From the Coordinating Center
NOPREN State-of-the-Science:
October 17th @ 12pm ET
New developments in research and application of the HER Nutrition Guidelines for the Charitable Food System

Speakers: Marlene Schwartz, Maria Gombi-Vaca, Caitlin Caspi (University of Connecticut)

This presentation will offer updates on the work surrounding the HER Nutrition Guidelines for the Charitable Food System since its release in 2020. The discussion will include a recent validation study of the Guidelines, and new tools for its application in the charitable food system.

Passcode: 610909
Meeting ID: 910 5393 6229
Work Group Meetings & Updates
To learn more about or join any of the NOPREN Work Groups, click here.

Information about upcoming Work Group meetings can be found here.
NOPREN Science Communication Series
September 19 @ 1pm ET
Sponsored by: Early Childhood WG
Centering Lived Expertise in Nutrition Promotion and Obesity Prevention Research and Evaluation: Case Study and Developing Positionality Statements.

September 26 @ 1pm ET
Sponsored by: Food Service Guidelines WG
Conducting and Communicating Research for Policy Impact

NOPREN Food Security Work Group is Seeking a Fellow
The NOPREN Food Security Work Group is seeking a Work Group Fellow to support its Work Group (WG) activities.

The fellow will assist the co-chairs with coordinating monthly calls, identifying relevant topics and speakers, assisting with work group led projects, and organizing subgroup projects or activities.

To learn more about the Food Security work group or the position, click here.

Interested candidates can send a CV to
NOPREN HER Resource Digest
The weekly digest is a joint product of NOPREN and HER.

Please send any relevant resources to or click the following link for possible inclusion in a future digest.
The content in this digest are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official position of CDC, DHHS, or HER.
Bastian A, Parks C., McKay F.H., van der Pligt P., Yaroch A., McNaughton S.A., Lindberg R. (2022). Development of a Comprehensive Household Food Security Tool for Families with Young Children and/or Pregnant Women in High Income Countries. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(17):10543.

Budd Nugent, N., Ridberg, R., Fricke, H., Byker Shanks, C., Stotz, S., Jones Chung, A., Shin, S., Yaroch, A., Akers, M., Lowe, R., George, C., Thomas, K., & Seligman, H. (2022). Food sovereignty, health, and produce prescription programs: A case study in two rural tribal communities. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 11(3), 177–196.

Calloway E.E., Carpenter L.R., Gargano T., Sharp J.L., Yaroch A.L. (2022). Development of new measures to assess household nutrition security, and choice in dietary characteristics. Appetite.

Caruso, J., Miller, C., Turnbull, D., & Ettridge, K. (2022). A randomised experimental study comparing perceptions of two energy drink health warning labels. Health Promotion Journal of Australia.

Cunningham-Sabo L., Tagtow A., Mi S., Engelken J., Johnston K., Herman D.R. (2022). Partnerships and Community Engagement Key to Policy, Systems, and Environmental Achievements for Healthy Eating and Active Living: a Systematic Mapping Review. Preventing Chronic Disease, 19, 210466.

Fischer, L., Nelson, R., Ertem, Z., Schechter-Perkins, EM, Oster, E. & Branch-Elliman, W. (2022). Lack of Association between Pandemic School Mode Policy and Pediatric Body Mass Index Percentile over Time. Childhood Obesity.

Garg, G., Telda, Y.G., Ghosh, A.S., Kolak, M., Wolf, M, & Kho, A. (2022). Supermarket Proximity and Risk of Hypertension, Diabetes, and CKD: A Retrospective Cohort Study. American Journal of Kidney Disease.

Hawkes, C., Ambikapathi, R., Anastasiou, K., Brock, J., Castronuovo, L., Fallon, N., Malapit, H., Ndumi, A., Samuel, F., Umugwaneza, M., Wanjohi, M.N.,& Zorbas, C. (2022). From food price crisis to an equitable food system. The Lancet, 400(10350). 413-416.

Higgins, K.A., Rawal, R., Baer, D.J., O'Connor, L.E., & Appleton, K.M. (2022). Scoping Review and Evidence Map on the Relationship Between Exposure to Dietary Sweetness and Body Weight-Related Outcomes In Adults. Advances in Nutrition.

Houghtaling, B., Cater M., Pradhananga N., and Holston D. (2022). Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)-authorised store marketing environments in Louisiana encourage the selection of less nutritious foods and beverages. Journal of Nutritional Science, 11(E64).
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Special Issue "Nutrition and Health Equity: Revisiting the Importance of Fruit and Vegetable Availability, Purchasing, and Consumption."

Lappan, S.N., Harman, T., Pavela, G. & Hendricks, P. (2022). Relationship Between Food Security Status in a Caregiver's Family of Origin and Current Feeding Practices Among Low-Income, Single Female Primary Caregivers. Family and Community Health, 45(4), 257-266.

Nikolaus, C.J., Hebert, L.E., Zamora-Kapoor, A., & Sinclair, K.. (2022). Risk of Food Insecurity in Young Adulthood and Longitudinal Changes in Cardiometabolic Health: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health. The Journal of Nutrition, 152(8):1944–1952.

Obbagy, J., Raghavan, R., English, L.K., Spill, M.K., Bahnfleth, CL, Bates, M., Callahan, E., et al. (2022). Strengthening Research that Answers Nutrition Questions of Public Health Importance: Leveraging the Experience of the USDA Nutrition Evidence Systematic Review Team. The Journal of Nutrition, 152(8) 1823–1830.

Schwartz, A. (2022). Addressing American Obesity: A policy proposal. Georgetown Scientific Research Journal, 2(2), 53–59.

Schwartz, M.B., Schneider, G.E., Xu, R., Bennett, B.L., Highsman Vernick, N., & Appel, L.J. (2022). Retail Soda Purchases Decrease and Water Purchases Increase: 6-Year Results From a Community-Based Beverage Campaign. AJPM FOCUS.

Stotz S., Budd Nugent, N., Ridberg, R., Byker Shanks, C., Her, K., Yaroch, A., & Seligman, H. (2022). Produce Prescription Projects: Challenges, Solutions, and Emerging Best Practices - Perspectives from Health Care Providers. Preventive Medicine Reports, 101951, ISSN 2211-3355.

Trujillo, E.B., Hays, C., Regan, K., Ross, S., & Seifried, H. (2022). Nutrition Research Funding Trends and Focus Areas at the US National Cancer Institute. JNCI Cancer Spectrum.

Venkataramani, M., Ogunwole, S.M., Caulfield, L.E., Sharma, R., Zhang, A., Gross, S.M., Hurley, K.M., Lerman, J.L., Bass, E.B., & Bennett, W.L.. (2022). Maternal, Infant, and Child Health Outcomes Associated with the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children - A Systematic Review. Annals of Internal Medicine.

Verdonschot, A., Follong, B.M., Collins, C.E., de Vet, E., Haveman-Nies, A., & Bucher, T. (2022). Effectiveness of school-based nutrition intervention components on fruit and vegetable intake and nutrition knowledge in children aged 4–12 years old: an umbrella review. Nutrition Reviews.

Young, S. (2022). Value of Children's Voices in Public Health Research. Journal of Nutrition, 152(9).

USDA - Third Public Meeting of the Equity Commission, 9/21/22 & 9/22/22 @ 10a ET.

University of Georgia, College of Agriculture & Environmental Sciences - First Annual Partnering for Food Safety, 9/22/22 @ 12p ET.

SNAP-Ed + Equity

NIH Health Disparities Interest Group Inaugural Workshop - Integrating Social Determinants and Structural Influence Measures in Biomedical Research, 9/26/22 @ 10:30a ET.

Institute for Research on Policy - Shifts in Work And Family for Low-Income Parents, 9/28/22 @ 2p ET.

CDC, Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity - Priority Strategies: Improving Health & Reducing Chronic Disease, 9/29/22 @ 2p ET.

Health Eating Research and Nemours - Healthy Kids, Healthy Future: Advancing Equity in Early Childhood (Philanthropy), 9/30/22 @ 2p ET.

2022 Public Health Law Summit, 10/12/22 - 10/14/22.

Case Western Reserve University, Swetland Center for Environmental Health - Community Engaged Research Specialist

Duke University, Duke Global Health Institute - Professor of the Practice (Assistant or Associate), deadline 12/15/22.

Food Research & Action Center - Senior Child Nutrition Policy Analyst

Intertribal Agricultural Council - Technical Assistance Specialist

The Gretchen Swanson Center for Nutrition - Multiple Positions

Harvard Law, Food Law and Policy Clinic - Clinical Instructor

Nutrition Policy Institute - Assistant Policy Scientist (2 positions)

NYC Office of the Mayor, Office of Food Policy - Policy Advisor

Temple University Center for Public Health Law Research - Law and Policy Analyst

Vanderbilt University - Data Manager

University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources - Project Scientist Nutrition Policy Institute - Assistant Rank (2 positions), deadline 9/26/22

University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences - Nutrition Systematic Review Analyst


Chef Ann Foundation - Fellowship: Scratch Cooking for the Future, deadline 10/23/22.

Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (HHS)

School Nutrition Association - Dr. Josephine Martin Policy Fellowship, deadline 10/31/2022.

Tufts University, Gerald J. and Dorothy R. Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion - HHS Nutrition Fellowship, deadline 10/26/22.

U.S. Office of Personnel Management - Presidential Management Fellows, deadline 9/27/22.

The White House - White House Internship Program, deadline 9/23/22.
We want to feature NOPREN Network member achievements in future editions of the NOPREN News! If you would like to nominate yourself or someone else to be featured in this section, click the link below.
NOPREN member Dr. Sara Bleich
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This digest is jointly supported by Healthy Eating Research (HER) and the Nutrition and Obesity Policy Research and Evaluation Network (NOPREN). HER is a national program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation; NOPREN is supported by Cooperative Agreement Number 5U48DP00498-05 funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity and Prevention Research Centers Program. The findings and conclusions in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official position of HER, CDC, or DHHS