
NPAIHB Legislative and Policy Update

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Important Dates

Sep 2, 2021 (7:00 AM Pacific)

FAAB Meeting

Sep 2, 2021 (7:00 AM Pacific) 

House Natural Resources Committee Markup on 2022 Budget Reconciliation 

YouTube Link 

Sep 2, 2021 (11:00 AM Pacific) 

Tribal Consultation on Not Invisible Act Implementation 

Sep 8, 2021 (11:30 AM Pacific)

TTAG Monthly Conference Call

Sep 8-9, 2021

ISAC Semi-Annual Meeting

Sep 14, 2021 (10:00 AM Pacific)

TLDC Meeting

Sep 14-16, 2021

2021 Virtual Broadcast Tribal Self-Governance Conference

Register Here

Sep 16, 2021 (12:00 PM Pacific)

DSTAC Monthly Call

Sep 16, 2021 (3:00 PM Pacific)

HHS Region 10 Quarterly Tribal Call 

WebEx Link 


Sep 21-23, 2021  

2021 AI/AN Health Summit 

Registration Link 


Sep 22, 2021 (10:00 AM Pacific) 



Sep 27-30, 2021  

ATNI Fall Annual Convention Virtual 

Registration Link 

Visit our FHACT Tracker

Federal Health Agency and Congress Tracker (FHACT) An ongoing list of Dear Tribal Leader Letters, Federal agency actions, and legislation introduced in the 117th Congress related to health.

COVID-19 Funding Tracker

An ongoing tracker of COVID-19 direct and set-aside funding for Tribes. Updated as of Aug 2, 2021. 

Legislative Updates

FY 2022 Budget Reconciliation S. Con. Res. 14 Updates this resolution provides are instructions to 13 House and 12 Senate committees to advance Biden’s Build Back Better Plan—a $3.5 trillion investment in domestic spending.  The House Natural Resources Committee is provided instructions for $25.6 billion which includes the Indian Health Service. The Committee is scheduled to meet on September 2, 2021 to markup the FY 2022 Budget Resolution. House Natural Resources Committee Print available here.  

  • YouTube Link for House Natural Resources Committee Markup on Sep 2, 2021 at 7am Pacific 


H.R. 5119 – Rep. O’Halleran [D-AZ] re-introduced bipartisan legislation to amend title VI of the Social Security Act to extend the coverage of Coronavirus Relief Fund payments to Tribal Governments. The legislation would extend the coverage of Coronavirus Relief Fund payments allocated under the 2020 CARES Act to Tribal governments from December 30, 2021 to December 30, 2022.  This extension would allow tribal governments to have the ability to further plan, coordinate, and allocate resources in response to the health and economic impacts of COVID-19. 


The House passed S.325, a bill to amend the Alyce Spotted Bear and Walter Soboleff COmmission on Native Children, and for other purposes (Public Law 114–244; 130 Stat. 987). The bill extends the reporting deadline for the Alyce Spotted Bear and Walter Soboleff Commission for 2 more years, which helps identify solutions to address the many obstacles Native Youth face. The COVID-19 pandemic interrupted the important work of the Commission and the extension would allow for adequate time to hold to hearings and receive testimony from the public to inform their report and recommendations. 

Administrative and Regulatory Updates

HHS Tribal Consultation on Mandatory Funding.  HHS is seeking input on mandatory funding approaches for the Indian Health Service and will be hosting consultation on Aug. 25, 2021 and Sep. 1, 2021 at 11:00 am Pacific. 


HHS Region 10 Tribal Consultation was held Jun. 15-16, 2021. HHS Region 10 written testimony is due Friday, Sep. 3, 2021 to consultation@hhs.gov.   


HHS Announces Plan Starting Sep. 20 for Booster Shots for all US Adults 8 Months after their Second Dose of Pfizer and Moderna. This plan is subject to FDA conducting their independent evaluations on the safety and efficacy of the third dose and ACIP recommending the third dose.  


HHS Announces New Office under OASH – ‘Office of Climate Change and Health Equity’ (OCCHE). The establishment of OCCHE is in response to President Biden’s Executive Order Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad. The mission of this Office is to protect vulnerable communities from the impacts of pollution and climate-driven disasters.   


105(l) Leases Tribal Consultation.  IHS and BIA will be conducting tribal consultation on 105(l) lease requirements and payments on Friday, Aug. 27, 2021 at 10-1:00 pm Pacific. 


Health IT Modernization Project Update.  On Jul. 27, 2021, IHS posted the draft Statement of Objectives (SOO) to solicit information and sources for the Health IT Modernization Project. Yesterday IHS released a Dear Tribal Leader Letter on the request for tribal comment on the draft SOO.   


Not Invisible Act Joint Commission on Reducing Violent Crime Against Indians. The Bureau of Indian Affairs is soliciting nominations from Tribes to serve on the Joint Commission to develop recommendations to the Secretary and Attorney General on actions the federal government can take to increase intergovernmental coordination to identify and combat violent crime in Indian Country.  


CDC Eviction Moratorium Order in Areas of Substantial and High Transmission of COVID-19 vacated in recent U.S. Supreme Court Ruling. On Aug. 26, 2021, the U.S. Supreme Court issued an order vacating the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s latest eviction moratorium.  

  • State and local organizations, including Tribal communities are distributing federal rental assistance in their communities – assistance can cover rent, utilities, and other housing costs to keep people in their homes. 
  • Link to find help with rent and utilities 


CDC Tribal Consultation on Tribal Consultation Policy CDC conducted tribal consultation on Aug. 5, 2021 to receive input and guidance on improving the current CDC/ATSDR Tribal Consultation Policy.   


CMS released State Health Official Letter that provides guidance on extension of 100% FMAP for urbans and Native Hawaiian Health Care Systems. The extension is only available for eight fiscal quarters beginning Apr. 1, 2021 and ending Mar. 31, 2023; 100 percent FMAP for services received through these entities are retroactive to Apr. 1, 2021.  

  • See ‘Section 3: Section 9815 of the ARP – Extension of 100 percent FMAP to Urban Indian Health Organizations and Native Hawaiian Health Care Systems’ 


Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Proposed Rule. CMS released a proposed rule on Jul. 23, 2021 that expands certain telehealth services currently allowed during the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency, includes Part B payment issues, solicits comments on tribal FQHC payments and vaccine administration, and proposes other Medicare payment policy changes.

  • Comments are due Sep. 13, 2021.


HRSA Health & Public Safety Workforce Resiliency TA Center Funding Opportunity. The purpose of this program is to provide tailored training and technical assistance (TA) to HRSA’s health workforce resiliency grant recipients to establish, enhance and expand the capacity and infrastructure to rapidly deploy evidence-informed or evidence-based innovative strategies that promote mental and behavioral health, prevent suicide, as well as reduce burnout and substance use among providers, health care professionals, health care students, residents, professionals, paraprofessionals, trainees, public safety officers and employers of such individuals, collectively known as the “Health Workforce”. These health workforce resiliency grant recipients have a special focus on the Health Workforce in rural and medically underserved communities. 


U.S. Department of Justice Office of Violence Against Women 16th Annual Government-to-Government Tribal Consultation was held last week.  

  • Written comments are due on Sep. 20, 2021.

For more information Laura Platero, Executive Director

Lisa L. Griggs, Executive and Program Ops Assistant | Candice Jimenez, Health Policy Specialist | Liz Coronado, Health Policy Specialist

Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board npaihb.org