The History of Hospitality
in New Mexico -
On January 18, 1936, the board of directors of the New Mexico Hotel Association met, and the president gave a report on the results of a member survey on telephone rates and contracts. Eighty-five years later, NMHA is still working to ensure we represent the interests of our members. Our current survey asks if our members support or oppose the effort to legalize recreational cannabis in New Mexico. To participate in the current survey, go to:
If you're curious about the result of that 1936 survey, here it is:
"The president recommended that the Association endeavor to get the present maximum long distance charge of $1.00, on which 10% commission is allowed, raised to $2.50 or $5.00, if possible."
The issues may shift, but our mission remains the same - to advocate for our members at the local, state, and federal level.