NOAH is holding its Annual Dinner Meeting on Thursday night, December 13th, at 6PM,
at Spinelli's in East Boston.
This year's event will feature NOAH clients, including individuals and families who have been helped by ESOL, U.S. Citizenship, Summer Schoolyard, Children's Soccer, Kayaking, and multiple Housing programs. The stories of their courage and of overcoming barriers validate our work and your precious support. We know that these personal stories will inspire us to move forward with pride and persistence. As the holiday season nears and the cold weather ensues, this event, we hope, will remind us all how imperative it is that all work together to create the civil and dynamic society our nation promises for all.
Everyone always compliments us on
Spinelli's fabulous buffet
. Enjoy roast beef, chicken or a penne pasta vegetarian option, with "Death by Chocolate" cake. Children's meals include pizza and cookies; please email us to let us know how many children will be attending and their ages. Childcare is located in an adjacent room.
fundraising raffle prizes
include restaurant gift certificates, museum passes, and more.
Many thanks to our event sponsors
, including
Bank of America-Merrill Lynch, Boston Private Bank, Klein Horning LLP, NeighborWorks America, United Way of Mass. Bay & Merrimack Valley
, and others! If you have questions about the event, please contact Director of Admin. & Fundraising Linda Foster at 617-418-8246 or
Rep. Adrian Madaro, Kaylee Aguilar & Gabriela Ramirez |
On October 11th, we gathered with friends, neighbors and supporters at the Hyatt Regency in East Boston to celebrate NOAH's 30+ years of service to East Boston and the Greater Boston area. During the breakfast, guests enjoyed presentations highlighting NOAH's hard work and achievements. NOAH Youth Kaylee Aguilar and Gabriela Ramirez, along with State Rep. Adrian Madaro, were the Masters of Ceremony. Scarlett Mitchell, a NOAH homebuyer and a current part-time ESOL teacher at NOAH, along with Sal LaMattina, spoke movingly as to what NOAH had meant to them. The morning included a live auction, overseen by East Boston Savings Bank President/CEO Dick Gavengnano. The auction offered such items as a Week in Newport, Tickets to a Patriots Game, Meet the Mayor, Tickets to a Red Sox Game, and a Fishing Trip.
30th Leadership Breakfast
At the event, speakers including NOAH's Executive Director Phil Giffee, Co-Board President Mike Lake and Past Board President Ernani DeAraujo, Esq. discussed the accomplishments NOAH has made over the decades we have been serving East Boston and beyond, and also addressed the challenges we face as housing costs rise, displacement amplifies, and income inequality becomes more and more pronounced. This program was informative, fun and heartfelt as it helped remind us how important it is to keep up our efforts.
The event raised over
$160,000. We are very grateful for the hard work of the Event Tri-Chairs, Dick Gavegnano, Rick High and Tony Pangaro, and all of the Committee Members! Many thanks, again, to all of the wonderful major sponsors, including: Trigesimo- Rick High and Anne Perkins; Silver- Cambridge Savings Bank, Greg Comeau, East Boston Savings Bank, The Narrow Gate Architects, and Anthony and Creelea Pangaro; Bronze- Blue Hub/Boston Community Capital, and O'Donoghue Insurance Agency; and Copper- AAF CPAs, AARP, Citi Private Bank, Corcoran Management, Dellbrook Construction, Eastern Bank, Hackett Feinberg PC, the HYM Investment Group, MassHousing, MHIC, Mike & Hale Lake, McCarter & English, Peabody Properties, People's United Bank, Rackemann Sawyer & Brewster, Rockland Trust Charitable Foundation, and Marc Savatsky.
Rendering of Aileron Development |
Many thanks to the City of Boston Department of Neighborhood Development (DND) for designating NOAH to develop a vacant parcel along Condor Street in East Boston. The project will have 40 rental and ownership units, and be mixed-use, mixed-income; 17 units will be set aside for artist working/living space.
Two large common spaces, a gallery and a workbar will be available to the neighborhood. The East Boston
CDC will manage these new rental homes. We are currently going through the long permitting and financing phases.
Coppersmith Village
Coppersmith Village:
Our new East Boston development on Border and Liverpool Streets is nearly complete! Of the 56 apartments, 41 are affordable rental units (up to 60% AMI). The remaining 15 will be rented at market rate. There are 15 for-sale townhomes, 7 of which are affordable. Lotteries have been held for both the affordable rental and ownership units. Peabody Properties is handling the availability of the market-rate units and all rentals. We expect construction to be finished in January and occupancy to occur over late winter.
If you have any real estate leads concerning potential properties for sale or development in the Greater Boston area, please contact NOAH's Phil Giffee at or 617-418-8240.
East Boston ClimateCARE & Robert Wood Johnson Foundation:
NOAH is one of
only four out of 800 applications in the U.S. to receive a 2-year grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) which is funding 'the development of a practical model for a climate resilient community in order to prepare residents preparedness' for climate changes. This is a continuation of NOAH's efforts to help East Boston residents and businesses mitigate and adapt to the looming threats of sea-level rise, extreme heat, stormwater and emergency preparedness.
NOAH will partner with New York University (NYU) which will help us survey residents and businesses about 'mapping' social/cultural patterns and connections so as to create reliable community networks so that people can be better prepared to respond to these multi-level threats. To many, this will be like a continuation of our Kresge Climate Change award where we inform, involve, integrate and empower the community to work alongside agencies and departments in the preparation and execution of plans to preserve and protect our vulnerable neighborhood. The goal of RWJF, as we write, is to inform and connect people so that our diverse community can speak as one voice in confronting these perils. You will see more activity in the spring as NOAH youth reach out to take the pulse of the community on selected matters as organized by our renowned, NYU academic advisors.
In the meantime, NOAH will soon be announcing a January date for the release of our Floodplain Preparedness Report. As many know, our Climate team has held several Charrette's or community information and planning exercises so that we properly identify floodplain entry point threats and begin to prepare 'Green and Gray'
Summer Schoolyard
infrastructure responses which the City and State should fund so that the community is prote
cted for de
cades to come. We will make announcements on the report's release in near future. For
more information on ClimateCARE, please contact Gabriela Boscio at
Paint Night!
ESOL & U.S. Citizenship:
Our CBE staffers continue to offer numerous opportunities for welcoming newcomers to the U.S., including NOAH's English for Speakers of Other Lanuages and U.S. Citizenship programming. For three semesters a year, three Level 1 and two Level 2 courses are held for 25 students each. In addition, Intro. to Citizenship is held each semester, as well as Tech Goes Home classes, and a special summer semester of ESOL for Parents. This year, 7 students became U.S. Citizens! Altogether, 584 individual class sessions are held annually. Students also participate in extracurricular activities which help them use their new English skills, such as field trips to museums or the Paint Night at NOAH, above.
Children's Summer Programming: NOAH held its bilingual children's programs again this year, including the Schoolyard Program and Community Soccer, with 165 participants. These services provide East Boston youngsters with safe, outdoor recreational opportunities in their own neighborhood. If you have any questions about this programming, or about ESOL, please contact Manlio Mendez at 617-418-8242 or
NOAH Client with Counselor Nathalie Kallab
his fall, all 30 participants in NOAH's first Matched Saving initiative completed the program. The Financial Capability program pilot was funded by NeighborWorks America. Clients opened up savings accounts with either Citizen's Bank or People's United Bank. Both banks worked with NOAH staff to help make the program a success. At the end of the ten-month-long savings period, participants received a check for $500 that matched the amount of money they had saved over the course of the program. The clients were proud of their accomplishments and ready to continue to save and grow their assets. Given how suddenly financial emergencies can happen, we are pleased to assist households in kick-starting their personal savings plans. For additional information, please contact Dept. Director Diana Franco at or 617-418-8266.
NOAH still has some tax credits
available for 2018! Using Community Investment Tax Credits, donors making a donation of $1,000 or more receive half back (50%) in state tax credits or rebates. These funds help NOAH offer free or very low cost programming to seniors, disabled individuals, families, and children in need.
CITC has been real blessing to sustain our programs. It is difficult to get enough funds to run language courses, summer programs, Citizenship, youth outreach, foreclosure prevention and all of our Climate Change events and outreach efforts. We spend a lot of time encouraging resident involvement in our work but it takes a lot of grant-writing and foundation support as well as private philanthropy to make all this happen. So, if you are able, please consider a CITC investment this year. We very much appreciate your charitable contributions.
If you are interested in finding out more about this program, please reach out to Linda Miller-Foster, Director of Fundraising, at 617-418-8246 or
All of us at NOAH want to say THANK YOU to all our wonderful recent funders, including:
AAF CPAs, AARP Mass., Advanced Air & Heat, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Elizabeth & Christopher Barnett, Kristin Blount, Cambridge Savings Bank, Maura Camosse Tsongas, Joanna Cataldo, CEDAC, Stacey Chacker, Alfred E. Chase Charity Foundation Bank of America Trustee, Citi Private Bank, Gabriella Coletta, Committee to Elect Lydia Edwards, Community Wealth Partners, Conrad Group, RM Cochran, John Corcoran & Co. LLC, Corcoran Management Company, Greg Comeau, Susan Crifo, Ernani DeAraujo Esq., Lauren DeMayo, Dellbrook Construction, Sheila Dillon, DiMella Shaffer Architects, Drago & Toscano Attorneys, East Boston Foundation, East Boston Main Streets, East Boston Savings Bank, Eastern Bank, Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation, Bruce Fairless, Susan Feig, Sarah Fender, Karen Fish-Will, Philip Giffee, Susan Gustin, Eileen Hamblin, Hackett Feinberg PC, Claudia Green, Jenn & Brian Gregory, Halvorson Design, HarborOne Bank, Eric Heath, Carolyn Hickey, Rick High & Anne Perkins, Historic Boston, The HYM Investment Group, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Joy Street Design, Dewitt Jones & Vicky Bok, K & J Integrated Systems, Sorie Kaba, Kenny's Lock, Dr. Paul Kirshen, Klein Hornig LLP, George Koehler, KNC Mechanical, Mike & Hale Lake, Sal LaMattina, Joe Lambert, Rita Lara, Vincent Leach, Roxanne Lemus, Lutile Inc., Dennis Maher, Kim Martin-Epstein, MassHousing, MHIC, McCarter & English, Matt McGinnis, John McKee, Jeffrey Miller, Diane Modica, Nick Moise, Ellen Molle, Evelyn Morash, The Narrow Gate Archictecture LTD, NeighborWorks America, Daniel Ossoff, Marysharon Owens, Orlando Pacheco, Anthony & Creelea Pangaro, James Justin Pasquariello, Peabody Properties, People's United Bank, People's United Community Foundation, Planning Office for Urban Affairs, Philicia Puopolo, Andrew Puricelli, Rackemann Sawyer & Brewster, Resolution Architects, Richard Robinson, Rockland Trust Charitable Foundation, Samear Rodriguez, LD Rosso Inc., Philippe Saad, Santander Bank, Marc Savatsky, Robert Schmidt, Schwab Charitable, Monica Sidor, Brian Slater, Spark Policy Institute, Smolak & Vaughn, Kartik Shah, United Way, Utile Inc., Melinda Vega, VIVA Consulting, Judy Weber, Webster Bank, Robert Wegener and Michael Zaldumbide.
With our generous supporters, we are able to continue to create and maintain more sustainable neighborhoods, community services and affordable housing than ever before. We want to give a special shout-out to Citizens Bank for its wonderful ongoing support of our Financial Literacy programming and to The Kresge Foundation for its generous funding of the East Boston ClimateCARE resiliency work. And, as always, a great big THANK YOU to long-time funding partners NeighborWorks America and United Way of Massachusetts Bay & Merrimack Valley.
NOAH's Facebook page has 4,318 Likes! If YOU
haven't done so already, we would really appreciate it if you would go to our Facebook page through the link below, and
click the "Like" button - THANKS!
And, did you know we have two great Facebook groups?
Saturday, December 8, 2018, from 12 to 6PM,
at Excel Academy Charter High School, join Boston youth to tackle issues such as women's empowerment, gentrification, immigration, environmental justice, youth violence and racism. This will be the second annual Youth Summit offered by NOAH's East Boston Youth Leaders. For info. please contact Melinda Vega at or 617-418-8243.
We hope you can join us at our 2018 Annual Dinner Meeting on
Thursday night, December 13th, at 6PM,
at Spinelli's in East Boston. Click here to register. For additional information, please contact Dept. Director Linda Foster at or 617-418-8246.
First-Time Homebuyer Classes
The next open English
First-Time Homebuyer course will meet on
Saturday, January 12 and Saturday, January 26, from 9AM to 2:30PM.
The next open Spanish language First-Time Homebuyer course will be held on
Monday, January 14 and Wednesday, January 16, from 10AM to 2:30PM.
Students learn from industry guest speakers, including home inspectors, as well as NOAH staff, about how best to select and purchase a home and about appropriate loan products. For more information, please contact Dept. Director Diana Franco at 617-418-8266 or
Loan Modification/Foreclosure Prevention Clinics
Our next free bilingual Loan Modification/Foreclosure Prevention clinics will be offered on the following
Monday evenings:
December 10th and 17th, and January 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th from 5:30 to 8PM
at NOAH. The sessions are held in Spanish and in English. All of NOAH's foreclosure prevention education and counseling sessions are free of charge. Workshops are offered weekly, except for holiday weeks.
Make a BIG impact with a SMALL Donation!
Please consider making a secure tax deductible donation to
NOAH today. To donate online, CLICK HERE.