September News & Updates

September 26, 2024 | Issue 74

NM Angels - Quarterly Event Recap

Thank you NMSU Arrowhead for partnering as part of your first Startup Forum! Excellent event enjoyed by 100s. Great companies and excellent speakers.

Congrats to Charles Call of GridFlow for winning the NM Startup World Cup

Gridflow advances to the Startup World Cup in San Francisco in October. 

NM Angels Quarterly Celebration in Collaboration with Arrowhead

WED, Oct 23


Farmers’ Market Pavilion

1607 Paseo de Peralta, SF

Celebration of entrepreneurship in Santa Fe and beyond! 

Local food, beverages, music, art, and fun

Open to ALL and ABQ carpools available!

Angel Investing Primere

THURS, Oct 10

4-5 PM


Accredited Angels & NMA members only

Hosted by our partner, Arizona Tech Investors

Angel Capital Association Summit 2025 in Denver

Get free admission to the conference by signing up to volunteer! To sign up, contact Kevin Kudra, conference chair for the ACA Summit.

Interested in joining?

Companies in Diligence


#1 Baryon - Energy efficiency technologies that help enable a path to net zero carbon by 2050

#2 Scintellite - Experience the unparalleled progress in eye clinic automation

#3 Integrated OffGrid (dba GridFlow) - Bringing a new Lithium-sulfur battery technology to market

Join or follow these companies.

NM Vintage Fund

Fund II: fully invested, see the portfolio

Fund III: launched July, 5 investments made and counting



Existing Investee Companies Raising

Investor Events

Mentor Program

NM Angels has established a mentorship program in support of business owners and management teams who would appreciate and benefit from advisement in a variety of professional disciplines for business success.

Mentors & Mentees apply below!

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