NNA Community Newsletter

December 2022 Issue

  • Applications Open for NNA-CO Convergence Working Groups - Early Career Fellows & Experienced Co-leads
  • NNA Partner Organization Video Updates
  • Bering Sea Elders Group Fall/Winter 2022 Newsletter Available
  • Inclusive Mentoring: Becoming a Better Mentor Workshop
  • Article Available - Addressing Climate Impacts in Alaska Native Tribes: Legal Barriers for Community Relocation due to Thawing Permafrost and Coastal Erosion
  • NNA Project Highlight - Arctic Impacts and Reverberations of Expanding Global Maritime Trade Routes
  • Upcoming Events

NNA Proposal Solicitation Reminder: The next NNA proposal solicitation deadline is February 8, 2023. See solicitation details here.

From everyone here at the NNA Community Office, we wish you a joyful holiday season. The end of the year gives us all an opportunity to reflect on what we’ve accomplished and how grateful we are for the partnerships and relationships we’ve built. Our team would like to express our sincere gratitude for your commitment to the NNA initiative. Wishing you peace, joy, and warmth this season and beyond.

Applications Open for NNA-CO Convergence Working Groups - Early Career Fellows & Experienced Co-leads

Announcing open applications for NNA-CO Early Career Fellows and Experienced Co-leads for new Convergence Working Groups!

Bringing together diverse perspectives across disciplines and knowledge systems can help to address complex and societally important topics in the Arctic. To support Arctic-focused convergence and collaboration now and into the future, the NNA-CO is supporting the formation of four 2-year Convergence Working Groups. Each group will be collaboratively led by two Early Career Fellows and one Experienced Co-lead. The applications received for these roles will help the NNA-CO decide on the final Convergence Working Group themes, which will then be further defined and focused in partnership with the selected Early Career Fellows and Experienced Co-leads. These opportunities are open to researchers and scholars, including Arctic Indigenous students, scholars, community members, leaders or practitioners. Early Career Fellows and Working Groups will be financially supported to assist with achieving diverse participation and successful activities. Activities will emphasize relationship building and creating a lasting legacy to benefit Arctic communities and the broader NNA community. 

The NNA-CO is seeking applications for both Early Career Fellows and Experienced Co-leads. Deadline to apply is January 18, 2023.

Find out more and apply below!

Application Information

NNA Partner Organization Video Updates

During the 2022 NNA Annual Community Meeting, several organizations pre-recorded updates for the NNA community which were displayed during the in-person poster session. The NNA-CO has compiled these updates into a YouTube playlist. Follow this link to listen to updates from ArcticNet, ARCUS, IARPC, Kawerak, PSECCO, Polar STEAM, SEARCH, and UIC.

Bering Sea Elders Group Fall/Winter 2022 Newsletter Available

The Bering Sea Elders Group (BSEG) is an organization of 38 member Tribes from the Kuskokwim Bay to the Bering Strait. Their mission is to speak and work together as one voice to protect and respect their traditional ways of life, the ocean web of life that supports the resources they rely on, and their children’s future. Click the image below to read their Fall/Winter 2022 newsletter.

Inclusive Mentoring: Becoming a Better Mentor Workshop

January 25, 2023, 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM MST

In this 1.5-hour interactive workshop, research mentoring experts will introduce key concepts for creating welcoming and inclusive research experiences. You will be supported with tools, activities, and discussions that you can bring to your mentees of all academic levels. Guidance and templates relevant for scoping and supporting summer undergraduate research projects will be provided. Mentors will be encouraged to ask questions that help them feel prepared and supported in their mentoring journey. This workshop is intended for NNA-funded projects and researchers of all levels who want to improve their mentoring.

Learn more and register here.

Article Available - Addressing Climate Impacts in Alaska Native Tribes: Legal Barriers for Community Relocation due to Thawing Permafrost and Coastal Erosion

Ekrem Korkut, Lara B. Fowler, Kathleen E. Halvorsen, Davin Holen, E. Lance Howe, Guangqing Chi

“This article analyzes the challenges of Alaska Native Tribes attempting to access federal assistance for community relocation. While some posit that the federal trust responsibility for Tribal Nations might help leverage federal help with community relocation, the status of Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) extinguished almost all claims of aboriginal title and reservations in Alaska. General access to federal disaster funding and programs may be another avenue for assistance; however, the limited definition of "disaster" and overly burdensome requirements for federal programs mean that many Alaska Native communities are left to struggle on their own.”

Read the full article here.

NNA Project Highlight

Scenarios for future global cargo vessel traffic

Arctic Impacts and Reverberations of Expanding Global Maritime Trade Routes

Climate change has induced a decline in Arctic sea ice, increasing the viability of cargo vessels passing through Arctic waters into the future. 

A growth in cargo traffic in these pristine waterways will affect sea life, the environment, the coastal communities along the routes, as well as local and global economies. While short in distance, these passages are likely to remain risky for a long time to come due to, for example, unsuitable bathymetric charts, extreme low temperatures, high wind, poor visibility, and increased numbers of ice growlers and bergy bits arising from glacial calving. Thus, tradeoffs between risks and cost savings from shorter distances will remain.   


To predict the global shifts in maritime-based trade flows toward routes that employ the Arctic passageways under future climate scenarios, the Arctic Impacts and Reverberations of Expanding Global Maritime Trade Routes team has developed a set of mathematical and algorithmic methods. The scenarios are developed from the High-resolution Ice-Ocean Modeling and Assimilation System for Future Projections (HIOMAS-FP) tool. Also, with incident risk estimates from their developed data-driven Bayesian network methodology, the team’s maritime cargo flow model can predict future maritime cargo traffic. Initial findings from the application of these methodologies on a case study involving a portion of the world’s current vessel traffic are currently being analyzed. In coming months, the project team hopes to be able to share their full-scale global estimates. 

For more information, please contact PI Elise Miller-Hooks (miller@gmu.edu).

We will feature different NNA projects in each newsletter. 
Upcoming Events

Inclusive Mentoring: Becoming a Better Mentor Workshop

  • January 25, 2023 - 9:00-10:30am AKT / 11:00am-12:30pm MT / 1:00-2:30pm ET

NNA International Meeting at Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW) 2023

  • February 17, 2023 - 16:00 - 18:00 GMT+1 (local time Vienna, Austria)

We welcome submissions for items to be considered for upcoming NNA Community Newsletters or the NNA News page. 
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Copyright © 2021 CIRES, All rights reserved.

The Navigating the New Arctic Community Office (NNA-CO) is jointly implemented by the University of Colorado Boulder, Alaska Pacific University, and the University of Alaska Fairbanks. The NNA-CO is supported through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. National Science Foundation (Award #2040729). 

Contact us: contact@nna-co.org