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As promised, the AgriNet Update has launched, packed with new features you can begin using during the 2024 crop year. We are excited to introduce you to these powerful tools and the ways they will make your job easier.

One of these updates is our new Document Management application. This streamlined, intuitive system will replace the FileZilla and Document Upload tools previously used to send and receive documents.

Effective at midnight on September 30, we will discontinue all use of FileZilla and Document Upload for sending documents to AgriSompo North America. Beginning on October 1, the only platform available for submitting documents will be the Document Management program.

This date is late enough in the 2023 crop year that most documents will have been submitted, and early enough in the 2024 crop year that most documents are not yet due. Our hope is that this will allow plenty of time for you to become accustomed to the new system.

Please note that your agent commission statements and batch documents will still be sent to your SFTP and can be accessed via FileZilla. Batch documents requested by you or your underwriter can still be viewed in the agent portal.

Document Management is already available in AgriNet, so you can get started today. Click here to try it out!

Prior to October 1, we will provide many opportunities for agents to receive training on the use of Document Management. Weekly webinar trainings specific to the new system are scheduled throughout September.

Additionally, all of our Fall Agent Update meetings will feature an introduction to the Document Management system.

Please use the links below to see the schedule of these events and to register.

AgriNet Webinars
Fall Agent Update

Instructional materials are also available for download. Remember to check our Saba online training platform for the latest software guides.

PDF Guide
Video Guide

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to your marketing representative – we're here to help!


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AgriSompo North America, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Provider.

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