Celebrating 14 years of leading innovations across the Ryan White community.


NQC e-Newsletter | Your expert guide to resources and technical assistance focusing on improving HIV care.


NQC is pleased to present the impact report on the in+care Campaign. As you can see, hundreds of providers who participated in this national campaign made a measurable impact across four measures used to evaluate the campaign's effectiveness. We encourage you to utilize the resources and tools developed throughout the Campaign to keeping patients enrolled in care. The in+care Campaign may be over, but the work is not. 
We are also happy to announce that the Trainer of Consumers on Quality Plus (TCQPlus) Program will be launched at the end of June. This program is meant to build the capacity of trainers in the field so they can deliver effective trainings to consumers who wish to participate in a recipient's clinical quality management program. A second TCQPlus session is planned for later in 2016 based on the demand. NQC encourages you to take a look at the article and learn more about this new training resource. 


Clemens Steinbock
Director, National Quality Center

> This Issue

In This Issue...
> NQC Update | Impact Report on NQC's in+care Campaign

T he NQC's impact reports are prepared by JSI, Inc. to help us assess our performance and our accomplishments.
The in+care Campaign was designed to facilitate local, regional, and state-level efforts to retain more HIV patients in care and to prevent HIV patients falling out of care. It was also designed to build and sustain a community of learners among Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) providers. The campaign represented the largest HIV quality improvement initiative in the United States and the data set generated by participants represents a large quality improvement data warehouse.
By the end of 2013, more than 650 providers were enrolled in the in+care Campaign -51% of all RWHAP providers serving over 470,000 consumers. A component of the Campaign, called Partners in+care, engaged over 700 people living with HIV.  To measure the impact of the Campaign, four performance measures were used-gap measure, medical visit frequency, newly enrolled patient retention, and viral load suppression. Data from focus groups and key informant interviews were also used by the evaluation team.
During the Campaign, the average performance from all participants submitting data between December 2011 and December 2013 significantly improved across all four Campaign measures [EC1]  . For instance, there was a 3.2% decrease in the gap measure with 130 grantee reporting (p<0.01). The medical visit frequency measure saw a 9.1% increase in medical visit frequency (n = 72 and p<0.0001) there was a 5.9% increase in newly enrolled patient retention (n = 62 and p<0.05), and a 6.4% increase in viral load suppression (n = 74 and p<0.0001). In addition, twenty-three (23) percent of participants submitted over 200 improvement updated forms (IUFs) that describe various strategies; these included: systematic monitoring of retention; appointment reminders; intensive outreach for those newly diagnosed who are not engaged; use of patient navigators; case management services; and accommodations factoring in consumer experience. Participants who submitted IUFs showed more improvement in one or more indicators than those that did not.
Data are still being submitted by participants and RWHAP recipients and subrecipients continue to use these data to benchmark to other providers. The in+care website continues to provide important resources available to those who are interested in improving national retention rates.  NQC encourages you to continue to use the in+care database to track your performance as you focus on retention and viral load suppression.  
> NQC Offering | Coming Soon: Trainers of Consumers on Quality Plus (TCQPlus) Program
For several years, NQC has been holding Training of Consumers on Quality (TCQ) across the country. The TCQ was developed in response to the results of a 2009 survey of RWHAP recipients [EC1]  - only 48% of the 372 respondents indicated that they had an effective or very effective consumer advisory board, 45% stated that they never or rarely had a consumer routinely participate in quality improvement activities over the previous year, and 38% stated that they never had a consumer routinely represented on their clinical quality management committee.
To increase opportunities for consumers to receive training in quality improvement, NQC has developed a training program for recipients that will enable them to host their own TCQ, called TCQPlus. The specific goals of the TCQPlus Program are:
  1. Develop the national training capacity among consumers and RWHAP recipients to deliver quality improvement trainings to consumers in local jurisdictions
  2. Foster a working relationship between consumers and RWHAP recipients to form TCQPlus training partners
  3. Conduct local training sessions by the TCQPlus training partners to implement the NQC-developed TCQ training
  4. Increase the number of consumers who attend a TCQ training conducted by TCQPlus graduates
  5. Increase the number of consumers who are active members of RWHAP recipient clinical quality management programs
An important aspect of this training is that recipients will send a training team - consisting of one staff member from a recipient and at least one, and up to three consumers. This will ensure that at least two facilitators will be delivering the same message and building the same understanding of how the TCQ content is to be delivered. It will also model the importance of consumer involvement.
Once TCQPlus participants complete the training, the facilitator teams will be able to provide consumer trainings within their organizations on an ongoing basis. This will help to ensure a robust pool of consumers who can participate in a wide range of quality activities, such as the consumer advisory board or the organization's clinical quality management committee.
Learn more about TCQ Plus | http://nationalqualitycenter.org/TCQPlus

NQC Offering | Take Part in the Quality Challenge

Download the 11" x 17" post by clicking here

NQC's QI Challenge is a RWHAP-wide quality improvement initiative. Across the RWHAP, community, recipients, subrecipients, consumers, and project officers can work together to test their QI IQ!
The challenge is a 10-step questionnaire covering top quality-related activities to improve HIV care within an agency. Once teams have completed the challenge it is time to brag-post your team's photo on the campaign's webpage.
While the initiative is designed to be fun, there is also an important learning component. Teams will be linked to NQC resources to help them bolster their QI knowledge.
Get your team together and start the QI Challenge today!
For more information | nationalqualitycenter.org/qichallenge

> June 2016 | Issue 96 | Vol 6 

 Join the Leaders!  Take the QI Challenge and find out your QI IQ
> Upcoming  Events | June

June 16  l  National TA call  l  Health Numeracy

National Quality Center

New York State Department of Health

AIDS Institute

90 Church Street, 13th floor

New York, NY 10007-2919

Phone | 212.417.4730

Fax | 212.417.4684



Improving HIV Care.

> Consumer Perspective | Stephen Jensen

We all seek to achieve balance in our lives and for people living with HIV, it can sometimes be a challenge not to be all HIV all the time. Stephen Jensen has struck a balance in his volunteer activities.
When he was diagnosed a couple years ago, Stephen began participating in Minnesota's Program HH Advisory Committee. Program HH is the state health care program for people living with HIV/AIDS. The advisory committee, which is made up of consumers, meets on a quarterly basis and provides input on various aspects of the program.
At the same time, Stephen began volunteering at his local library one day a week.
"There are things I can do on a regular basis even if I am on disability," says Stephen. "I enjoy it and it keeps me involved in the community."
After participating in an NQC Training of Consumers on Quality (TQC) in 2015, Stephen became more involved. He began to regularly attend the State's HIV Planning Council meetings each month and is participating on the subcommittee on membership and training. The meetings allow him to both follow issues and speak out. He hopes to one day become a voting member on the planning council.
"I am relatively new to all this. The advisory committee meets on a quarterly basis so it is focused on doing, not learning and I am new to the workings of the planning council," says Stephen. "The NQC training helped to provide me a foundation in this work that I can build on."
 > National TA Webinar | Health Numeracy
Over the past few years NQC has held TA Calls on health literacy - an important topic in HIV care. However, as recipients become more invested in performance measurement, it's time to talk about what the numbers actually mean. NQC has updated the content of this important topic to include new information derived from two recent articles from the National Academy of Medicine.  Some of the topics to be discussed include the types of data commonly used, calculating measures, and interpreting data sets.
In this webinar, you will learn more about:
  1. Factors Related to Understanding Quantitative Health Information
  2. Skills and Competencies for Understanding Quantitative Health Information
  3. Tips for Presenting Quantitative Health Information for Patients
Meeting information
Topic: Health Numeracy
Date: Thursday, June 16, 2016
Time: 3:00 pm, Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00)
Meeting Number: 648 216 332
Meeting Password: nqctacall123

To start or join the online meeting
Go to https://meetny.webex.com/meetny/j.php?MTID=m0d3bfa9f86799021ab439b45147bf991

Audio conference information
1. Provide your number when you join the meeting to receive a call back.
2. Alternatively, you can call one of the following numbers:
Local: 1-518-549-0500, Toll Free: 1-844-633-8697
3. Follow the instructions that you hear on the phone.
Cisco Unified MeetingPlace meeting ID: 648 216 332

To add this meeting to your calendar program (for example Microsoft Outlook), click this link: 

NQC Offering | New Job Forum in Newsletter

Don't forget, your job posting can now go into the NQC e-Newsletter and be seen by over 3,000 Ryan White Program staff
Send your postings | info@nationalqualitycenter.org
> About Us


We provide no-cost, state-of-the-art technical assistance to all Ryan White Program-funded grantees to improve the quality of HIV care nationwide.  


Send questions, comments, or suggestions | Info@NationalQualityCenter.org   


This document is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number U28HA041321200. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.