As you remember, on October 25 more than 100 women of all ages gathered in person in NYC, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Florida, and Massachusetts - and others were connected via Zoom from all over the country - to celebrate the joys and rewards of Italian American culture while recognizing the need to record H.E.R. – Story: the History, Education and Renaissance of women of Italian descent. They were inspired by Adriana Trigiani, who led the conversation from the NYC celebration at Columbus Citizens Foundation, using H.E.R. as a guide.
Now, all the stories shared around the tables are being collected. They will become the fabric of future programs which NOIAW will create to ensure women’s voices are heard and their history recorded.
But what did the women gathered around la tavola talk about? Below is an excerpt from one of the conversations in NYC, collected by Professor Donna Chirico, NOIAW National Board Member and one of the Table Leaders.
It takes courage and being comfortable to tell the stories
While men may have been the breadwinners, it is women who who held/hold families together, and who moved the next generation forward, especially in the raising of children including not letting children
settle for less than they might be able to achieve
There is a need of speaking together and speaking openly
There is a need of letting others know that they have
a platform to engage - like "A Tavola"
There is a need to include noting the contributions of Italian Americans within education, within courses, so the names are heard and the role of Italian Americans in the history of the United States is made known
There is an issue of connecting to other women’s groups,
together with dissociating from egoistic leaders
in the Italian American community, who are, largely, older men
This is just a glimpse. Stay tuned for much more...
Dal passato al futuro, l’invito è sempre lo stesso: A tavola!
Italian American HER-story in the making.
Questions? Contact NOIAW President, Pat Tinto,