The Place To Learn

SchiavettaGolf Academy @ Evies Golf Center

4735 Bee Ridge Rd. Sarasota, FL 34233   941-350-1653  


     SchiavettaGolf Academy Newsletter

Welcome Fall!
It has been a long and hot summer and now is the time to enjoy the cooler weather here in Sarasota. I hope you enjoyed the summer and enjoyed not only golfing but also good times with family and friends. I myself took some time to go to NYC and see Bette Midler in Hello Dolly! It was fantastic! Also got to play Shinnecock Hills in Southampton where the 2018 Mens US Open will be held. My thanks to a friend from way back when - Jack Druga, PGA Head Professional @ Shinnecock for his hospitality. 

I will be seeing a lot of you once again for the winter season, and I look forward to helping you with your golf. For those of you I have helped, referrals are my best form of advertising - so please refer me to your friends and family for help with their golf.

 SchiavettaGolf is also on these social media platforms:
Like us on Facebook  Facebook: Schiavettagolf
View on InstagramInstagram: @schiavettagolf
Follow us on TwitterTwitter: @schavettagolf
View our profile on LinkedInLinkedIn:

Hope to see you at SchiavettaGolf Academy! Book a lesson today and improve your game! And follow me!

We have a super Callaway/SchiavettaGolf Hat/Lesson promotion happening now
. Please read more info on it below.

Learn & Play Golf Schools a Fun Experience

**LEARN & PLAY SCHOOL l  starts December 1st!**
5 sessions with on course play last session. Learn basics of golf swing and short game plus rules and etiquette.
. Every Friday for 5 weeks starting December 1st from 
10-11:30 am with PGA Professional Mary Schiavetta.


 Where in the World is the SchiavettaGolf Hat?
Photo sent in by Rich Gieson

" I was out on a hot but beautiful afternoon and snapped this shot at the 13th green at our Rolling Hills Golf club course, carved right out of the desert here in Saudi Arabia. My golf game is coming along!" - Rich (summer 2017)

Rich, thank you for the great picture. We want to see more pics like that from around the country and world!
Remember to wear your hat wherever you play golf and take a pic of you with the hat and tell us what course you played.
Contributors who send in pics will be automatically entered into a raffle to receive one dozen Callaway golf balls.

send pic and your info to:INSTAGRAM #Schiavettagolf  

Okay - I'll get the ball rolling-

Where: Shinnecock Hills GC, Long Island
When: June 2017


            SchiavettaGolf Academy
          'SAVE 5' HAT PROMOTION            
Buy a SchiavettaGolf Academy logoed hat and get $5 OFF your next private golf lesson with Mary Schiavetta.

 White, Black or Pink  SchiavettaGolf Academy Callaway golf hats now available.

Here's how to 'SAVE 5':
1. Buy a hat for $25.
2. Get $5 OFF you next private golf lesson with Mary Schiavetta

* This promo cannot be combined with any other offer
* For private lessons only. (Not valid for clinics, golf schools or lesson packages.)

Remember to wear your hat wherever you play golf and take a pic of you with the hat and tell us what course you played.
Contributors who send in pics will be automatically entered into a raffle to receive one dozen Callaway golf balls.

send pic and your info to:INSTAGRAM #Schiavettagolf  



Hybrids or Long Irons?
For the past 10 years or so, hybrids have been a very popular club for all golfers, even for Tour Professionals. But how do you know if you need a hybrid or hybrids? How many? And what kind of loft? 
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Welcome back John Boniface, PGA

John is back in town for the winter season from the Cape Cod area. He is available for both private lessons plus has weekly clinics available. Did you know that our dedicated and knowledgeable teaching staff has 3 PGA Professionals with over 75 years of teaching experience combined?  We want to help you improve your golf game - give us a call! 

PGA Professional Cell Numbers:
Mary Schiavetta, PGA 941.350.1653
Jeff Anderson, PGA 941.202.9858
John Boniface, PGA 508.776-3905
 Weekly Clinics:
Call ahead to register for these clinics. Call the appropriate PGA Pro who is teaching that clinic.

* $20 pp + balls (purchase balls at inside counter)
Clubs provided for those who need them
* All skill levels welcome!                                             
          Junior Golf Halloween Costume Contest

The juniors who came to the Saturday junior clinic wore some great costumes. There was Captain America, a rag doll,a bunny rabbit, ghost, and 2 characters from Harry Potter that I am not sure who they are. ?!
Thanks for participating - it was fun!

                 Happy Thanksgiving!


Mary Schiavetta, PGA
Academy Director
SchiavettaGolf Academy @ Evies Golf Center
2016 GRAA U.S. Top 50 Stand Alone Range
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 Color PGA logo


 Click HERE for private lesson info



 Click HERE for weekly clinic schedule

Our Sponsors

Jill Friedman, PA
Longboat Key Office 

Our Sponsors
 Sassy Hair 

 Siesta Key 



Contact Mary 
Plan a Private Golf Event @ SchiavettaGolf Academy!
Contact Mary 