From the Coordinating Center
Understanding Shifting Consumer Purchasing Trends Impacting Health
Date: March 11th @ 9am PT/12pm ET
Presenters: Sherry Frey, VP of Total Wellness at NielsenIQ
Passcode: 610909
Meeting ID: 910 5393 6229
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NOPREN HER Resource Digest
The bi-weekly digest is a joint product of NOPREN and HER.*
Early Childhood
Federal Nutrition Assistance Programs
Food and Nutrition Security
Martin, K. S., Reynolds, M., Brown, K. L., Rugg, G., Berger, B. M., Campbell, M., Schumacher, A., Johnson, C., Agboola, F., & Streett, G. (2024). Offering Full Choice in Food Pantries is Feasible and Improves Pantry Operations. Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition.
Pulvera, R., Jackson, K., Gosliner, W., Hamad, R., & Fernald, L. C. H. (2024). The association of safety-net program participation with government perceptions, welfare stigma, and discrimination. Health Affairs Scholar, 2(1), qxad084.
Seiber, E. E., Garrity, K., Moon, K. J., Jankowski, E., Nawaz, S., Garner, J. A., Headings, A., Jonas, D. E., Clark, A., Bose-Brill, S., Shrodes, J. C., Hoseus, J., Baker, C., McAlearney, A. S., Hefner, J. L., Joseph, J. J., Vallangeon, D., & Walker, D. M. (2024). Sustainability of Social Needs Resolution Interventions: A Call to Consider Cost. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 0(0).
Water and Healthy Beverages
Lemmon, B., Montuclard, A., Solar, S. E., Roberts, E., Joo, T. W., & Falbe, J. (2024). Student Opposition to University Pouring Rights Contracts. AJPM Focus, 3(2), 100190.
USDA - USDA’s ASCEND for Better Health Nutrition Hub at Southern University. 2/27/24 @ 1p ET
California Department of Public Health - Assistant Deputy Director, Chronic Disease Prevention for the Center for Healthy Communities, deadline 2/26/24
California Department of Public Health - Deputy Director, Center for Health Communities, deadline 2/26/24
California Department of Public Health - Director, deadline 3/31/24
California Department of Public Health - Division Director, Women, Infants and Children (WIC), deadline 3/18/24
Temple University - Program Manager, The Center for Public Health Law Research
Healthy Meals Incentives - Award application, Healthy Meals Incentives Recognition Awards for School Food Authorities, rolling applications
Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics - Call for papers, Special Issue, deadline 3/15/24
Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior - Application opportunity, SNEB Student Representative to the Board of Directors, deadline 4/15/24
UCLA Fielding School of Public Health - Application opportunity, Modelers and Storytellers: Transdisciplinary Training to Advance Community Health Intervention Research, deadline 3/11/24
The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and the Center for Federal Executive Board (FEB) Operations - Registration open, Federal Executive Board Campus Series 2024, multiple deadlines
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*This digest is based on a compilation of news services and listservs developed by Sheila Fleischhacker, PhD, JD, RDN during her time as co-chair of the HER NOPREN COVID-19 Food & Nutrition Work Group and operationalized on a weekly basis by HER. The new bi-weekly digest is created by NOPREN and reviewed by Dr. Fleischhacker. The digest is jointly supported by Healthy Eating Research (HER) and the Nutrition and Obesity Policy Research and Evaluation Network (NOPREN). HER is a national program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation; NOPREN is supported by Cooperative Agreement Number 5U48DP00498-05 funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity and Prevention Research Centers Program. The findings and conclusions in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official position of HER, CDC, DHHS, or the USDA.