Where in the World is the SchiavettaGolf Hat?
Photo sent in by Rich Gieson
" I was out on a hot but beautiful afternoon and snapped this shot at the 13th green at our Rolling Hills Golf club course, carved right out of the desert here in Saudi Arabia. My golf game is coming along!" - Rich (summer 2017)
Rich, thank you for the great picture. We want to see more pics like that from around the country and world!
Remember to wear your hat wherever you play golf and take a pic of you with the hat and tell us what course you played.
Contributors who send in pics will be automatically entered into a raffle to receive one dozen Callaway golf balls.
send pic and your info to:INSTAGRAM #Schiavettagolf
Okay - I'll get the ball rolling-
Where: Shinnecock Hills GC, Long Island
When: June 2017
SchiavettaGolf Academy
Buy a SchiavettaGolf Academy logoed hat and get
$5 OFF your next private golf lesson with Mary Schiavetta.
White, Black or Pink SchiavettaGolf Academy Callaway golf hats now available.
Here's how to 'SAVE 5':
1. Buy a hat for $25.
2. Get $5 OFF you next private golf lesson with Mary Schiavetta
This promo cannot be combined with any other offer
* For private lessons only. (Not valid for clinics, golf schools or lesson packages.)
Remember to wear your hat wherever you play golf and take a pic of you with the hat and tell us what course you played.
Contributors who send in pics will be automatically entered into a raffle to receive one dozen Callaway golf balls.
send pic and your info to:INSTAGRAM #Schiavettagolf