NNA Nominations
NNA Nominations close soon on JULY 31st, 2022. If you or anyone you know is interested in serving within Nevada Nurses Association please visit your NNA Membership portal at nvnurses.org and complete the nominations form.
The following positions are open for candidates for the 2022 Election:
§ State Level: seeking candidates for the positions of:
o President (2-yr term)
o Vice President (2-yr term)
o Treasurer (2-yr term)
o Director At Large (two positions, all 2-yr terms)
§ Northern Nevada & Rurals - District 1: seeking candidates for the positions of:
o President-Elect (1 -year term and then becomes President)
o Treasurer (2-yr term)
o Secretary (2-yr term)
o Directors (three positions, all 2-yr terms)
§ Southern Nevada - District 3: seeking candidates for the positions of:
o Treasurer (2-yr term)
o Secretary (2-yr term)
§ ANA Membership Assembly in Washington DC: seeking candidates for one Representative & two alternates (1-yr terms). This position only serves in the summer for the Assembly, expenses are covered.
§ Nominations Committee: three members (1-yr terms)