The Following is from National Network for Youth (NN4Y)
Policy Updates: Stopgap Funding Bill Passes - Will Keep Federal Government Funded to December 11th
Today, the Senate passed a bipartisan stopgap funding bill that will keep the federal government funded through December 11th. This bill is a short-term funding fix that extended the existing FY 2020 budget. The next stop for this bill is the President’s signature. In addition to extending existing funding levels for all federal programs, the following additional spending measures were included:

  • $8 billion in nutrition assistance 

  • Billions of dollars in farmer trade relief payments

  • A year-long extension of a program that allows families with school-aged children to buy groceries during the pandemic
Policy Updates: House Unveils Updated COVID-19 Relief Bill
Late Monday night, House Democrats released a revised $2.2 trillion coronavirus relief package which could come to the House floor for a vote this week. This package does include some important homelessness assistance, as well as housing resources, including: 

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

  • Runaway and Homeless Youth Act: Gives the HHS Secretary the authority to provide the following flexibilities for the Runaway and Homeless Youth (RHY) program: 

  • Waiving the 21 day maximum length of stay in RHY Basic Center Programs

  • Waiving the 540-day and 635-day maximum length of stay in RHY Transitional Living Program

  • Waiving the 20-youth maximum capacity in RHY Basic Center Programs and 20-individual maximum capacity in RHY Transitional Living Programs when grantees assure that waiving such capacity limits does not compromise the health and safety of youth or staff or the ability to implement applicable Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidance

  • Waiving the 90 percent limitation on the Federal cost share

However, the National Network for Youth continues to advocate for urgent funding needs that were not included and as negotiations are ongoing, we are asking you to continue to advocate so that we can be sure that assistance to youth experiencing homelessness is not excluded in the final package. Join us in strongly urging Congress to include the following vital policies in the next coronavirus relief package:

  • Runaway and Homeless Youth Act flexible funding for new and current grantees at $300 million

  • Education for Homeless Children and Youth Act flexible funding to provide stability and support for students experiencing homelessness at $500 million
NN4Y Call to Action
Ask your U.S. House Representatives and Senators to cosponsor the Emergency Family Stabilization Act, H.R.7950/S.3923.

  1. Send an email using this tool.
  2. Call both of your U.S. Senators and your U.S. Representative and ask them to cosponsor the Emergency Family Stabilization Act, H.R.7950/S.3923

DIAL: U.S. Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121


"My name is _______ and I am a resident of ________.  I am very concerned about the children and youth experiencing homelessness in my community, especially during the pandemic. To date, Congress has not provided the type of support that our children and youth need to be safe, stable, and thrive. As a constituent, I am asking you to cosponsor the Emergency Family Stabilization Act, H.R.7950/S.3923. This bill fills a gap in the federal response, and will greatly benefit ______ [state or city] children and youth."
Webinar: 10/6 @ 1 PM ET (10AM PST) - What's Happening on the Hill: Update on Child, Youth, and Family Homelessness
A joint webinar with SchoolHouse Connection: What’s the status of Congressional action on bills relating to children, youth, and families experiencing homelessness? This webinar will provide an up-to-the-minute update on pending federal legislation, including COVID-19 relief legislation and FY2021 funding. We’ll also provide a brief primer on the most effective ways to educate and advocate with your Members of Congress, including virtual meetings with Congressional staff.
Report: What Drives Learning: Young People's Perspectives on the Importance of Relationships, Belonging, and Agency
This is the newest report in the Center for Promise at America’s Promise Alliance's research series, How Learning Happens. Based on findings from a nationally representative survey of 3,300 high school students, the report provides insight into young people’s perceptions of the conditions that support their social, emotional, and cognitive learning and development. What Drives Learning highlights the effect that supportive relationships, a sense of belonging, and feelings of agency can have on students’ self-reported engagement and learning in school.
Call For Proposals Due: 11/13
The National Network for Youth (NN4Y) is already planning 2021 National Summit on Youth Homelessness on Wednesday, March 24, 2021 - Thursday, March 25, 2021. We are currently planning for this Summit on multiple fronts, including planning for both a fully virtual and a hybrid (in-person and virtual options) event. We have released our Call for Proposals form and are specifically seeking proposals that focuses on the intersection of policy and practice in the following three tracks:

  • Prevention 

  • Advanced Practice 

  • Nonprofit CEO 

Breakout session proposals are reviewed by NN4Y’s 2021 Summit Working Group. Organizations or individuals may submit up to three proposals each for consideration. All proposal submissions are due by midnight on November 13, 2020.