NPWH Quarterly Student Newsletter | |
“The Midwifery and Women's Health Nurse Practitioner Certification Review Guide went with me everywhere for a month prior to boards," said Betsy Brenner, DNP, WHNP-BC. "The NPWH review course and book provided clear, concise and quality current evidence based practice content, which not only immensely contributed to successfully passing the board exam, but served as an asset for studying coursework while simultaneously managing student, professional and personal life endeavors.”
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WHNP Certification Exam Prep Course | NPWH's 23-module package provides a comprehensive review course that will help new WHNP graduates prepare for the National Certification Corporation (NCC) WHNP certification examination. The review course package includes a module on test taking strategies and over 200 review questions written in the NCC question format. These questions are per module and appear as a pre and post test. Current WHNP students can use modules to supplement educational course content as they progress through their academic program. NPWH also offers a 100-question On-Line WHNP Certification exam that is intended to help build test taking skills, assess areas of content strengths and weaknesses, and bolster your confidence as you prepare for your WHNP exam. | |
A Personal Journey: NPWH WHNP
Student Story
| In this powerful personal story, NPWH Student Ambassador Alumna Alexandra Low, BSN, RN, IBCLC, SNM/SWHNP, shares her experience as a patient coping with endometriosis. "My hope and prayer in sharing my story is to shine a light on the real experiences those of us with endometriosis and as to encourage medical professionals who care for clients like me, to believe the pain rating we tell you." | |
Join NPWH as a
Career Starter
| Did you know that NPWH offers a Membership Category for new WHNPs? Open to recent graduates or those with up to one year in practice, the Career Starter Membership is available for just $99 and includes all the regular benefits of NPWH Membership, including access to free and discounted CE, member pricing on conferences, a complimentary subscription to Women's Healthcare: A Clinical Journal for NPs, professional representation as a voice for WHNP and women’s health issues, and much more! | |
WHNP Students - Meet the NPWH President & CEO |
WHNP students — you are invited to an exclusive meetup with the 2024 NPWH Board President Dr. Komkwuan P. Paruchabutr, DNP, FNP-BC, WHNP-BC, CNM, FACNM, and NPWH CEO Heather L. Maurer, CAE, MA, on Wednesday, Jan. 31
at 6 p.m. ET.
We'll be talking about opportunities for students within NPWH, exam preparation tools, upcoming NPWH events, and more! Don't miss the opportunity to hear from NPWH leaders, participate in a Q&A, and share your insights with our NPWH community.
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If you're looking for a new job as a nurse practitioner, visit the
NPWH Career Center!
Here, you can: use the Career Center resources, browse jobs with employers all over the U.S., set up job alerts, create your profile and post your resume for recruiters and potential employers to see.
Start your career with NPWH partners today!
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Congratulations to NPWH Student Ambassador Rosalie Hatfield, who graduated from Duke University School of Nursing in December! She is a WHNP with HIV specialty and recently started her DNP program. | |
Become a Student Ambassador
Applications to Open
March 1!
| The NPWH Student Ambassador Program allows students to connect and acquire insights from expert practitioners at the annual NPWH Women's Healthcare Conference. This is a leadership program and also provides an opportunity to be mentored by an NPWH Board of Director. | |
Connect with NPWH Students in Communities |
Did you know there is a section on just for members to connect? Ask questions, post information, share photos, collaborate and engage with other students in our private communities.
This benefit is only for NPWH Members and is located behind our login. Check out NPWH Communities today at
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Earn Up to 7.5 CE Hours at the NPWH Virtual Menopause Summit |
Registration is open for the NPWH inaugural virtual Menopause Summit for Advanced Practice Providers. This virtual course, which will be held on April 5, 2024 and is available until July 7 to watch on-demand, meets our members' requests for more in-depth continuing education about this hot topic area.
The course features in-depth information about:
state of menopause, the physiology and symptoms of menopause, management of menopause, and hormonal & non-hormonal therapy.
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