Volume 4, Number 3                                 March  2020

The NMRA's Turntable is a monthly publication which, like a railroad turntable, will lead you in a number of directions on the internet.  
This e-publication is a collection of railroad and model railroad videos, podcasts, websites, and/or other information freely available on the internet that we think may be of interest to you. The NMRA claims no ownership of this information, nor do we endorse its creators or their websites. The NMRA Turntable will not promote individuals or their for-profit ventures.

A Members-Only Exclusive Clinic

from Model Railroader Video Plus

Model Railroader Video Plus reboots the popular Rehab My Railroad series with an all-new project effort on Model Railroader magazine's HO scale Milwaukee, Racine, and Troy (MR&T) model railroad. Reality quickly sets in when top-notch modelers David Popp and Cody Grivino start sizing up Jones Island (a.k.a. Kelly's Island), the most visible scene on the 28 x 55 foot, employee-built layout. They waste little time hatching track plans to consider for a complete refresh of the entire waterfront industrial scene. Catch the action - only on MRVideoPlus.com!

This isn't a quick build, so if you're after a whole forest you can simplify the process somewhat. But this wire frame tree is meant to be hyper-realistic - a showpiece, with vines and ivy and sculpted bark.
Brian is active in Model Railroading and his layout proves that! Brian is also President of the Cresswind Model Railroad Club in Gainesville, Georgia.
Train traffic over single track railways back in the early days of railroading was far more challenging but it could be just as potentially dangerous as it is today. The method shown here was created in the early days of railroading as a foolproof method to prevent head-on collisions. This general type of control goes by several names such as Baton, Staff, or Token (among others) and can still be found on some railroads and Heritage lines around the world.

This video involves modelling a narrow waterfall, creating rock cliffs (or canyon sides) with bark, making an epoxy resin river, and most notably building up layers of foliage to create an amazing, overgrown mossy look.

 Podcast Interviews

An interview with Author and Model Railroader Columnist Pelle Søeborg.


Included in these two Ken Patterson Podcast programs, "What's Neat This Week in Model Railroading," are discussions on what are the tours and clinics that will be available at the upcoming Gateway 2020, this year's NMRA National Convention in St. Louis, MO. Check them out and we hope to see you in St. Louis this summer!

Best of the Rest
In this update, Roy shows how he installs and programs NCE Switch-Kats in the staging yard of his N scale model railroad.


In this video, Daryl shows how he installed a pair of railroad crossings on his N scale model railroad using BLMA Concrete Crossings.

In this video showing the railway line between Chester and Holyhead along the north coast of Wales in the United Kingdom. I've ridden this line several times but this was the first time I'd gotten to see it from the driver's perspective! Notes scroll by on the bottom of the screen describing what we are seeing and occasional maps show where we are along the route. If you come to Birmingham in 2022 for that year's NMRA National Convention, this is one railway trip you should look into taking!

Today the presenter unboxes ScaleTrains latest SD40-2 and sees just how easy it is to get it running on his layout using his ESU CabControl DCC system.

A layout tour of a very well done HO scale model railroad depicting the prototype-based freelanced BNSF Fall River Division. The style of layout construction is a mushroom-linear-walk-around design which will be explained in the video.

An interesting find from the Fox Movietone newsreel outtakes collection - Baldwin-built 4-8-2 Mountain-class steam locomotives, destined for Chile State Railways, being loaded on a freighter. In 1929, the railway placed a large order for locomotives and coaches, and in November they were loaded onto the MS Belpariel for shipment to Chile.

The NMRA Partnership Program is a member benefit that truly has a tangible payback. We've partnered with model railroad manufacturers of all sizes, giving them exposure on our website in return for receiving generous discounts for NMRA members all year long. Some provide members with special codes, others prefer a phone or email order, but all appreciate the additional business from our members. And of course, our members appreciate the extra savings...savings that can actually pay the cost of NMRA membership!  Be sure to check back often as new Partners are being added all of the time.

The Division Business Car column appears in even-numbered months in NMRA Magazine. It's loaded with great modeling ideas, plus useful information that can help make your Division, Region or 100% NMRA Club even better. The information comes from articles published in Region, Division, and club newsletters. The best of these articles are posted on the NMRA website. You can read the entire archive, from as far back as 2011 right up to the latest posting, by clicking here .

Don't forget to visit the Partnership Program page


on our website to get great deals and discounts!

Previous issues of the  NMRA Turntable are available on the Turntable Archives page. You must first log in as a member at:  nmra.org    After you are in the members-only section, then hover over Publications on the menu bar, then  NMRA Turntable , and then click on one of the list of back issues.
Editor:  Paul V. Voelker
Executive Editor:    John Stevens
The NMRA Turntable is an official monthly production of the National Model Railroad Association, Inc. Publishing Department (Don Phillips, Manager).  Its purpose is to introduce NMRA members to a selection of instructional videos and online publications that they may find of interest.  If you know of an NMRA member who is not receiving this mailing, please direct them to here to update their email address.  If you no longer wish to receive these mailings, please don't mark them as SPAM.  Instead, click the Safe Unsubscribe link at the bottom of this page. ©2017 National Model Railroad Association, Inc., P.O. Box 1328, Soddy Daisy TN 37384.