November News & Updates

Oct 31, 2024 | Issue 77

Quarterly Event - Recap

Thank you to everyone who joined us at our Quarterly Event with the City of Santa Fe! The celebration featured delicious local food and drinks, vibrant music, captivating art, and great opportunities for networking among members, sponsors, entrepreneurs, and the NM ecosystem. Through engaging presentations and showcases, we highlighted the incredible ventures shaping our community. We're grateful to all participants and partners for fostering connections that drive economic development and innovation in New Mexico.

Special thanks to:

Thank you all for making this event a success! We look forward to seeing you at the next one.

Los Alamos - Angel Social

WED, Dec 4 | 5–7:30PM

Los Alamos location shared day before event

Join NM Angels in Los Alamos to explore angel investing and New Mexico’s startup scene! Invite Only – Registration code required!

Holiday Hanukkah Celebration

FRI, Dec 13 | 6:30–8:30PM

NE ABQ, Private Home

Join us for an evening of lights, laughter, and latkes! Celebrate Hanukkah with our community through dreidel games, White Elephant gift exchange and traditional foods.

Members, Sponsors and +1s welcome! Advance RSVP required, space is limited.

Speed Mentoring – ActivateNM

FRI, Nov 15 | 10AM–12PM


3225 Central Ave NE ABQ

Revitalize mentorship with rapid, one-on-one interactions between Founders & Mentors! Think speed dating for entrepreneurs!

New Mexico Bionetworking Summit

WED, Nov 13 | 5–7PM

Q Station

3225 Central Ave NE ABQ

Join the New Mexico Bioscience Authority, NMBio, NMSU Arrowhead Center, and UNM Rainforest for an evening of bioscience, networking, and socializing with stakeholders from academia, government, and industry.

Welcome NM Angels’ New Board Members:

Michael Knight

Brandi Mummert

David Cremer


Planning our Holiday E-News! Gathering discounts and special offers for upcoming gift-buying. Is your business interested? Email!

NM Economic Development Department (NM EDD) launched a Request for Proposals (RFPs) for startup and high growth companies for Science and Technology Assistance. Proposals due are Nov 7

Companies in Diligence


#1 Baryon - Energy efficiency technologies enabling a path to net zero carbon by 2050

#2 Nibbles - Secondary consumer credit card that gives people free pet insurance as a membership perk

#3 GridFlow - New Lithium Sulfur battery for home energy storage

See ALL NM Angels’ Active Deals Here!

Contact to join.

Investor Events

Mentor Program

NM Angels has a Mentor Program to support entrepreneurs and management teams who would appreciate and benefit from advising in a range of professional disciplines for business success.

Mentors & Mentees apply below!

Join New Mexico Angels!

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