Bordetella pertussis in Nebraska
On October 8, the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (NE-DHHS) issued a Health Alert Network (HAN) Advisory, “Increase in Pertussis (Whooping Cough) Cases in Nebraska.”
The advisory notes that 51 pertussis cases have been reported in Nebraska so far in 2024—three times the number recorded by this time last year—mirroring a similar rise nationwide.
Due to the surge in cases, the Nebraska Public Health Laboratory (NPHL) has been receiving clinical specimens that have been determined to be positive by molecular methods. This may stem from the wording in the Nebraska Reportable Diseases Title 173 Regulations, which states that an isolate or specimen should be sent to NPHL.
At this time, do not send any clinical specimen positive for B.
pertussis by a molecular test to the NPHL. Also, due to the
fastidious nature of this organism, NPHL will not accept specimens sent to the laboratory for culture. If culture is required, please work with your
reference laboratory to provide this testing.
If, however, your laboratory can culture and isolate B.
pertussis, please submit the isolate to the NPHL to support additional
molecular studies for epidemiological investigating if warranted.