The Branch
A monthly update for NOSORH members and partners
January 2024
Now Enrolling: NOSORH Rural Health Grant Writing Institute
NOSORH cordially invites you to a unique learning experience where you can enhance your grant writing skills, turn rurality to your advantage, learn to connect with funders, and more! This virtual learning series is for beginners aiming to develop the skills needed to research and draft winning program proposals from various funders. The Institute runs from March 4 - April 29, 2024. Virtual learning sessions will occur on Mondays from 3:00-4:30 pm ET. Learn more and register today! The registration deadline is February 16, 2024.
Rural Health Policy Update
Update provided by Andrew Coats, NOSORH Legislative Liaison

Congress Returns for 2024:
Congress returned this week to begin the second session of the 118th Congress. Unlike most years where Congress slowly dips its feet back in the water, lawmakers face an immediate deadline to keep the government funded. The current stopgap continuing resolution (CR) expires on January 19th for four of the twelve spending bills (which includes FDA funding). The remaining eight funding bills, including the measure that funds HHS and its agencies, come due on February 2. On January 7, Congressional leadership and the White House announced an agreement on a “topline” spending number for FY 2024. Nondefense discretionary spending will remain flat in fiscal year (FY 2024) at $772.7 billion. The new agreement also rescinds $6.1 billion in “unused” Covid-relief funds. Read More
Call for Speaker Proposals: 2024 SORH Regional Partnership Meetings
Are you passionate about driving positive change in rural health? Here's your chance to share your experiences and insights with State Offices of Rural Health (SORH)! NOSORH, in collaboration with the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy, is thrilled to invite you to participate in the 2024 SORH Regional Partnership Meetings. Your unique insights and expertise can play a pivotal role in shaping the future of rural health.

Topic List & Submission Guidelines (Proposals are due by January 19)

For questions, please contact Caroline Wroczynski at [email protected].
Rural Hospital Performance Improvement Virtual Conferences Open for Registration
Calling all rural healthcare leaders! You are invited to the annual Rural Hospital Performance Improvement Virtual Conferences. Hosted by Wintergreen, in partnership with NOSORH, this FREE conference will highlight hospital and clinic case studies on the following topics:
  • Rural hospital strategic and operational priorities
  • Innovations and new opportunities to generate revenue
  • Recruitment and retention strategies
  • Rural health clinic best practices and future direction

Each three-hour session is hosted based on NOSORH region, and respective registration links can be found below.

Register now! Unsure which region you are in? Click here
Medical Leadership in Disaster Preparedness and Response Virtual Conference
Are you currently responsible for the medical direction of a healthcare entity in the event of a disaster? Are you interested in serving in that role in the future? The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response (ASPR) Technical Resources, Assistance Center, and Information Exchange (TRACIE) is pleased to host the Medical Leadership in Disaster Preparedness and Response Virtual Conference on February 7-8, 2024. This two half-day virtual, interactive conference will feature individuals who have a medical direction role during disasters for their health care facility, public health department, emergency medical services agency, health care coalition, or other entity discussing the spectrum of their medical leadership responsibilities and some of the specific challenges of the role.
  • Day One: February 7 at 12:30-5:00 PM ET
  • Day Two: February 8 at 12:30-5:00 PM ET
For additional details and to register, please visit ASPR TRACIE’s Conference Information Page
New Funding Opportunity: HRSA Behavioral Health Integration Evidence-Based Telehealth Network Program
The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) will fund up to 25 local organizations to promote the integration of behavioral health services into primary care settings using telehealth technology. HRSA will award approximately $8.75 million over a period of five years. Eligible applicants shall be domestic public or private, non-profit, or for-profit entities that demonstrate they will provide services through a telehealth network. This includes faith-based, tribal, and community-based organizations. Please view the funding opportunity on for complete eligibility information. The application is due March 22, 2024.

Join the technical assistance webinar on January 17 at 3:30 pm ET to learn about this funding opportunity.
Apply Now: HRSA Targeted Technical Assistance for Rural Hospitals Program  
Applications are being accepted to receive two years of technical assistance through the Targeted Technical Assistance for Rural Hospitals Program (TTAP), a FORHP-supported program for rural hospitals struggling to maintain health care services. Technical assistance for this project is provided by the Center for Public Health Practice and Research at the Jiann-Ping Hsu College of Public Health, Georgia Southern University, and will begin in March 2024. Applications are due by January 31, 2024
Appalachian Regional Commission Funding: INSPIRE, SUD Recovery Ecosystem Grant
The Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC), a federal-state partnership working to strengthen economic growth and community development in 13 Appalachian states, issued a Notice of Solicitation of Applications for its Investments Supporting Partnerships in Recovery Ecosystems (INSPIRE) initiative. The grant program addresses the region’s substance use disorder (SUD) crisis with investments in the creation and expansion of a SUD recovery ecosystem that helps facilitate workforce entry and re-entry. Awards will support various projects on the post-treatment to employment continuum, including investments in healthcare networks to better meet the needs of SUD recovery professionals, recovery-focused job and workforce training programs, expanded recovery support networks, training and certification of recovery specialists, and more. Letters of Intent for implementation grants up to $500,000 and planning grants up to $50,000 are due February 16, 2024. The deadline for final applications is March 8, 2024. Click here for more information and how to apply. 
3:00 pm ET
NOSORH, in partnership with Stroudwater Associates, invites you to participate in a series of quarterly market updates for rural healthcare stakeholders to stay current on the changes in the healthcare marketplace in order to strategize responses to ensure vital services for rural communities.
2:00 pm ET
This free webinar provides general information for new users and an opportunity for existing users to ask questions. Please register in advance to receive a calendar invite and full connection details.
1:00 pm ET
This webinar will discuss NOSORH and the process of two states (Pennsylvania and Virginia) that recently developed or updated their state rural health plans.
Tammy Norville, NOSORH
Lisa Davis, Pennsylvania Office of Rural Health
Heather Anderson, Virginia Department of Health