The Branch
A monthly update for NOSORH members and partners
Thank You for Celebrating the Power of Rural
A Presidential Proclamation was issued by President Biden, declaring November 18, 2021, as National Rural Health Day (NRHD) – and what a day it was! The 11th annual NRHD saw an incredible number of nationwide events held by State Offices of Rural Health, rural partners, communities, providers, and other stakeholders.
2021 Annual Meeting a Success - Sessions Available for Playback
NOSORH would like to thank the Planning Committee, the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy, and investing partners for making the 2021 NOSORH Annual Meeting a success. Over three afternoons, twenty sessions were offered to attendees on topics including health equity, rural behavioral health, Graduate Medical Education (GME), rural health policy, and more. All of the session recordings can be found on the NOSORH website.
“NOSORH's meetings are always the best I attend for lots of reasons. This was still the best meeting I have attended. NOSORH does a great job,” one attendee said. “The meeting was easy to access, seamless. Excellent content. Great conference!” another attendee noted.
While we hope to be in-person next fall, you all made the virtual experience engaging. NOSORH will always strive to make the Annual Meeting meaningful and have pertinent information for the SORH. If you have any questions, please contact Matt Strycker at [email protected].
Rural Health Policy Update
On November 18, the White House celebrated National Rural Health Day by having President Biden issue a proclamation. Further down Pennsylvania Avenue, Reps. O’Halleran (D-AZ) and Cole (R-OK) introduced H.Res.815, a congressional resolution supporting the goals and ideals of National Rural Health Day. Fifty-two bipartisan members of the House came together to cosponsor this NOSORH sponsored resolution. Also in conjunction with National Rural Health Day was the introduction of the bicameral Rural Health Equity Act. The bills ( H.R. 5848/S. 3149), which were introduced by Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR) and Rep. Donald McEachin (D-VA) and endorsed by NOSORH, seek to establish an Office of Rural Health within the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Read more about the effort in this letter from the Rural Health Action Alliance. Read More
Webinar: Economic Development for Healthcare Leaders, Part One
NOSORH and the Center for Economic Analysis of Rural Health (CEARH) invite you to join the first of two economic development webinars for rural health care leaders on Wednesday, December 8, at 3:00 pm EST. In this webinar, CEARH Director Alison Davis will cover the basics of economic development: what it is, why communities “do” economic development, and the primary stakeholders involved in economic development efforts. To link with real-world examples, Dr. Davis will be joined by Ernie Scott, Director of the Kentucky Office of Rural Health, and Corie Kaiser, Director of the Oklahoma Office of Rural Health.
Economic development usually takes three forms in communities: business attraction, business creation (entrepreneurial development), and business retention and expansion. All three forms aim to create new primary jobs that pay more than the prevailing wage, increase the amount of income coming into the community from outside its market area, and create greater capital investment. It’s vital for health care leaders to be aware of economic development efforts locally, and ideal if leadership can play an active role in economic development efforts. The webinar will explore success stories where health care leaders have played an active role in local or regional economic development initiatives that affect the local health care sector.
For more information, visit the website and be sure to register here.
Each month, NOSORH features the work of an innovative SORH or community leader who inspires collaboration, communication, education, and/or innovation. The model efforts provided in these stories may be helpful to your rural community.
William Murray Buttner, MD
Iliuliuk Family and Health Services
Unalaska, Alaska
In 2019, Dr. Buttner was the first to arrive on the scene when a passenger plane carrying 42 people crashed off the Dutch Harbor Airport runway. Dr. Buttner and his partners’ Comprehensive Advanced Life Support (CALS) training was invaluable in helping his team respond to the mass casualty event that day and gave further impetus to getting CALS course up to Alaska. To date, his efforts to bring CALS training to Alaska have resulted in 46 healthcare providers completing the training.
“Dr. Buttner is a tireless advocate for trauma education and ensuring Alaska physicians can provide critical life-saving care in the most remote and austere environments.”
Rural EMS & Care Conference
Save the Date for the 2022 conference in Columbus, OH.