


NM IPL will be tabling at an Earth Day Festival that has been organized by Sierra Club and 350.org NM. This will be a family friendly event full of fun acitivities, booths, and presenations -- including guidance for non-profits and individuals on energy effeciency and electrification plans.

Tickets are free through March 31st!

Please find tickets and more information HERE.

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