Congratulations to NOFA-NH Farm Share Program Participants on a Successful First Year!
This spring, we launched our first NOFA-NH Farm Share Program, a small grant offered throughout New Hampshire to provide subsidized CSA (community supported agriculture) shares to limited-income individuals and families.
The NOFA-NH Farm Share Program was available to New Hampshire residents with limited income, especially benefiting children, families and seniors.
Funds were awarded for the 2017 summer season to the following certified organic NOFA-NH member farms:
We are excited to announce the program's success, and hope to continue this offering for years to come!
You can support NOFA-NH by becoming a member, or making a tax deductible donation by
clicking here.
Welcome New Staff, Denise Rico & Nicole Schepker!
We are pleased to announce our new Bulk Order Coordinator, Denise Rico, and new Office Administrator, Nicole Schepker.
Denise Rico, Bulk Order Coordinator |
Denise Rico is a New Hampshire Certified
Landscape P
l and a NOFA Accredited Organic Land Care Professional. She holds degrees in Horticulture and Landscape Design. She has owned and operated a small landscape business in NH for over 17 years and has grown certified organic vegetables for market for 5 years. She currently lives on her farm on the ba
nks of the Blackwater River in Contoocook, NH, where there are no stones in the soil.
You can learn more about our Bulk Order Program, offering discounts on minerals, fertilizers, animal feed, seeds, and more by clicking here. NOFA-NH members receive additional discounts. Click here to learn about our membership.
Nicole Schepker, Office Administrator |
Nicole Schepker is an organic farming and local food advocate with a degree in writing and publishing who has been employed with numerous non-profit organizations.
Nicole has experience working in wildlife preservation, STEM education, animal care, and universal design.
She has extensive writing, fundraising, event planning, member services, and administrative experience, and enjoys working for organizations that are actively making a difference in the world.
For information on NOFA's updated office hours, please click here.
Rally to "Keep the Soil in Organic" in Hanover, NH
DATE: Sunday October 15, 2017 at 12:00 PM
Keep the Soil in Organic, an international movement of organic growers and consumers focused on keeping organic standards true to their roots, is organizing a series of rallies leading up to the NOSB's (National Organic Standards Board) November vote on a proposal to prohibit hydroponically grown produce from becoming falsely labeled as certified organic.
Hydroponically grown produce
lacks standards and labeling
, yet many hydroponics have obtained USDA organic certification implying their products are soil grown organic produce.
Please join fellow organic produce enthusiasts on Sunday, October 15 to help spread the word about this important issue, and upcoming legislative opportunity for change.
Details: A
tractor parade will begin at noon, followed by brief speeches, local food, live music, and lively celebrations. Speakers include: Dave Chapman, Roger Noonan, Enid Wonnacott, Laura Carpenter, Jake Guest, Will Allen, Davey Miskell, Karl Hammer and Lisa McCrory.
Support the 'Homegrown Organic' Bill to Boost U.S. Production of Organic Crops
Studies reveal that despite the growth of the organic sector, U.S. production of organic food is not meeting consumer demand, forcing many American organic food companies to purchase organic staples from foreign suppliers.
To combat this loss, boost farmers' incomes, and aid the environment, Rep. Ann Kuster, D-N.H., has introduced a bill that would help American farmers make the transition to organic farming.
The Homegrown Organic Act of 2017 (H.R. 3637)
would modify existing voluntary agricultural conservation programs to better assist producers who want to switch to organic. The reforms will provide transitioning producers with technical and financial assistance, and make more farmland available to producers wanting to farm organically.
Click here to support the bill
and help reduce America's reliance on organic imports, while improving U.S. farmers and ranchers abilities to benefit from America's growing organic movement.
NOFA-NH is Recruiting New Board Members!
NOFA-NH is seeking enthusiastic individuals to join its dynamic volunteer board of directors.
- Are you dedicated to supporting the local and organic farm movement? If so, we would like to hear from you! Applicants with experience in financial management, such as accounting, tax or financial planning, are encouraged to apply. However, these skills are not required.
- Would you like to work with the NOFA Interstate Council? NOFA-NH is seeking a board member to serve as the NOFA Interstate Council Alternate. This position is open to NOFA-NH Members. The NOFA Interstate Council provides coordination between the seven NOFA chapters, conducts the annual NOFA summer conference, and serves as an umbrella organization for projects concerning the chapters. NOFA-NH collaborates with the Interstate Council on the Summer Conference, and coordinates on federal organic and agricultural policy. The NOFA Interstate Council Alternate will work with NOFA-NH's Board of Directors, and occasionally attend NOFA Interstate Council meetings.
Please contact Office Administrator Nicole Schepker at
or by phone (603) 224-5022 for more information on how to apply.
Renew Your Membership or Join Today!
We've streamlined to just two membership levels:
- Student/Senior Membership: $30 (Available to full-time students currently enrolled in school and persons over 65 years old)
- Standard Membership: $45 (Available to everyone)
Check out a list of member benefits on the membership page of our website.
Current memberships
will continue for one year from the date you joined.
National Farm to School Network Webinar
Wednesday, September 20
Common Ground Country Fair
September 22 - 24
Unity, ME
28th Annual Tree Farm Field Day
Saturday, September 30
Lebanon, NH
Keep the Soil in Organic Rally
Sunday, October 15
Hanover, NH
Dirt Series Panel & Roundtable Discussion
Thursday, October 19
Keene, NH
Fall Network Gathering
Thursday, October 19
Lebanon, NH
What's happening in neighboring states?
Office Hours: Mon/Wed/Fri 10am-3pm
Phone: (603) 224-5022
Email: info@nofanh.org