MISSION: NOAH, a community development corporation, promotes equity, community cohesion, environmental justice, and economic resiliency. We increase access to affordable housing,
create social and economic opportunities, and empower residents to be leaders of change.
Visit Our Website


NOAH's 36th Annual Dinner Meeting will be taking place on Thursday, December 14th, at 6PM, at Spinelli's in East Boston. We hope that you can join us as we acknowledge and express our appreciation for NOAH's local allies, supporters, and residents and celebrate the collaborative efforts that have made a positive impact on our community.

Our featured speaker will be Alberto Vasallo, the owner of 'El Mundo' newspaper. A well-known figure in the Boston business and media world, Alberto brings a wealth of experience and insight concerning the imperative need for quality housing, transformations necessitated by climate change, and the valuable contributions of LatinX community members to Boston's growth and economy.

The evening will also include Spinelli's fabulous dinner buffet, along with the ever-popular 'Death by Chocolate' dessert, and a chance to win some amazing prizes in our raffle. This will be a family friendly event with a supervised children's room adjacent. Children can attend for free, but please let us know ahead of time so that we can plan accordingly. To register to attend, or if you wish to sponsor the event, please click the link below:



We would like to take a moment to remind you about the impactful 50% Massachusetts Community Investment Tax Credit (CITC) program, which enables donors of $1,000 or more to double the power of their donations!

Through CITC, even donors who do not have any tax liability are eligible to receive a 50% rebate; and donors who have a state tax liability can receive half of their donation to NOAH back in state tax credits. If you choose to invest in our work, you can double your impact and get half of your entire donation back. NOAH will reserve 50% tax credits for all donors of $1,000 or more, and will assist CITC donors in utilizing the fairly simple credit-claiming process.

There is a mounting crisis in the area of housing and shelter in Greater Boston. Over our 36 year history we have never seen anything like it. The numbers of families reaching out for housing assistance continue to grow exponentially. In the field of housing alone, NOAH has helped a record-breaking 6,600 individuals from 4,300 families so far this year. Of these, over 5,600 were housing-related clients - and over half of them were children. Your financial support at any level at this time can make a major difference in the lives of local residents struggling to retain or obtain their homes. Please help now if you can.

CITC donations or contributions of any amount can be made online at or by mailing a check to NOAH, 143 Border

Street, East Boston, MA 02128.


Vegetable Garden / Jardin De Vegetables

NOAH and GrowBoston are looking for members of the East Boston community who want to have their own free raised-bed vegetable garden. By giving community members the opportunity to grow healthy food at home, we hope to address local food insecurity and food access. If you or someone you know would like a raised bed built please APPLY NOW!

NOAH Youth Organizers and Recent Programming

The bilingual Youth Organizers Program offers underprivileged East Boston youth the opportunity to develop their leadership skills and gain experiential knowledge as they manage and spearhead numerous community activities that address negative socioeconomic and environmental issues within their own neighborhood. Recent projects include the Tree Canopy campaign, Clean Air efforts to address air quality and environmental justice, development of sustainable shoreline designs in collaboration with UMASS, and more.

Over the summer, NOAH’s Youth Organizers helped NOAH to coordinate and host free bilingual activities and events for the community throughout East Boston. The children's soccer program becomes more popular each year, bringing young neighborhood residents together for important community-building and physical activity while helping to preserve one of East Boston’s limited green spaces. 'Learn to Kayak and Boating Safety' also had a busy summer at Constitution Beach, with over 1,000 residents participating.

Run To The Garden & NeighborWorks Week

NOAH hosted its first ever East Boston community fun run. 'Run to the Garden' was a neighborhood focused community run and celebration culminating in a fun day of family friendly activities. Forty participants ran in the event and many more joined for the community celebration at 'Our Garden" community garden space afterwards. This event was part of NeighborWorks week, in which NOAH joined other NeighborWorks organizations in celebrating community successes empowering communities for success.

Resiliency: NOAH's recent Resiliency Network meetings have served as hands-on workshops for participants to build their own portable air filter. NOAH aims to additionally deploy a new air senior along airplane flight pathways in East Boston in order to read combustible smoke emitted from airplanes during take-off and landings. Community focused events and air quality data tracking initiatives such as this are part of NOAH's Clean Air efforts to address air quality and environmental justice in East Boston. This month, Liberty Mutual Foundation awarded NOAH a Climate Mini-Grant to support this initiative.

ESOL, Citizenship, & Tech Goes Home

Every year, the East Boston Adult Education Coalition recognizes students from programs across East Boston. NOAH ESOL student and former graduate of NOAH's Intro to Citizenship course, Maria Duran, and long-term NOAH volunteer, Jim Dougherty, were recognized for their efforts. In addition, at the English for New Bostonians Annual Breakfast this fall, NOAH Board member Monica Barrera was recognized for being one of its Star Students. Congratulations to all.

NOAH’s ESOL program helps new Bostonians learn, improve, and practice their use of the written and oral English language in a comfortable, communal environment, and encourage engagement in building a stronger community.

NOAH educates between 100-200 individuals annually though ESOL-related programing, including its ‘Intro to Citizenship’ courses to help community members navigate the citizenship application process; and Tech Goes Home IT classes.

NOAH is very proud of our recent graduates and current attendees!

If you are interested in NOAH's English for Other Languages classes or want to find out more about any of NOAH’s related programing, please contact Manlio Mendez at or 617- 418-8242.


NOAH’s Rental Homelessness Prevention and Emergency Housing Assistance programming, largely funded by the City of Boston, helps residents maintain or obtain apartment homes and avoid or mitigate homelessness. The focus is on serving current tenants who suffer from being displaced, or who are vulnerable to dislocation within the next 90 days. This programming also assists those who are newly homeless to obtain shelter or a new apartment, including fire and other emergency related victims. These services are part of our commitment to low- and moderate-income Boston residents in need of support related to accessing affordable housing opportunities in the region. Over 350 households are helped by NOAH, on average, each year. In 2023, an additional 618 documented new immigrant families, with 950+ small children, were provided temporary shelter. In another related service line, recently completed after 44 months of service, NOAH's COVID-19 Rental Relief Fund services - working with the City of Boston's Mayor's Office of Housing Stability - helped 2,955 families remain housed. Over the duration of the program, over $19.145 million (in Federal, State and/or City funds) was distributed by NOAH case managers on behalf of distressed Boston households, allowing them to remain safely housed in their apartment homes.

We would like to express our deep gratitude to Boston Mayor Michelle Wu, and to Chief of Housing and Director of the Mayor's Office of Housing, Sheila Dillon, for the much-needed funding which is the backbone of this programming!

NOAH and Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) are seeking a full-time AmeriCorps member to serve as an Assistant Rental Housing Case Manager.

NOAH is looking for a dedicated full-time, stipended AmeriCorps community volunteer. The role will focus on helping rental clients avoid homelessness and assisting emergency/crisis victims and other households at risk in finding temporary and/or permanent housing. This 11-month position awards a total stipend of $25,500. If you or anyone you know might be interested in this opportunity, please contact Linda Foster at


First-Time Homebuyer

NOAH's First-Time Homebuyer (FTHB) classes cover everything anyone might need to know about buying a first home including addressing unique challenges presented by COVID-19 and the current economy. NOAH annually offers 15 or more CHAPA-certified FTHB workshops as well as an online course – in both Spanish and in English. Be sure to click HERE to register for upcoming classes.

Financial Capability

NOAH offers free bilingual financial capability seminars and individual financial coaching for those who need assistance with managing their finances. NOAH's Financial Capability program runs a series of courses on an ongoing basis, each designed to give the attendee the knowledge, skills, and tools to feel confident in their financial decision-making skills. This year, the team completed another Matched Savings round, once again this year with a 100% participant success rate.

Sign up for a free, personalized, financial coaching session.

Make a plan to reach your financial goals, manage your spending and improve your credit.

Sign up here:

Foreclosure Prevention Services

NOAH's Foreclosure Prevention Program has a focus on assisting consumers who are in imminent default and in danger of losing their homes, and offers homeowners help in understanding their options and determining the best and most affordable solutions based on their own personal financial situations. ​ Since this service line began in 2007, NOAH has helped well over 3,000 families avoid foreclosure.

Our HUD-approved counselors meet with clients one-on-one to develop an action plan based on individual needs, create budgets, work to obtain loan modifications whenever possible, contact lenders to advocate for homeowners, and more. All programming is offered in English and Spanish - other languages also available with translation services - and is free of charge.

NOAH participated in the Massachusetts Homeowner Assistance Fund (HAF) program for 21 months, securing long-term homeowner preservation for over 271 formerly insecure families. Kudos! NOAH's staff worked to prevent foreclosures and displacements of eligible homeowners by providing application support, financial counseling, and guiding homeowners through the foreclosure prevention process to HAF applicants.

NOAH’s bilingual Homebuyer Services and Financial Capability workshops, classes, and client counseling remain accessible over Zoom, and the staffers continue to have various bilingual virtual speakers from financial institutions and other companies to provide expert advice to workshop and course attendees. If you have any questions about the Homebuyer Services Department programming, please contact Director Diana Franco at 617-418-8266 or


NOAH's Real Estate development projects continue to move ahead.

East Boston: The 7-unit affordable condo project on Condor Street is 75% complete, and should be marketed in early 2024, with new owners in occupancy by spring. The adjacent 36-unit Aileron Artists rental project has been funded by both City and State, yet due to pandemic-related and other delays NOAH is seeking additional funds and expects to start construction summer 2024. The 130-unit three-decker portfolio, Paco, helped to preserve affordable/workforce housing and combat outside investor take-owner. NOAH continues to work with a variety of funders to secure additional capital to preserve these units’ affordability for the renter occupants.

Ayer: The Town has been very supportive of NOAH’s 106-unit affordable rental venture with $400,000 of their Community Preservation Act (CPA) funds. We are seeking State funding, at present. NOAH is looking to use underground geo-thermal sources for clean energy heating and cooling in the project.

Taunton: The City has been equally supportive with $900,000 of their HOME funds for our 38-unit, mixed-income, historic preservation in downtown Taunton: Union Block. We thank the State for its extraordinary support during multiple interest rate climbs, rising labor costs, supply chain challenges, and structural repairs. This historic preservation project is scheduled for completion by the end of October 2024


NOAH's Benfield Farms development is a proud recipient of the 2023 Public Water System Awards Program in Massachusetts, an annual recognition of public water systems and certified operators presented at the State House.

The Property Management staff have been working hard to maintain and upgrade NOAH's properties and offices. NOAH owns/manages 389 rental units & five commercial units in over 39 properties in East Boston, Holliston, North Andover, Carlisle, Webster and Middleborough. Altogether, some 870 individuals reside in NOAH's rental homes. Since the start of the pandemic, department staff have been successfully assisting tenants with rental relief and other key assistance applications. If you have any questions, please contact


NOAH would like to say THANK YOU to all our wonderful funders for their support:

Adam Dobson, Alexandra Granbury, Alfred E. Chase Charity Foundation Bank of America N.A. Trustee, Allen Family Charitable Lead Annuity Trust, Benjamin Swanson, Blackbaud Giving Fund, Boston Harbor Islands National & State Park - Innovation Islands (Boston Harbor Now), Bushrod H. Campbell and Adah F. Hall Charity Fund, BlueHub Capital, The Cabot Family Trust, Cambridge Savings Bank, Charles H. Farnsworth Trust-Bank of America N.A. Trustee, Citizens Bank, City of Boston, David and Lynn Blake, The East Boston Foundation, East Boston Health Center, East Cambridge Bank Foundation, English for New Bostonians, Fidelity Charitable, The Greater Boston Association of Realtors, Mr. & Mrs. George Koehler, Mr. & Mrs. Greg Comeau, Hackett Feinberg P.C., Hancock United Church of Christ, HarborOne Bank, Harvard Memorial Church, Jeanne Lundell, Jeffrey Loeb, Jessica Curtis, JPMorgan Chase Foundation (NWA), John Connell, Joy Street Design, Liberty Mutual Foundation, Klein Hornig LLP, M & T Bank Charitable Foundation, Mary Stevens, Massachusetts Attorney General's Office, Massachusetts Division of Banks, MHIC, MHP, Mifflin Memorial Fund, Monterrosa Consulting, Narrow Gate Architecture LTD, NeighborWorks America, Network for Good, Speak for the Trees, Pentecostal Tabernacle, The Perry/Wood Family Trust, Resolution Architects, Rockland Trust, Rick High & Anne Perkins, Rose Fiore, Sailors Snug Harbor, Santander Foundation, Suffolk County DA, T.D. Charitable, United Way of Mass. Bay & Merrimack Valley, Webster Bank and Zachary Levin.

NOAH would also like to extend a special thank you to: Citizens Bank, which awarded NOAH another large Financial Literacy grant award; to T.D. Charitable for their recent awards; to Cambridge Savings Bank for its wonderful donation; and to the Liberty Mutual Foundation for their generous award to our affordable housing preservation service line.

And, as always, a great big THANK YOU to long-time funding partners NeighborWorks America and United Way of Massachusetts Bay & Merrimack Valley!

With our generous supporters, we are able to continue to create and maintain more sustainable neighborhoods, community services and affordable housing opportunities than ever before.

If you would like to make a donation, please reach out to Linda Foster at or 617-418-8246, or donate online on NOAH's website

NOAH would additionally like to thank those who have joined us to volunteer! Volunteer opportunities range from long-term law school and college interns and AmeriCorps volunteers to half-day project volunteers, such as working in our youth-led community garden or performing maintenance upkeep at Trinity House for the formerly homeless in East Boston, as well as first-time homebuyer education, and working on work-force preparation skills with new immigrants. We thank you all!



Thursday, December 14, 2023 - 6:00PM to 8:15PM

Spinelli's, East Boston

Register at attend: RSVP


Learn from experienced industry guest speakers, including home inspectors, loan officers, insurance agents, and real estate attorneys, as well as NOAH HUD-certified counselors. For any questions about the Homebuyer Services Department, please contact Director Diana Franco at 617-418-8266 or

FIRST-TIME HOMEBUYER CLASS – January 20 & 21, 2024

Saturday, January 20 (Part I) 9:00am - 1:30pm

Sunday, January 21 (Part II) 9:00am - 1:30pm

The class will be held virtually. Instructions will be sent after registration. 

*Important - The participants must submit the Intake Forms in advance, otherwise, they will not be given access to the class. These forms will be sent through Adobe under Carolina Suarez’s email address.

Register Here


Martes, 23 de Enero, 2024 9:00am - 1:30pm (Parte 1)

Miércoles, 24 de Enero, 2024 9:00am - 1:30pm (Parte 2)

La clase se llevará a cabo de forma virtual. Se enviarán más instrucciones después del registro. 

*Importante – Los participantes deben enviar los formularios de registración con anticipación, de lo contrario, no se les dará acceso a la clase. Los formularios serán enviados por medio de Adobe, bajo el correo electrónico de Carolina Suarez. 

Regístrese Aquí

FIRST-TIME HOMEBUYER CLASS – February 6 & 7, 2024

Tuesday, February 6 (Part I) 9:00am - 1:30pm

Wednesday, February 7 (Part II) 9:00am - 1:30pm

The class will be held virtually. Instructions will be sent after registration. 

*Important - The participants must submit the Intake Forms in advance, otherwise, they will not be given access to the class. These forms will be sent through Adobe under Carolina Suarez’s email address.

Register Here

CURSO DE PRIMEROS COMPRADORES – 10 & 11 de Febrero, 2024

Sábado, 10 de Febrero, 2024 9:00am - 1:30pm (Parte 1)

Domingo, 11 de Febrero, 2024 9:00am - 1:30pm (Parte 2)

La clase se llevará a cabo de forma virtual. Se enviarán más instrucciones después del registro. 

*Importante – Los participantes deben enviar los formularios de registración con anticipación, de lo contrario, no se les dará acceso a la clase. Los formularios serán enviados por medio de Adobe, bajo el correo electrónico de Carolina Suarez. 

Regístrese Aquí


Saturday, March 9 (Part I) 9:00am - 1:30pm

Sunday, March 10 (Part II) 9:00am - 1:30pm

The class will be held virtually. Instructions will be sent after registration. 

*Important - The participants must submit the Intake Forms in advance, otherwise, they will not be given access to the class. These forms will be sent through Adobe under Carolina Suarez’s email address.

Register Here

CURSO DE PRIMEROS COMPRADORES – 19 & 20 de Marzo, 2024

Martes, 19 de Marzo, 2024 9:00am - 1:30pm (Parte 1)

Miércoles, 20 de Marzo, 2024 9:00am - 1:30pm (Parte 2)

La clase se llevará a cabo de forma virtual. Se enviarán más instrucciones después del registro. 

*Importante – Los participantes deben enviar los formularios de registración con anticipación, de lo contrario, no se les dará acceso a la clase. Los formularios serán enviados por medio de Adobe, bajo el correo electrónico de Carolina Suarez. 

Regístrese Aquí


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Keep up to date by visiting our FACEBOOK and INSTAGRAM pages. Click LIKE and FOLLOW to stay connected with NOAH. And, did you know we also have two community Facebook groups? East Boston Environmental and Grupo Ambiental Latino en East Boston. Join the groups and stay connected.

Make a BIG impact even with a SMALL Donation!

Please consider making a secure tax-deductible donation to

NOAH today. To donate online CLICK HERE.   

 Thank you for your interest in NOAH! You can find out more information on our website at 
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