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Join Us for NOFA-NH's
16th Annual Winter Conference!
Sunday March 18, 2018
Merrimack Valley High School
106 Village Street, Concord, NH 03303
Our 16th annual
Winter Conference is right around the corner! Join us Sunday, March 18
for an amazing day of
and Dr. Daphne Miller
, author of
The Jungle Effect
as keynote speaker & presenter
NOFA Members Save 20% on Tickets!
Full-Day Conference * Includes meals & Evening Keynote * $95
Keynote Only * Evening Keynote event with Dr. Daphne Miller * $35
Online registration closes March 15th.
Ticket prices increase $15 each for registrations after March 15th, and walk-ins.
Enjoy a day of inspiring and knowledge packed workshops
from leaders in organic farming from New Hampshire and beyond, like those pictured below and many more!
Roger Noonan
Keynote Speaker
Dr. Daphne Miller
Dave Chapman
Ross Conrad
Keith Morris
Bryan O'Hara
Andrew Mefferd
Michael Phillips
Will Bonsall
Register for NOFA's Enterprise Analysis & Crop Budgets for Profitability Workshop
Thursday, March 15th
10 AM - 2 PM
Kilton Library Community Room
80 S. Main St.
West Lebanon, NH 03784
Registration is FREE but please
Do you ever wonder how individual crops contribute to your bottom line? Join Jen Miller and Rose Wilson to learn about using your own data to improve profitability for next season's harvest! We will discuss how enterprise analysis relates to your business plan, provide examples from NOFA's crop profitability benchmark study, and provide instructions and tools to help you get started. Knowing how each crop performs financially allows you to focus on your most lucrative crops and make improvements to increase profitability in others.
Rose Wilson of Rose Wilson Consulting, LLC, and Jen Miller of NOFA-VT.
Lunch will be provided.
About the NOFA Cost of Production Project:
Over the past two years, NOFA/MASS, NOFA-NH, and NOFA-VT worked with 30 organic vegetable farmers to determine the cost of production of vegetable crops commonly grown in the Northeast. The project, funded by a USDA Specialty Crop Block Grant, developed tools, provided technical assistance, and aggregated data into factsheets to support farmers' production planning and assist them in increasing the profitability of their farm businesses. Each farmer in the project selected one to three crops to track and analyze using a workbook.
The results from participating farms were aggregated on a per acre basis into five crop-specific fact sheets that present key metrics such as net income, average price/case, cultivation hours/acre, wash and pack hours/acre, and many other data points related to the production of winter squash, potatoes, onions, head lettuce, and carrots. Supplemental factsheets present crop profitability comparisons, whole farm financial ratios, and tips for success when undertaking cost of production analysis.
Our 2017 Farm Share Program was a Success!
You Can Help Ensure This Program Continues in 2018
In 2017, NOFA-NH launched our Farm Share Program (aka CSA Program) to provide subsidized Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) shares for New Hampshire individuals with limited income, especially benefitting children, families and seniors. The program connects disadvantaged individuals and families with exemplary certified organic NOFA-NH member farms to provide subsidized CSA shares consisting of a season's worth of local, fresh farm products - 15 to 30 weeks of vegetables, fruits, dairy, eggs, meat, and/or bread - that would otherwise be unaffordable for the recipients.
During the 2017 summer season, funds were awarded to the following NOFA-NH certified organic member farms:
Bear Mountain Farm, Brookford Farm
Picadilly Farm, Pork Hill Farm, Shaker Organic Gardens/Concord Food Coop
Stout Oak Farm
Willow Pond Community Farm
Worksong Farm
NOFA-NH is fundraising to continue this outstanding program in 2018 and beyond. Businesses and individuals are welcome to become Farm Share Program sponsors, and to make tax-deductible donations specifically toward the program. Contributions will enable NOFA-NH to continue this successful program by further cementing existing partnerships, and expanding upon the number of farms and community members reached throughout the state. A donation of any amount will directly impact the NH community by helping NOFA-NH fight food insecurity in our state.
To read more about the success of the 2017 season, please click here.
To make a donation to the program, please click here and kindly leave us a note that your donation is to go toward the Farm Share Program.
The Farmland Access Legal Toolkit Helps Farmers & Landowners Access, Transfer and Preserve Farmland
The Farmland Access Legal Toolkit is a new resource addressing the high price of land, our aging farmer population, and the need for land conservation. This free toolkit provides resources for farmers who need land as well as those who want to transition their land to another farmer.
Dover, NH, Will Go Organic On City Land
Earlier this month, Dover city councilors unanimously approved a resolution committing to organic land management practices on public land.
The 9-0 decision was applauded by residents who urged the councilors to adopt land management practices that limit citizens' exposure to potentially dangerous substances on public lands. Non Toxic Dover founder, Diana Carpione, was the chief person behind the initiative. She became vocal about the issue after learning that the Dover Public Library lawn was being treated with synthetic fertilizer.
The resolution was put forward by Councilor Dennis Shanahan, and follows a similar resolution approved by the Portsmouth City Council in September 2017.
Read the full article here.
 New EU Analysis Will Likely Lead to a Total Ban on Pesticides Found Harmful to Bees
A major new assessment from the European Union's scientific risk assessors found that the world's most widely used insecticides pose a serious danger to both honeybees and wild bees.
Analysis of over 1,500 studies makes it likely that neonicotinoid pesticides - nerve agents shown to cause a range of harm to bees, such as damaged memory and queen reduction - will be banned from all fields across the EU when nations vote on the issue next month.
The European Food Safety Authority (Efsa) report found that the risk to bees varied depending on the crop and exposure route, but that high risk was indicated for at least one aspect of the assessment for all outdoor uses.
Organic is GROWING All Over the World:
More Farmers, More Land and a Booming Market
"The World of Organic Agriculture" 2018 edition (based on 2016 data) published by FiBL and IFOAM - Organics International finds that consumer demand for organic products is increasing, more farmers cultivate organically, more land is certified organic, and 178 countries report organic farming activities.
The global market for organic food reached an incredible 89.7 billion US dollars in 2016, with the US leading the market with a 48.2 billion dollar organic industry, followed by Germany (11.7 billion dollars), France (8.3 billion dollars), and China (7.3 billion dollars).
In 2016, nearly 3 million organic producers were reported. India remains at the top of the list as the country with the highest number of organic producers (835,200), after which is Uganda (210,352), and Mexico (210,000).
Organic farmland increased by 15%, with a total of 142.8 million acres being organically managed at the end of 2016, representing the largest growth ever recorded in a single year. Australia has the largest organic agricultural area, followed by Argentina, and China. The report found that almost half of the global organic agricultural land is located in Oceania, and in 15 countries, 10% or more of all agricultural land is organic, a new record!
UN Defines the 10 Elements of Agroecology
The Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations has outlined the ten elements of agroecology, which has been defined as "the use of ecological principles for the design of agricultural systems." But agroecology goes beyond the design of agricultural systems, the UN asserts, and is increasingly recognized for how it addresses economic and social dimensions in the food system, with the ability to create more sustainable food systems overall.
To further illustrate how this leads to more sustainable food systems, the FAO has identified 10 key elements of agroecology.
Efficiency: Optimizing the use of natural resources within farming systems.
- Balance: Securing favorable soil conditions and self-regulation inside the food system.
- Diversity: Maximizing species and genetic resources across time and space within food systems.
- Co-creation of knowledge: Local and traditional knowledge and innovation to create sustainable food systems based on local needs and local ecosystems.
- Recycling: Reutilizing nutrients and biomass existing inside the farming system and increased use of renewable resources promoting a healthy food system.
- Synergies: Designing food systems with an optimal crop/animal assemblage, while promoting ecological functions for self-regulation in food systems.
- Human and social value: Building food systems based on the culture, identity, tradition, innovation and knowledge of local communities and livelihoods, favoring social dynamics which focus on women's and youth's role in agricultural development.
- Circular economy: Local solutions and local markets creating virtuous cycles. Incomes (monetary and non-monetary) need to be fair and sufficient to sustain livelihoods, ensure food security and well-being.
- Culture and food traditions: Healthy, diversified and culturally appropriate diets deliver good nutrition while assuring the health of ecosystems.
- Land and natural resources governance: Recognizing and supporting smallholder food producers as sustainable managers and guardians of natural and genetic resources.
As taken from FAO's 10 Elements. For the full list click here.
The Role of Soil Health in Mitigating Natural Disasters
More than 25 million Americans - nearly 8% - were affected by major disasters in 2017,
FEMA reported. Major natural disasters like severe flooding, mudslides and wildfires cost the US over $306 billion nationally last year, setting a new annual record.
While we cannot do anything to prevent natural disasters from occurring, we can mitigate the effects through proper planning. Reducing the impact of natural disasters involves multiple sectors of society, including government, emergency response personnel, average citizens, and so on. Soil on farms and ranches, in forests, backyards and parks, can also have a critical impact on lessening the blow.
"Increasing the amount of rainwater that infiltrates into the ground across the landscape ultimately decreases soil erosion and the potential for flooding by giving rain that could become flood water a place to go," writes Elizabeth Creech for the USDA's Natural Resources Conservation Service.
Healthy soil functions as a vital living ecosystem to support plants, animals and humans. No matter what size plot you're managing, the four major principles for building healthy soils are: minimize soil disturbance, maximize soil cover, maximize biodiversity and maximize the presence of living roots.
No-till, crop rotations and cover crops are some of the ways farmers can achieve these goals, but all human managed landscapes from city parks to back yards can make a difference.
Creech explains that "with the amount of urban land in the United States more than quadrupling over the past 70 years, the land stewardship of private homeowners can contribute more to mitigation now than ever before."
Building healthier soils can increase human safety and protect critical infrastructure, helping to mitigate the impact of natural disasters when they occur. For more information on how to build healthy soils, visit www.nrcs.usda.gov.
Meet Our Members! Introducing Mary MacNicol
NOFA-NH's knowledgeable and passionate members make our organization great. Each month, we'll make our community a little bit closer by introducing you to one of our invaluable members.
Name and Occupation:
Mary MacNicol, DC, Chiropractor
How long have you been a member of NOFA-NH?
I just renewed my membership and have been a member now for over two months. I was on the Board about 15 years ago and was a member for 3-5 years.
Why did you become a member of NOFA-NH?
NOFA and farming in general is close to my heart. I was involved in NOFA before I went to California for 5 years and came back with a chiropractic degree. I used to live on a farm in Francistown. We had 100 acres of mixed hay fields and woods, 30 acres of hay and a herd of sheep. Otherwise, we had a cow and a horse at a time. The land was under easement so it could never be developed, and it seemed obvious we would want to become organic. With the hay it was easy, and we started feeding the animals organic grain.
Having our own meat and milk in the freezer was much nicer when we didn't have the pesticide residues. We had a friend who worked at the dump and he said commercial beef made him sick. I brought him some of our ground beef, and ours didn't make him sick. These kind of things cemented for me that organic agriculture is healthy agriculture. Agriculture, if it's going to work, is about supporting the plants, not killing things. It's about making your plants so healthy that they throw off the bugs. It seemed so obvious that was the way we wanted to go.
Things like having a family member with prostate cancer whose wife said the only reason the chemo wasn't killing him was because they were eating organic, and the neighbor who worked at the dump who couldn't eat processed beef just reinforced what logic seemed to indicate: that you don't want to add toxins.
Since then, I found out that cows and sheep, especially, are not seedeaters. Either are horses. They're not supposed to eat seeds, soy or corn, but grass. And it turns out when we eat grass fed butter, for instance, there are more vitamins present that aren't when animals aren't eating grass. We really need to go back to what the plants and the animals need, and that always seemed sensible to me. And I have to say it made for really tasty lamb! I don't have a farm or market garden now and I miss having animals, but hope to have them again in the future.
How has NOFA-NH impacted your business?
NOFA hasn't impacted my current business yet, but I'm looking forward to supporting organic farming because even if I cannot have animals or a garden right now it's a way to support organic from the side.
I'm doing a workshop at the Winter Conference on
Stretches & Strengthening
that farmers and non-farmers can do to prevent and treat low back pain. Tight muscles actually hold us halfway in the fetal position, which pulls bones out of place. Knowing that the World Health Organization declared low back pain as one of the most common pains for people, I want to support people in learning how to take care of themselves, put the bones back into place when necessary, and then teach them to be self-supporting. I would love it if patients only have to come to me when they have something exciting happen, like they lifted that extra heavy bag, or had to carry an animal.
I look forward to seeing more NOFA members because as a chiropractor I would like to support our local farming community. I'm looking for patients who want to take care of their health, who aren't looking for someone else to fix it, and that's a farmer. A farmer is someone who wants to fix an engine themselves, not call a mechanic. Someone who wants to treat their animals first before calling the veterinarian. There's a lot we can do for our health and I want that to be common knowledge.
There are very simple stretches that can be done in your own house without having to go to a gym. And I especially want farmers to know about this because they are the basis of our food chain. I want NH organic farmers to be as healthy as possible for as long as possible. Its enlightened self-interest, too! I feel like I'm one of the hands trying to wash the other. It feels very natural and not a stretch.
What's your number one priority for NOFA-NH this year?
I have to say in this political environment just continue to exist. Gaining any traction is really helpful. Our future health as a species depends on our embracing organic agriculture to survive. So any way NOFA can continue to grow through this political time period would make me very happy.
To me, the point of NOFA and other organic organizations is that it's altruistic. It's not about making lots of money. It's about doing what's right. And this is not a very altruistic historical period. In this environment where profit is being recognized as an important factor, something that is altruistically based can be seen to be out of step with the current political environment, but the organic movement is actually trying to strengthen the branch we're standing on to make things more affordable. Having good health, surviving from cancer because we don't have pesticides in our food is ultimately profitable, but it might be coming from a more educated perspective. So I think in addition to surviving this time period, reaching out to help further educate the public is essential for NOFA, too.
What advice do you have for anyone thinking about becoming a NOFA-NH member?
That membership is wonderful even if you don't have a garden or a farm. Just being part of the direction that we all need to go is a wonderful thing. I wish everyone would join! The people I met at NOFA are so nice. Going to the board meetings every month was so enjoyable, a great group of people and doing things to really help everybody.
Does your business have any upcoming events you'd like to share with the community?
Our Winter Conference presentation on March 18th, Session III, Stretches & Strengthening: Reduce Low Back Pain, Headaches, and Sciatica Yourself.
About this column:
NOFA-NH members with farms and farm related businesses are eligible to be featured in this column. Featured members are chosen by random lottery.
Click here
to become a member or renew your membership.
NOFA's Interstate Council Seeks a NH Member to Join its Domestic Fair Trade Committee
The NOFA Interstate Council has a committee on Domestic Fair Trade. It's mission is to serve as an incubator acting across NOFA-nation, encouraging the development of domestic fair trade principles as enumerated by the DFTA of which NOFA is a founding member.
The DFT Committee is a sub-committee of NOFA's Interstate Council Policy Committee; it confers bi-monthly, more frequently when necessary.
The position is open to members of all state chapters.
Activities: Each year the committee establishes a list of activities that will support its mission and then proceeds accordingly to accomplish them. The list for 2018 has yet to be composed but will include attending the NOFA spring retreat, March 27 - 29, participating in bi-monthly calls, organizing a summer meeting at the conference, and working with chapters to encourage them to include domestic fair trade topics in winter conferences.
NOFA members concerned with social justice and the DFT committee are discussing expanding the mission to include social justice, racism, equity and food access.
Join NOFA-NH's Board of Directors
We're still looking for enthusiastic individuals to join our fun and dynamic volunteer Board of Directors!
Are you dedicated to supporting the local and organic food movement? Passionate about building and sustaining healthy communities? Interested in working with the NOFA Interstate Council on regional efforts to bring about positive and lasting change?
Do you have some strong executive skills that you would like to share with your favorite farming organization? Are you good at managing money, raising money, thinking strategically, managing people?
If any of the above resonates with you, get in touch!
We know that life is busy and your time is valuable, so we promise not to waste it.
If you'd like to learn more about our Board of Directors and Staff,
click here.
Your Support Matters! Help NOFA-NH Thrive
NOFA-NH uses every cent of your donations on its important programs like providing CSA shares from local farms to underserved families, educating consumers and organic producers, and maintaining our website as an educational clearinghouse to support our network of growers, gardeners & more.
Welcome New & Returning Members!
Thank you to our NOFA-NH Members who became new members and renewed their membership in February and March 2018.
 Renew Your Membership, Join Today, or Give the Gift of NOFA-NH Membership!
We've streamlined to just two membership levels:
- Student/Senior Membership: $30 (Available to full-time students currently enrolled in school and persons over 65 years old)
- Standard Membership: $45 (Available to everyone)
Check out a list of member benefits on the membership page of our website. A year's Membership to NOFA-NH makes a great gift any time of year! Call our office to purchase the gift of organic for your loved ones: 603-224-5022.
Current memberships
will continue for one year from the date you joined.
Imagine Your Classified Listing Here!
About This Section:
NOFA-NH Members may post 1 free Classified per month on our
Classifieds page
and in this e-newsletter. Non-NOFA-NH members may post a Classified in the e-news and on our website for $45 per Classified per month. To inquire about this program and to share a Classified with our community, contact info@nofanh.org.
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