HHS Final Rule on Catastrophic Health Emergency Fun (CHEF): The final rule announced via Dear Tribal Leader Letter, will be effective October 29, 60 days after the date of publication in the Federal Registrar. IHS is hosting virtual training sessions on the new requirement on October 22 at 11:00 AM PST.
IHS Invites Updates for Identified Healthcare Facility Needs: Tribal leaders are invited to identify renovation and expansion needs for inclusion in the 2026 IHS and Tribal Health Care Facilities’ Needs Assessment Report to Congress. The report is compiled every five (5) years in close collaboration with the Facilities Appropriation Advisory Board (FAAB) and Facilities Needs Assessment Workgroup. It is not a funding request nor a priority system but an estimate of needs for planning-level use. An informational session on the report will take place on October 24 at 11:30 AM PST. Contributions are to be received no later than December 31, 2024.
ACF Early Childhood Development Virtual Listening Session ACF, through the Office of Early Childhood Development, is gathering input on the Tribal Integrated Early Education Services (TIEES) legislative proposal. It would give Tribes more flexibility to integrate early childhood funding streams into a single coordinated, culturally grounded, and tribally driven program. The listening session will be on October 24 at 12:30 PST.
HHS Tribal Data Access Policy and HHS Tribal Epidemiology Center Data Access Policy. DHSS announced on September 4, two (2) new policies on data access. One policy would be for Tribes, and one for Tribal Epidemiology Centers (TECs) in response to the input received from Tribal leaders and internal HHS working groups. HHS also announced the creation of the Tribal Data Homepage website that provides a central location for Tribal data resources and the two new revised policies.
Comments Due for HHS Tribal Data Access Policy and HHS TEC Data Access Policy is October 31, 2024. Please submit comments on each SEPARATELY.
Subject line: HHS Tribal Data Access Policy.
Subject Line: HHS TEC Data Access Policy.
Email: consultation@hhs.gov
IHS HIT Modernization. On January 18, 2024, the Indian Health Service (IHS) issued a Dear Tribal Leader letter, announcing a series of four Tribal and Urban Consultation sessions set to take place throughout the HIT Modernization 2024 calendar. The first session, slated for February 8th, will provide an overview of the Enterprise Collaboration Group. During this session, the IHS requests feedback on system configuration and change management. Written comments are due 30 days following each session by email to consultation@ihs.gov, SUBJECT LINE: Health IT Modernization.
Site Readiness and Training (hybrid event)
Date: November 7, 2024
Time: 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 PM PST
SAMHSA Tribal Consultation on its Tribal Consultation Policy. SAMHSA is seeking input from Tribal leaders to modernize its Tribal Consultation Policy. SAMHSA will also align the policy with the reorganization of the agency under the 21st Century Cures Act and the updated HHS Tribal Consultation Policy. Virtual Consultation will be on November 6, 2024, 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM PST & again on December 5, 2024, 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM PST.
HUD/IHS Housing-related Infrastructure for Tribal Communities The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Indian Health Service (IHS), are seeking your feedback and recommendations on how HUD and IHS programs can better address the housing-related water and sewer infrastructure needs of Tribal communities. HUD and IHS are seeking your input on how Federal resources for affordable housing and water and sewer infrastructure can best be delivered to Tribal communities, including comments on the funding prohibition. Comments are due: on November 9, 2024 via email: consultation@hud.gov and consultation@ihs.gov with the subject line: HUD/IHS Housing-related Infrastructure for Tribal Communities.
HRSA Tribal Consultation on the Uniform Data System Modernization Initiative (UDS+): HRSA is conducting a virtual consultation on the UDS+. The virtual Tribal Consultation will take place on November 13 from 12:00 – 3:00 PM PST. The Zoom link to join is https://hrsa-gov.zoomgov.com/j/1603643393. HRSA encourages all Tribal leaders to participate in this timely discussion to help ensure valuable input representing American Indians and Alaska Natives. Those unable to attend are encouraged to send written comments to tribalconsultation@hrsa.gov by December 13.
IHS FY 2025 Joint Venture Construction Program (JVCP): IHS recently announced the opening of a new solicitation for the JVCP. Section 818 of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act authorizes the IHS to establish joint venture projects under which Tribes or Tribal organizations would acquire, construct, or renovate a healthcare facility and lease it to the IHS, at no cost, for a period of 20 years. The facility may be an inpatient or outpatient facility. Phase I applications are due December 22.