From the Coordinating Center
Register to join us for the next State-of-the-Science meeting: 

**New time: January 24th @ 9am PT/12pm ET**

NOPREN is partnering with the Physical Activity Policy Research and Evaluation Network (PAPREN), to showcase CDC’s flagship community funding programs for advancing the nation’s chronic disease prevention and health promotion efforts. This Network call will provide an overview of the physical activity and nutrition strategies recipients will focus on and describe opportunities for connection between program recipients and PAPREN, NOPREN, and other PRCs.

Ashleigh L. Murriel, PhD, CDC, Program Development & Evaluation Branch
Heidi Blanck, PhD, MS, CDC, Chronic Disease Nutrition/Obesity Branch
Kate Reddy, MS, CDC, Physical Activity & Health Branch

**Registration is required to attend. Click here to register.**

Missed a State-of-the-Science? All past recordings can be found here.
January Work Group Meetings 

Information about upcoming Work Group meetings can be found here

Click here to listen to all past webinar recordings.
Healthy Food Retail Work Group Webinar, January 23rd @ 12pm ET

Avoiding Conflicts of Interest and Reputational Risks associated with Population Research on Food and Nutrition: the Food Research risK (FoRK) Guidance and Toolkit for Researchers

In this webinar, Professor Martin White, MD, MSc, FFPH, will discuss avoiding conflicts of interest as researchers and current work in this area.

Click here for more information about the event. Learn more about the project here.

Passcode: 333809
Meeting ID: 951 2193 2071
Call for Drinking Water Work Group Fellow

The NOPREN Drinking Water Work Group is seeking a PhD or post-doctoral student to serve as a work group fellow. This is a 1-year position and requires a commitment of 5-10 hours per month.
If you are interested in the Drinking Water Work Group Fellow position, please contact Angie Cradock for more information ( Note "DWWG Student Fellow Position" in the Subject Line.
NOPREN HER Resource Digest
The bi-weekly digest is a joint product of NOPREN and HER.

Send relevant resources to or click here for inclusion in a future digest.
Early Childhood
Bookhart, L. H., Anstey, E. H., Jamieson, D. J., Kramer, M. R., Perrine, C. G., Ramakrishnan, U., Worrell, N., & Young, M. F. (2023). Factors Associated with In-Hospital Exclusive Breastfeeding Among a Racially and Ethnically Diverse Patient Population. Breastfeeding Medicine: The Official Journal of the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine, 18(10), 751–758.

Klein, A., Uyehara, M., Cunningham, A., Olomi, M., Cashin, K., & Kirk, C. M. (2023). Nutritional care for children with feeding difficulties and disabilities: A scoping review. PLOS Global Public Health, 3(3), e0001130.

Federal Nutrition Assistance Programs
Asada, Y., Bleiweiss-Sande, R., Barnes, C., Lane, H., & Chriqui, J. F. (2023). In Pursuit of Equitable Access in Federal Food and Nutrition Assistance Programs. American Journal of Public Health, 113(S3), S175–S179.

Asada, Y., Schermbeck, R., Thiede, K., & Chriqui, J. F. (2023). Opportunities to Improve Access to and Retention in the Child and Adult Care Food Program: Key Recommendations From Early Childcare Providers in Illinois, December 2020–July 2021. American Journal of Public Health, 113(S3), S231–S239.

Babb, A. M., Suttles, S. A., Daellenbach, I., DuPilka, J. H., & Knudsen, D. C. (2023). Adequacy of SNAP Benefits for Indiana Households, 2022. American Journal of Public Health, 113(S3), S224–S226.

Bleiweiss-Sande, R. & Asada, Y. (2023) What Will It Take to Bring Equity to Federal Nutrition Support Programs? American Journal of Public Health, 113, S164_S165,

Busch, S., Andersen, J. A., Willis, D. E., McElfish, P. A., Reece, S., DuBois, D., & Brown, C. C. (2023). Association of the COVID-19 Pandemic With Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Receipt Among Pregnant Individuals: United States, 2016–2022. American Journal of Public Health, 113(S3), S240–S247.

Chriqui, J. F., & Asada, Y. (2023). The Child and Adult Care Food Program: A Critical Component of the Nutrition Safety Net for More Than 50 Years. American Journal of Public Health, 113(S3), S171–S174.

Fern, S. E., Kimbro, R. T., Hill, M. E., & Hughes, C. C. (2023). Emergency Food Support Preference and Usage During COVID-19: A Neighborhood Study of Low-Income Black Mothers? Use of School-Based Food Distribution and P-EBT. American Journal of Public Health, 113(S3), S227–S230.

Franckle, R., & Boyle, M. (2023). Barriers to Participation in the Child and Adult Care Food Program for Early Childhood Care Providers. American Journal of Public Health, 113(S3), S180–S182.

Ganacias, K., & Rethy, J. A. (2023). Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Enrollment: Learning From Key Informants to Enhance Utilization. American Journal of Public Health, 113(S3), S220–S223.

Gosliner, W., & Ritchie, L. D. (2023). Bold Action Needed for Equitable Access to Nutrition Assistance by All. American Journal of Public Health, 113(S3), S202–S205.
Heinz, H., Fiorella Asencio Pimentel, M., Castillo, D., Cordova, Y., Fowler, R., Bell, D., & Jimenez, E. Y. (2023). Perspectives of Home-Based Child Care Providers in New Mexico on Barriers and Facilitators to Participating in the Child and Adult Care Food Program, 2021–2022. American Journal of Public Health, 113(S3), S215–S219.

Heinz, H., & Jimenez, E. Y. (2023). State Regulations Set the Stage for Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) Participation in Home-Based Childcare. American Journal of Public Health, 113(S3), S191–S193.

Mmari, K. (2023). Federal Nutrition Assistance Programs and Adolescent Food Insecurity: A Complicated Picture. American Journal of Public Health, 113(S3), S206–S209.

Temitope, E., & Mary, S. (2023). The Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP): Nutritional Benefits and Barriers Hindering Participation by Home-Based Childcare Providers. American Journal of Public Health, 113(S3), S183–S185.

Thrasher, D. (2023). Making Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Enrollment Easier for Gig Workers. American Journal of Public Health, 113(S3), S210–S214.

Drinking Water
Okoli, C. B., Arrington, N., Hall, J., Paulus, T., Miles, I., Shieh, J., Sharpe, K., and Cotwright, C. J. (2024). Black Parents' Perceptions and Barriers to Limiting Sugar-Sweetened Beverages Among Young Children: A Social Cognitive Theory Application. Childhood Obesity, 23-34.

School Wellness
Cornett, K., Murfay, K., Fulton, J.E. (2023) Physical activity interventions during the school day: reviewing policies, practices, and benefits. J Sch Health, 93, 778–787.

Shedd, M., & Kelly, R. (2023). More than procurement: Examination of a farm-to-early-care and education pilot. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 13(1), Article 1.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - The food systems countdown report 2023

Indigenous Food & Agriculture Initiative - IFAI Annual Report

North American Food Systems Network - Community & Agriculture Resilience Audit Tool (CARAT)

ASPHN's Fruit and Vegetable Council - Apply Trauma-Informed Approaches and Harm-Reduction Principles in Public Health, deadline 1/25/24 @ 1p ET

Bipartisan Policy Center - Addressing Information Asymmetry: Improving CMS and FDA Collaboration, 1/31/23 @ 10:30a ET

Bipartisan Policy Center - Health Care Policy in the Election Year, 1/17/24 @ 12:30p ET

COSSA - Social Science Advocacy Day, 4/8/24-4/9/24

Dietary Guidelines of America - 2025 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee: Meeting 4, 1/19/24 @ 8:30a ET

HHS - Food is Medicine Summit, 1/31/24 @ 9a ET

Indigenous Food & Agriculture Initiative - Legal & Policy Analysis Webinar, 1/23/24 @ 3p ET

International Food Information Council - The Processed Foods Paradox: Consumer Insights on Today's Most Controversial Foods, deadline 1/18/24 @ 2p ET

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine - Maximizing Agriculture to Enhance Nutrient Composition to Better Fulfill Dietary Recommendations, 1/30/24 @ 10a ET


Chef Ann Foundation - Multiple positions

Common Good City Farm - Executive Director, deadline 1/26/24

Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona - Senior Director of Food Security

Oregon State University - Multiple positions

2024 National Health Outreach and Engagement Conference - Call for Proposals, Health Innovation through Extension and Outreach, deadline 2/4/24

American Society for Nutrition - Abstract Opportunity, Nutrition 2024

Gretchen Swanson Center for Nutrition - Abstract Opportunity, International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, deadline 2/29/24
HHS - Request for Comments, Menu Labeling: Supplemental Guidance for Industry (Edition 2); Draft Guidance for Industry; Availability

USDA - Comment Request, 2024-2025 National School Foods Study, deadline 2/20/24
Arizona State University - Hydration Post-Doctoral Position, interested candidates email

CDC - Health Communication Fellowship, deadline 1/22/24

Harvard Law School - Clinical Fellow, Food Law & Policy Clinic, deadline 1/22/24

HHS - HHS Science and Data Policy Fellowship, deadline 4/30/24

Know someone who is interested in joining the NOPREN listserv? Click here to sign up! | @NOPRENnetwork
This digest is based on a compilation of news services and listservs developed by Sheila Fleischhacker, PhD, JD, RDN during her time as co-chair of the HER NOPREN COVID-19 Food & Nutrition Work Group and operationalized on a weekly basis by HER. The new bi-weekly digest is created by NOPREN and reviewed by Dr. Fleischhacker. The digest is jointly supported by Healthy Eating Research (HER) and the Nutrition and Obesity Policy Research and Evaluation Network (NOPREN). HER is a national program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation; NOPREN is supported by Cooperative Agreement Number 5U48DP00498-05 funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity and Prevention Research Centers Program. The findings and conclusions in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official position of HER, CDC, DHHS, or the USDA.