Meriden Congregational Church Newsletter

 November, 2022

We are a Spiritually Progressive,

Open & Affirming, Sanctuary Congregation 

dedicated to 

Transforming Lives

as a Compassionate Community,

extravagantly welcoming EVERYONE,

celebrating diversity, cultivating awe & wonder,

and seeking Peace with Justice for all Creation!

Join us for our Intergenerational

Faith Community Celebrations

Each Sunday at 10:00 AM

Back in the Church,

with optional masks and physical distancing,

and zoom option as well!

Watch for weekly e-mail notices,

and/or contact

[email protected]

Here it is--Volume 5, Issue 9 of our e-mail newsletter!



PASTORAL PONDERINGS--Learning the Generosity of LOVE

Stewardship Campaign--Beloved, Love!

Welcoming and Caring Ministry

  •   Harvest Dinner is Saturday--November 5th at 6:00 PM

Worship & Music Ministry News

  • Our Sunday Faith Community Celebrations in November
  • Spiritual Formation News for our Children, Youth, & Families
  • Music and Ministry Notes
  • Tenderly Held in our Hearts and Prayers
  •  Into God’s Hands
  • New Child of God
  • Joined Together in God's Love

Spiritual Formation Opportunities

  • "Revolutionary Love" Study Circle Continues in November 

NOVEMBER CALENDAR of EVENTS in the Life of our Spiritual Family

All Saints Celebration on Sunday--November 6th

NH UCC Annual Meeting Reflection and Pictures

MCC Administration & Finance News

  • Buildings and Grounds Initiatives for 2022
  • Report of the Assistant Treasurers
  • COVID-19 Task Force Update

Birthdays and Anniversaries

Growing a Just World for All

  • Peace & Justice Ministry Coordinator's Report
  • LISTEN Community Dinner & Claremont Soup Kitchen
  • Economic Justice
  • Worker Justice Minister Importance of Voting
  • Support for the PRO Act
  • Racial Justice Ministry Team Becomes Antiracism Ministry Team
  • Next Meeting on Wednesday--November 30th @ 7:00 PM
  • Abenaki History Webinar on Tuesday--November 8th
  • Invitation to join the Windsor County NAACP
  • Continuing Black Lives Matter Vigils
  • Social Justice
  • Immigrant Justice
  • Climate Justice
  • Environmental Justice Summit Flier
  • "Inside Climate News" award winning Newsletter
  • Legislator Contact Information

Visit our website

Revs. John and Susan Gregory-Davis,


Meriden Congregational Church


j[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

 “We are all created in the image and likeness of God.

God’s nature is amazing grace and extravagant generosity. When we live forward to our best true selves,

we live forward toward generosity and giving….

Giving is a learned behavior pattern.”

-      Ken Callahan

     Each time we re-gather in September to begin our new church year together, we recommit ourselves to our shared ministry of choosing and practicing love, both with and for those whom we already so dearly love, and those whom we have yet to learn to love.  Indeed, we very much hope that if anyone were to use one word to describe who and how we are as a faith community, that word would be LOVE. But as simple as this sounds, in the context of a society so fraught with division and contempt for anyone deemed to be so “other” as to be unworthy of love, this commitment to inclusivity and the inherent worth of all life is both revolutionary and profoundly countercultural, and thus often quite challenging to live into. 


           Hence the importance of our intentionally choosing and practicing love. Yes, at times love comes quite naturally to us, as people created in and for love, both to love and be loved. But at other times, we are both humbly and painfully reminded of how difficult it can be to choose, let alone practice love, especially when we are constantly bombarded with messages that discourage us from loving everyone, or even from fully loving ourselves. We firmly believe that we are capable of ever expanding love for ourselves, each other, and all creation, but we also recognize that just as we can be taught to hate and condemn ourselves, and others, so we can and need to learn to grow and deepen in love as well. 


           Thus it is that we have been inspired by theologian Brian McClaren to think of our church as a “School for Love,” through which we are learning to love in ways beyond what might otherwise be possible for us. For if ever there was a time in our shared lives together when what our world needed was love, surely this is it. Of course, as distressed as we are by the vitriol and hatred so callously expressed, even by many so-called “Christian” leaders, toward those whom they disdain as “enemies” deserving of exclusion, if not extermination, the sobering truth is that this tension between the words we profess and the actions we embody is not new, as decried in the first letter of John in Christian Scripture. Dismayed by the discrepancy that this writer witnessed among the earliest Christians between their words and their actions, this writer declared in no uncertain terms that no matter how pious our expression of love for God may be, unless we love the people and creatures with whom we share this life, then our words are meaningless, if not downright dishonest. 


           The Good News is that we are loved, fully and unconditionally, in and through the source of love out of which all life arises. And the news that is both challenging, and invigorating, is that we are invited to love each other and all creation with this same boundless love. This truly is why we are here, to learn and grow in love with and for each other. And this time within the rhythm of our church year is when we are invited to be especially intentional about embodying our love through generously giving of the resources with which we have been blessed in support of our shared ministry within and beyond this faith community.  

           As we have often reflected, we understand well that in a materialistic, consumer culture like ours, that depends upon fostering within us a distressing sense of scarcity, of never having enough, and always needing to acquire more, bigger, and better,  the word stewardship can feel more burdensome than liberating. But we are increasingly convinced, both as your Co-Pastors, and as your companion sojourners within this faith community, that just as we can learn and grow in love, so we can we learn and grow in generosity, in giving and sharing out of the abundance with which we have been blessed. And although such growth may at times feel difficult and even painful, like stretching muscles into greater flexibility and strength, so too can growing into greater generosity as an expression of our radical love for those with whom we share this life actually bless, unburden, and even free us into more fully becoming the generous lovers we have been created to be. 


           Thus may we embrace our church’s annual stewardship invitation this year as an opportunity to indulge our heart’s desire to be generous in our giving on behalf of each other, and our neighbors near and far. As people learning to love, may we welcome this opportunity to resist all the powers within and around us that dis-ease our relationships with ourselves and others, and instead grow more intentionally toward the wisdom of many of our indigenous relations that the most healing, liberating, transformative thing we can do for ourselves and for our world is to “give away” as people evolving in the revolutionary love of our interconnectedness within the great circle of Life. 


Learning to love through generous giving,

Your Co-Pastor Partners in

“Transforming Lives as a Compassionate Community!”

John & Susan

Transforming Lives as a Compassionate Community:

Growing Spiritually as an Antiracist Church”



(In-Person and on Zoom,

in the Sanctuary ,

with masks optional)

NOVEMBER 6th @ 10:00 AM

All Saints Communion Service!      Join us for this beautiful service in which we remember and give thanks for our loved ones who have died in the past year, lighting a candle, tolling the bell and speaking their names as our Saints of God.

NOVEMBER 13th @ 10:00 AM

Stewardship Inspiration Sunday!

  This service will feature our annual Stewardship "Sermon on the Amount" by way of inspiring our extravagantly generous "Rooted in Love" support of our Ministry Action Plan for the coming year.

NOVEMBER 20th @ 10:00 AM

Thanks-Giving Sunday!

    During this beautiful service we gather each year to express our church family's gratitude for all of God's blessings in our lives. This is also the Sunday when we share our individual and family commitments of financial support with our church to ensure the continuation of ministries offered by our beloved congregation for the 2023 year to come. Join us as we share a faithful measure of the gifts we each have been given by supporting financially our church's ministries, as generously as we can.

NOVEMBER 27TH @ 10:00 AM

First Sunday of Advent

  Join us on this Sunday of Thanksgiving weekend as we begin the beautiful season of Advent, these four weeks preceding Christmas that invite our hearts to contemplate the true meaning of God's Gift of Love born anew in each of us this Holy Season.

Whoever you are,
Whomever you love,
Wherever you are on
life's journey,

share in all our
Spiritual Family Services, Celebrations,
and Activities!



  Hello friends of all ages! We hope you had a Happy Halloween! As we look toward November, we encourage you to continue tuning in on Sunday mornings at 10am (by Zoom or join us in person!) for the wonderfully special Inter- generational stories offered by Kelsey MacNamee, our Spiritual Formation Coordinator for Children, Youth and Families.  Sometimes Kelsey reads a lovely, inspiring storybook, other times she shares a story from her own life (or that of her four year old daughter or little Westie dogs!), but always Kelsey's messages are warm, insightful and sure to touch your heart!

 Also, for children who are of preschool age through six grade, we will be offering, beginning in November, a Church School Program (twice per month after school) using the inclusive, spiritually progressive Christian curriculum for this age group, A Joyful Path. If you know of children in the wider Plainfield, Corning and Lebanon communities who might be interested in joining us, please let Susan know! We will also be continuing Faith Odyssey twice per month for our seventh and eighth graders, and Senior Seekers for our high school students. We also look forward to offering the OWL Program to our Grade 4-6 and Grade 7-8 children in the spring! 

  And parents, you won't want to miss out on Kelsey's awesome NONO Program: "Parents Night Off and Night Out!" on the second Saturday evening of each month!   A fun time for children in our church and community to engage in supervised play here in our parish house while parents enjoy a much needed break! Our next NONO will be Saturday, November 12th, from 6-9pm! Contact [email protected] if your family or other families you know would like to participate in this awesome double-fun (kids AND parents) event!  

  If you love supporting children, youth and families, you are so warmly invited to join us on the-- Spiritual Formation Ministry Team! (Odile Clavier, Cathy Rodriguez, Kelsey MacNamee, and Susan Gregory-Davis). We would love to have you!  

Do you find a deep sense of  joy and gratification in reaching out and helping others? If so, you are warmly invited to join our church's Caregivers Team!

Even if you have only a few minutes a month to write a short "thinking of you" or "get well" card, your loving care will be so appreciated by members of our church community.  If you would rather make occasional phone calls or in-person home visits, there is a place for you on the Caregivers Team, too!!!  Everyone is welcome to offer gifts of care with no effort ever too small!  Our Team meets quarterly with the loving guidance of our Chair, Kathy Wright. If you are interested in joining or talking further,  please contact Kathy at [email protected] or Susan ([email protected]).  We warmly welcome you to join in the very meaningful ministry of this small group with a BIG HEART! 

Stewardship Campaign

    United by the Holy Spirit and inspired by God’s grace, at the Meriden Congregational Church we seek to love all, to welcome all, and to seek justice for all. Our purpose arises from Jesus’ greatest commandment to Love God with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength and our neighbor as ourselves. Thanks to each of you, every day, we are already doing and being this love in so many ways that make a world of difference. 


     Our annual stewardship theme this year is “Beloved, Love!” drawing inspiration from 1 John 4:7, “Beloved, let us love one another, because love is from God; everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.” Grounded in God’s love for us, we are called to act in love for each other, our neighbors near and far, and indeed all creation.

       With your support, our church can continue through love to engage in our shared work for a more just world. As we look to 2023, your generosity to the annual campaign will assure that our congregation can faithfully answer God’s call to love.   

       Please join us throughout the month of November as we celebrate enacting God's love through our serving and giving. On November 13th, we will reflect upon how our generosity embodies our love in action, and on the 20th, we will gather to commit our pledges of financial support and dedicate them to God’s ministry here in Meriden and beyond. 

      You should receive a pledge card in the mail during the beginning of November. Please feel free to bring it to our service on Sunday, November 20, or you can mail or email it to me, Assistant Treasurer Jill Marshall at 15 Ladieu Rd, Plainfield, NH 03781 or [email protected].

Thank you!  Jill Marshall, Stewardship Chair


     After two long years, Our Potluck Harvest Dinner returns to the Parish House in-person on Saturday--November 5th at 6:00  PM!   We will provide the Turkey, gravy, some mashed potatoes and some pies. Please bring side dishes like stuffing, peas, green bean casserole and your appetites. After two years it will be good to be back together again.

     Thanks to Laine Gillespie, Diane Walker, Christine Heins, Kevin Moore,  Penny Arcone,  and Kathy Wright for providing food at Coffee Hours in October. Thanks also to the many people who volunteered to clean up afterward. Maybe you can help in November!

    Our church services are now in the Church! We need ushers. I may be contacting you to help. Please say yes. It takes many people to build the community and to make our fellowship strong. If you would like to help with any of this please contact Kathy Wright at (603) 469-3235 or at home at (603) 675-5989.


Kathy Wright, Coordinator of the Welcoming and Caring Ministry

Music and Ministry Notes

Music and Ministry

November 2022

Music and Ministry folks met (in person!) in October. We are hoping to have a choir to sing once per month. We (Elaine!) are working to arrange coverage for Carol’s well-earned time away in the Spring.

Sunday services in the sanctuary are back! It is so good to be back to some semblance of “normal”. The Sunday that I ushered the view from the back of the church was wonderful.

People, our church family, in person in our sanctuary again.

Leaves are falling. Winter will soon be upon us. Prayers for Peace and Warmth.

Cindy Marx-Wood

For Music and Ministry

Tenderly Held in Our Hearts and Prayers

           As November’s decreasing temperatures put a chill in our bones, we are so grateful for the WELCOME home  of our faith community, wherein we delight with those bearing new life, and pray with those yet trying to conceive or seeking to adopt a beloved child of God, even as we fervently pray for all those affected in any way by the continuing Covid pandemic. So too do we pray for our friends in Brazil, Bolivia, Mexico, Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, Zambia, the Dominican Republic, Indonesia, and Zimbabwe, and all those living in such troubled lands as Haiti, Afghanistan, Israel, Palestine, Syria, Pakistan, North Korea, Hong Kong, Yemen, Nigeria, Burma, South Sudan, the Congo, Iraq, & Iran. We pray for all immigrants & refugees seeking sanctuary & welcome throughout our world, that we may be among those who offer an oasis of hospitality & compassion within the kin-dom of God’s heart. And we pray too for our BIPoC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) friends and neighbors, seeking to build with them a world wherein Black Lives Matter!”


           So too do we pray for Robyn & Bob Carpenter; Rod Wendt; Dalton Winslow; Karen Sutton’s friend, Amber Howard Patricia’s parents; Laine Gillespie’s friends, Josh & Perry;  Greg Marshall; Juliette Hampton’s friends, Mikka, & Elizabeth; Betty Walker; Penny Arcone’s friend, Dick Slubin; Connie Kousman’s sister, Joyce; Beth Kopp’s father, Jim Kane; Allyson Wendt; Linda Perkins; Jody Schubert’s brother, Rick; Jim Schubert’s sister, Martha; Jeannie Hines’ father, Joe McClellan; Joan Burch; Suzanne Lenz; Carol Hartman’s daughter-in-law, Michelle; Judy Croitoru; Chris Dye; Linda Perkins’ friends, Dorothy, Barbara, Albert, & Doug; Caren Saunders’ father, William HomeyerRod & Barb Wendt’s granddaughter, Ada Jane; Susan Turner’s cousin, Buddy Stevenson, and Sue’s friend, Barbara Zenker; and Odile Clavier’s mother, Marie-Claire, as well as her niece, Amelie Marie.


         Likewise we pray for these members and friends of our faith community currently receiving treatment for cancer: Mary Halley-Streeter’s uncle, Joseph Paparella; Bill Chappelle & Laine Gillespie’s neighbor, Barbara Gifford; Becky Luce; Carol Hartman’s nephew, David Busch; John’s friend, Peter; Shideko Terai’s Uncle, Ted De Luca; Laura Cousineau’s friend, Lee Willard, as well as Laura’s brother-in-law, Eric; Cecilia Hampton’s best friend Victoria’s mother, Bev; Sue Turner’s brother, Kurt, as well as Sue’s sister-in-law Bev, and Bev’s step-daughter, Sarah, and Sue’s cousin Jesse’s husband, Ron Letterchio; Connie Kousman; Gail Kinney’s brothers, Charles & David; Linda Perkins’ friend, Linda Stone; Suzanne Lenz’ brother, Bob; Bailey Sibert; Ed Foltyn; Jo Evarts, as well as Jo’s sister, Jingles; Robert Bryant; Jeff McNamara; Lauryn Moeller’s daughter-in-law, Lisa Rae Moeller; and Kevin Ramos-Glew’s nephew, Duncan.

         If you or someone you know would like a name to be added to our Prayer List, please let us know. In an effort to keep it as up-to-date as possible, please also let us know when you would like a name removed

  Into God's Hands

       Like the barren trees around us, so has the loss of dearly beloved friends and relatives reminded us that all life comes to an end :(


           We mourn with Elaine Lenz, along with Dan’s family and all who knew and loved him, the death of Elaine’s former classmate, Dan Rutledge, who died on Wednesday—October 5th, 2022, following a valiant battle with melanoma. 


   So too do our hearts ache with Suzanne Lenz, upon the wrenching loss of her closest sister, Marianne, on Wednesday—October 12th, 2022, only a few months after having lost Suzanne’s nephew, Billy, on Saturday—June 4th, 2022. 


           As God has welcomed each of these dearly departed ones back into the realm of God’s eternal embrace, may their families and loved ones be comforted with God’s healing presence in the midst of this time of mourning.


     As God has welcomed these much beloved ones back into the realm of God's eternal embrace, may their families and loved ones be comforted with God's healing presence in the midst of this time of remembrance and mourning.

New Child of God 


         We celebrate with Ryan & Chentel McGraw  the birth of their daughter,  Mirren Aurora McGraw on Saturday—October 15th at 9:17 AM!  In joyful company with baby Mirren’s delighted parents, her big brother Bo, and her grandparents, Hugh & Marianne McGraw, and Karen Sutton, 

                we enthusiastically proclaim, 

    WELCOME to our World,

                      Mirren Aurora!

Joined Together

in God's Love!!


We celebrate with 

Kimberly Henry & Scott House

their marriage on

Saturday—September 26th, 2022!

(Kimberly is the daughter of

Melanie & Terry Henry)


Congratulations Kimberly & Scott!!


We wish you deep joy and all God’s blessings

          throughout your life together!! :

“The work of revolutionary love belongs to all of us. . . .

We all have the ability to participate in this great love story.

Imagine the stories we tell, the institutions we will build,

and the lives we will lead when we affirm that every person is a person.

     Imagine the world we will birth when we see no stranger!”           - Valerie Kaur

Faith Odyssey for Adults!!

“Revolutionary Love for our Times”

Friday—November 4th,  2022 @ 11:30 AM

At the Home of Selden & Jan Lord

(27 Serenity Drive, Cornish)

and at this Zoom Link: (new link)

    Those of us who have been sharing in the "Revolutionary Love" Study group have inspired to continue exploring and delving into the principles and practices of what Sikh activist, Valerie Kaur, calls “revolutionary love.” In the spring of this year, we began a 10 session course designed to help us dive deeper into the principles and practices we have already explored, guided by Valerie, and supplemented by nearly 30 other visionary leaders. Valerie believes our nation to be at a pivotal turning point, a time of choosing whether we shall devolve into chaos, division, and violence, or evolve into a nation that has never been, but is yearning to be born, “a nation that is truly MultiFaith, multicultural, multiracial, where we strive to ensure the dignity of every person.” 


           There is no advance reading required for this course, as we gather to view and listen to presentations on each principle, and then be able to discuss them further among ourselves, as inspired by the various speakers’ reflections. Nor is having participated in our first “Revolutionary Love” study a requirement for sharing this one with us.  We meet next on Friday morning—November 4th at 11:30 AM, both in person at the home of Selden & Jan Lord (27 Serenity Drive in Cornish), and on line at the above zoom link, with future meeting dates yet to be decided upon.  And we would love to have you join us!   If interested, but not available at this time, do let us know, and we’ll do our best to accommodate your schedule.


November 2022 Calendar

All Saints Sunday Celebration

Sunday--November 6th

The NH UCC Annual Conference 2022

     On Saturday October 15th, John Gregory-Davis, Steve Beaupre and Shideko Terai attended the NH UCC Annual Conference. They were able to hear and elect our new Associate Conference Minister, the Rev. Sara Marean. Currently completing her 8 year pastorate at the Wilmot Congregational Church, Rev. Sara is first female conference minister we have had in quite some time.  Thanks to Shideko for these great pictures.

         The importance of attending the Conferences past and present has been to witness the inclusivity and expansive direction taken over the years through the passing of important resolutions. Most of these resolutions have been presented to Meriden Congregational Church and our congregation has approved them. It is an inspirational and aspirational event. Maybe you will attend next year!

         Documents for the NH UCC ANNUAL CONFERENCE which includes the resolutions that were voted on and accepted


Building and Grounds Initiatives for 2022 as reported in the Annual Report


As of October 17TH we received $2540 in new pledge payments. Our pledge total for the year 2022 makes $109,131 for a total of year 2022 so far. Also we received an additional $102 in plate contributions as of October 17th making a total of $10,998 Plate contributions for 2022 so far. So the grand total of Pledge and Plate Donations for the year so far is $122,669. As of October 17th there was $170 collected in church for the Neighbors in Need offering.  Some other funds may have been contributed through stocks not noted here.

Cindy Marx-Wood and I have been trying to keep a faithful accounting of all contributions so far. Let us know how we are doing.

Kathy Wright

Cindy Marx-Wood

News from the COVID Task Force

A Brief Mid-Autumn Covid Reminder

      Long ago a philosopher simply said “Know yourself!” When it comes to Covid-19 in late autumn 2022, that’s good advice to keep in mind. It all boils down to each of us knowing and doing the

now familiar things well:

--Mask when you wish. This definitely protects you and could help others too.

--Stay up-to-date on your immunizations and boosters—that includes not only the new Omicron booster but seasonal flu and other vaccines as well.

--Wash or sanitize your hands regularly when out in public.

--Rethink the unknown risks of large crowds in public spaces.

--If you feel unwell, then simply stay home. Isn’t that what you would expect of others?

--Maintain other good health habits too: Don’t neglect staying healthy and fit during the pandemic.

      Although masking at MCC is now optional, our mutual responsibilities to one another can never be optional.  Over the upcoming November and December holidays MCC will continue to be vigilant as we come together carefully to celebrate with our beloved community. The COVID-19 Task Force is monitoring the virus and our local communities. In the end, it always comes down to “knowing ourselves.”

Ed Cousineau, Convener

MCC COVID-19 Task Force



11/1       Jo Evarts

11/1       Robyn Carpenter

11/2       Anne (Thorburn) Grover

11/2       Ian Gregory-Davis

11/4      Anne Cousineau

11/4      Walt Hawkins

11/5     Joe McClellan Jr.

11/5      Gemma Mills

11/6       Sarah Joy Walker

11/8       Kelsey McGovern

11/8       Rachael Ouellett

11/8       Alison Schubert

11/8       Jim Schubert

11/9       Ben Healy

11/10     Keith Marzilli-Ericson

11/13     Abigail Chellis

11/13     John (Jack) Taylor

11/13    Kyle Hines

11/13    Laura Hines

11/13     Harrison Beaupre

11/14     Bob Annis

11/14       Pip Keen

11/14     Richard Pullen

11/15     Julia Borchert

11/15    Gail Kinney



11/15     Andrea Feid

11/16     Harrison Currier

11/18     Jeannie Hines

11/18     Ken Johnson

11/18    Sharon Zuckerman

11/19     Lauren Hadley

11/19     Grayson Hardy

11/19     Kathy Harding

11/20     Catherine Garfield Legare

11/20     Tanya Cattabriga

11/21     Olivia Fauver

11/21    Brian Hampton

11/23     Phil Brady

11/23     Karen (Phelps) Prior

11/24    Verna Svensen

11/24    Amy Healy

11/25    Steven Zuckerman

11/27     Steve Jameson

11/28     Shanti Giampa

11/28    Sonja Wolke

11/28    Jordan Moore

11/29     Paul Franklin

11/30    Kevin Ramos-Glew

11/30   Karen Lipinczyk


11/6   Amy & Thom Lappin

11/16 Nathaniel Custer & Daniela Bailey

11/22 Charles & Thembi Mhlauri

11/25 Elaine & Jim Lenz



Outreach News

Outreach, Peace, and Justice Ministry Teams

News for November, 2022 

"The way to heal the soul of the nation is to pass policies

that heal the body of the nation.

It’s the just thing to do.

That’s how we as a nation can move forward together."

~Rev. Dr. William J. Barber, Break the silence!


      Listen Community Dinners Meriden Congregational Church has offered the commitment to prepare and serve dinners the FIRST Thursdays of the odd numbered months. The next date is November 3rd. If you know of anyone, including the broader community, who would be interested, please text, phone or email Shideko Terai. 603-252-7898 Sign up on our unique page on the volunteer hub website

    Claremont Soup Kitchen Bill Chapelle continues to lead volunteer participation at the Claremont Soup Kitchen on the fourth Saturday of every month and this slot covers the hours 2-5:30 PM. No cooking experience necessary. November 26th is the next opportunity. “We always have a lot of fun. You begin your Saturday night with a good feeling you have given nice people a delicious meal.” ~Bill Chapelle


     Putin invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022. As of April 2, CNBC reports that Ukraine “has regained control of the capital city of Kyiv, while chances appeared better for peace talks ahead.” And what about the people of these nations? According to India Today, more than 3M refugees have fled Ukraine. 7K Russian soldiers have been killed, 14K injured; nearly 3K Ukrainian soldiers have been killed, 3.7K injured, 572 captured. War is still not the answer. As we continue to practice peace within our communities of family, neighbors, and spiritual friends: we radiate kindness and compassion with the intention of clear seeing, seeking justice, and refraining from doing harm. Contributions may be made by mailing a check made payable to the United Church of Christ, PO Box 71957, Cleveland OH 44194 & memo line: Ukraine Relief Fund.


Economic Justice 

         See below for an urgent plea from our Worker Justice Minister, the Reve. Dr. Gail Kinney, to remember to vote on November 8th, as a critical means of ensuring the common good and mutual well being of us all.

"There are millions of poor people in this country who have very little, or even nothing, to lose. If they can be helped to take action together, they...(and we) will be a new and unsettling force..."

- Martin Luther King Jr.

Racial Justice /Antiracism

       A few years ago our church formed a Racial Justice Ministry Team that has been guiding us in learning about the ways in which systemic racism and white supremacy undergird so much of our history and identity. Now, in keeping with the call of our denomination, the United Church of Christ, to become an antiracist church, our Racial Justice ministry team has evolved our name to become the Antiracism Ministry Team. The next meeting of our Antiracism Ministry team is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday--November 30th @ 7:00 PM, during which we look shall finalize plans to an Annual Meeting Resolution to declare ourselves an Antiracism Church. 

      See below for Abenaki History Webinar, and an invitation to join the newly forming Windsor County Chapter of the NAACP, both shared with us by Melanie Henry.   

    Our weekly BLACK LIVES MATTER Vigils continue on Wednesday afternoons, now from 3:30 to 4:00, in light of the shortening days of winter, and all are welcome to join us anytime.

Social Justice 

   Legislative advocacy continues for bills that protect the freedom to vote and oppose bills that pick apart voting procedures which have proven records that there is no voter fraud in NH; oppose bills that threaten women’s reproductive rights, threaten trans rights, threaten the unhoused, and tear apart laws that protect the environment and seek climate justice.

Immigrant Justice

   The first Tuesday of each month NH Immigrant Solidarity Network (NH ISN) meets. Organizations include GSOP, AFSC, and clergy. It is interfaith and non-partisan. Next month's meeting on Tuesday--December 6th will be an in-person vigil at the ICE building in Manchester, followed by a meeting of the ISN network.   Please contact John or Shideko if you would like to learn more.

Climate Justice

  Lee Oxenham has been alerting us about informative events and presentations connecting us to becoming more engaged in climate justice. Please contact Lee to find out the latest ways to be involved. See flier below for more information about the upcoming NH Conference Environmental Justice Summit, and check out this award winning climate newsletter:  Scientists Again Call for Civil Disobedience To Spur Climate Action, Saying ‘Time is Short’ - Inside Climate News

In solidarity and hope, 

Shideko Terai (she/her), Outreach, Peace & Justice Coordinator

text or phone 603-252-7898, email [email protected]

Divisive Concepts Language
Doesn’t Belong Anywhere
in NH Law !


Worker Justice Update

by Gail Kinney

Vote on November 8th

In Solidarity With the Common Good!

   Through our Worker Justice Ministry, we’re building a network of solidarity among people of faith and the vast community of front line workers who are so foundational to beloved community and advancing the public good. Interested folks from many different walks of life and faith traditions (or no particular tradition) gather monthly by Zoom to learn about new or ongoing worker struggles so that we can offer the most meaningful accompaniment and support.

   We’ve spent a lot of time with our public school educator colleagues who know they have a target on their backs if their classrooms openly acknowledge and celebrate diversity and if they dare discuss historical and present truths about racism and gender disparities. As we talk about building support for, and combatting destruction of, public education, we frequently hear that  “What happens on November 8th is going to make all the difference to educators and communities in terms of sustaining quality public schools, serving our young people well and championing truth, inclusion and the common good.”

   We’ve talked with workers on strike and folks from truck drivers to graduate student teaching and research assistants working to form unions so they can have a collective voice on the job, and we hear “What happens on November 8 will make all the difference in determining whether NH will advance virulently anti-union, anti-worker legislation or whether we can secure dignity, respect and a voice at work.”

   We’ve talked with low wage workers doing essential work, and we hear, “What happens on November 8 will make all the difference in whether or not I’ll ever receive a living wage and be able to get beyond the economic anxiety I’m now living with every day.”

   November 8th is Election Day when we choose legislators and other policy-makers at the state and national level. It is absolutely not the role of the church to tell us for whom to vote. But it is a moral imperative that we encourage everyone to participate in voting, and that we all know where a candidate truly stands on matters of equality, justice, fair play and the common good before we cast our vote. What happens on November 8 will make all the difference to the building of the beloved community that is at the core of our faith.

Steve Beaupre' faithfully rings our church bell

each Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 PM as a clarion call to

our Community BLACK LIVES MATTER Vigil

Thank you, Steve!!

 We are continuing our Showing Up for Racial Justice BLACK LIVES MATTER Vigils each Wednesday afternoon, now happening from 3:30 to 4;00 PM (note earlier time due to shorter days) on the SouthWest corner of the intersection of Rte 120 & Main Street (at the blinking traffic light). We have “BLACK LIVES MATTER” signs available for folk to hold, but please feel free to make and/or bring your own signs.

    Come join us in “showing up for racial justice,” and Standing for  LOVE, and AGAINST racism, white supremacy, hatred, and violence, here in our community and beyond!  Togetherlet us publicly declare that we will NOT be complicit in white terrorand let us call our friends and neighbors to rise up with us in our resolute affirmation of the inherent and sacred value of us all within Beloved Community

Digging Into Native History

in New Hampshire

Presented by Robert Goodby

Tuesday--November 8th, 2022 @ 6:30 PM

Webinar Registration at:


        Abenaki history has been reduced to near-invisibility as a result of conquest, a conquering culture that placed little value on the Indian experience, and a strategy of self-preservation that required many Abenaki to go "underground," concealing their true identities for generations to avoid discrimination and persecution. Robert Goodby reveals archaeological evidence that shows their deep presence here, inches below the earth's surface. This program is brought to you by the Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee at River Valley Community College.

Invitation to join the 

Windsor County NAACP

          A group of residents in Windsor County are working to form a Windsor County NAACP Branch. For certification as an NAACP Branch we need to enroll 100 new NAACP members on our Membership forms. Members may be from any geographical location. All members 18 and older will be voting members of the Branch with only Windsor County residents eligible for elected leadership positions (as defined in Constitution). 


        The NAACP, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, established in 1909 is our oldest and largest civil rights organization. It was started in New York by white and black activists partially in response to violence against African Americans, particularly lynching. Today it has over 2000 Branches and half a million members worldwide.


           According to the NAACP Constitution it was founded on the beliefs embodied in the Constitution of the United States of America.... (its) vision and mission (are) to ensure a society in which all individuals have equal rights and there is no racial hatred or racial discrimination and to ensure the political, educational, social and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination.


       To become a member contact [email protected]; for more information contact [email protected].

John Gregory-Davis Speaking at the Budget Protest in Concord, NH-- June 24, 2021
Legislator Contact Information
                                                                                 Rep. Annie McLane Kuster
137 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: 202-225-5206 (Washington)
18 North Main Street, Fourth Floor
Concord, NH 03301
Phone: 603-226-1002 (New Hampshire)

Sen. Maggie Hassan
330 Hart Senate Office Building  .
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: 202-224-3324 (Washington
1200 Elm St. Suite 6
Manchester, NH 03101
Phone: 603-662-2204 (New Hampshire)

Sen. Jeanne Shaheen
506 Hart Senate Office Bdg
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: 202-224-2841 (Washington)
2 Wall St #220
Manchester, NH 03101
Phone: 602-647-7500 (NH)

Rep. Lee Walker Oxenham
92 Methodist Hill Road
Plainfield, NH 03781-5415
Phone: 603-727-9368

Rep. Brian Sullivan
642 Olde Farms Road
Grantham, NH 03753-3124
PHONE 603-381-7889

Rep. Linda Tanner
PO Box 267
Georges Mills, NH 03751-0267
Phone: 603-763-4471

Sen. Suzanne Prentiss
Legislative Office Building, Room 102
33 State Street
Concord, NH 03301
Phone: 603-271-3092
The UVHS & The Plainfield Community Resource Room have teamed up to help all Cat & Dog Owners in our area.
Every Month on the 3rd Saturday
when the Resource Room & Food Pantry is open
the UVHS will be present to provide  
FREE Cat & Dog Food.
For more information
please contact Stephanie at 469-3201.
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