Celebrating 12 years of leading innovations across the Ryan White community.


NQC e-Newsletter | Your expert guide to resources and technical assistance focusing on improving HIV care.


NQC extends warm wishes for the New Year and our hopes that you had a peaceful holiday season.
As we head into the New Year we are excited to tell you of the upcoming Training of Quality Leaders (TQL) session in March 2016. This will be our 11th TQL session and it promises to be as content-packed as all our other face-to-face trainings
We also are announcing some upcoming offerings from NQC that will help you gain insight into your program as well as the hard work done by Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program recipients .  Soon you will see the NQC QI Challenge poster, which will help you gain a better understanding of your clinical quality management program and the NQC Impact Reports. NQC underwent a comprehensive review of selected activities by evaluator John Snow, Inc. (JSI), and compiled the results in a series of reports. We are proud to share these new impact reports with you very soon.


Clemens Steinbock
Director, National Quality Center

> This Issue

In This Issue...
> NQC Offering |  Training of Quality Leaders: March 15 - 17, Dallas, TX
Prepare to take a leadership role in 2016! To help you get started, NQC is offering a Training of Quality Leaders (TQL) on March 15 through March 17.
The TQL Program aims to build the individual capacity of quality managers and those who direct quality management programs to effectively lead and facilitate quality improvement activities. In particular, Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program recipients that attend will build familiarity with quality improvement concepts across staff, address staff resistance to engage them in quality improvement projects, and increase team facilitation skills.
The TQL Program helps participants build the skills needed to work as facilitators to guide the development of sound clinical quality management programs and/or quality improvement projects that impact patient health outcomes. Participants also build their group facilitation skills to better address team dynamics. This is accomplished by a rigorous curriculum consisting of pre-work, a three day course and post-work activities.
The TQL is designed to achieve the following objectives:
  • Increased confidence and mastery in facilitating quality improvement teams and in effectively managing quality improvement-related meetings in HIV care environments;
  • Identification of leadership behaviors to lead an effective QM program and better understand their implications to lead quality improvement activities;
  • Exposure to quality improvement experts with practical knowledge and experience and to a network of peers with hands-on experiences; and
  • Clear understanding of TQL Program expectations and planning of post-TQL action steps.
To assign up to the TQL training | http://nationalqualitycenter.org/tql
NQC News | NQC Recognized by New York State Department of Health
On December 16, the NQC staff received the NYSDOH Commissioner's Excellence Award for its work over the past twelve years in advancing the principles and practice of quality management in HIV care nationally. Each year the Commissioner awards programs that have shown exemplary performance in their respective fields as a way of rewarding the hard work and dedication of the respective staff involved. The Commissioner of Health, Dr. Zucker, recognized NQC " for demonstrating national leadership to provide assistance to federally funded HIV providers and health departments across the United States. The National Quality Center efforts resulted in improved health outcomes for people living with HIV and improved capacity for quality management among HIV providers to meet federal standards."
NQC wishes to thank all of its staff, both present and past, who have contributed to the success of our national improvement program.
  NQC Update | Coming in 2016 - NQC Impact Reports
How do you know you're having making an impact? There are many ways to measure-some better than others.
For more than 10 years, NQC has worked with Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program recipients and subrecipients to assess and improve their efforts with the goal of providing the highest quality of care to people living with HIV. A central aspect of quality improvement is reviewing activities and outcomes, and identifying areas for improvement as NQC is applying these same concepts to our own work. In order to assess our efforts, NQC has contracted with JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. to evaluate the impact of some of NQC's activities and report the findings in Impact Reports.
In the coming months we will be releasing selected Impact Reports focused on various activities. Reports address the in+care Campaign, the DC Collaborative, NQC advanced trainings (e.g., Training of Trainers, Training of Quality Leaders, Training on Coaching Basics, Training of Consumers on Quality, etc.), Regional Groups, and the Part C/D Quality Improvement Initiative (CDQII).
Watch future issues for the Impact Reports!
NQC Offering | QI Challenge

Next month, NQC will launch the QI Challenge, a Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program-wide quality improvement initiative.  Across the Ryan White community-recipients, subrecipients, consumers, and project officers-can work together to test their QI IQ!
The challenge is a 10-step questionnaire covering top quality-related activities to improve HIV care within an agency. Once teams have completed the challenge it is time to brag-post your team's photo on the campaign's webpage.
While the initiative is designed to be fun, there is also an important learning component. Teams will be linked to NQC resources to help them bolster their QI knowledge.
Learn more about the QI Challenge.

> Jan. 2016 | Issue 90 | Vol 7 

> NQC 10-Year Anniversary
Milestones and Highlights

Tell us how NQC has helped you!

> Upcoming Events | January - February


Jan. 21  l  National TA Webinar


Feb. 1  l  in+care data submission due



National Quality Center

New York State Department of Health

AIDS Institute

90 Church Street, 13th floor

New York, NY 10007-2919

Phone | 212.417.4730

Fax | 212.417.4684



Improving HIV Care.

Consumer Perspective | Michael Bivens

Michael Bivens has been a long-time advocate on HIV-related issues in South Carolina. As a member of the South Carolina HIV Task Force-serving as the chairperson for communications-Michael has participated in visits to the state house, letter writing campaigns, legislative breakfasts, and public forums. Two years ago, he expanded his efforts by joining South Carolina's HIV Planning Council.
"With advocacy groups, you don't always see the impact of your activities," says Michael. "One of the reasons I wanted to serve on the planning council is that it gives me, as a consumer, a vote on budgets and performance measures, which directly impacts the care received by people living with HIV."
Participation on the planning council has given Michael a greater understanding of service systems across the state, the different Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program funding streams, and how they all work together.
"We have great agencies in South Carolina," says Michael. "My role as a consumer member is to make sure they stay that way."
In addition to his work on the planning council, Michael is involved in the quality improvement activities at Affinity Health Center (formerly Catawba Cares). Currently, the CQI committee is focusing on hypertension. Previous projects have addressed decreasing the time it takes for referrals to specialty care and decreasing the time it takes for a newly diagnosed individual to enter care.
"With linkage to care we have been able to reduce the time to just a few days," says Michael. "We looked at the process and saw what was causing delays. Now it is more streamlined and there are fewer staff involved in the process."
Michael is also the consumer co-chair for the Charlotte TGA Quality Committee (the TGA extends into South Carolina). The committee has worked to get more consumers involved in quality activities-developing infographics and a media campaign targeting consumers. According to Michael, it can be a challenge getting consumers involved, especially in more rural areas, but they are making progress.
Michael attended NQC's Training of Consumers on Quality (TCQ) in Atlanta in 2013. He used the skills he learned at the training to help organize a day-long training for consumers in Columbia in fall 2015. More than 20 consumers attended the training.
"There were a lot of new faces at the training and many participants expressed an interest in increasing their involvement," says Michael.
National TA Webinar | Choosing Your Improvement Project

The January webinar will focus on how to choose an improvement project that will have an impact on your Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program -supported activities. Many recipients have rich sets of data at their disposal but struggle with setting improvement priorities. The webinar will help recipients set priorities and engage in projects that are responsive to what the data say.
Learning Objectives:
  • Understand what your data is telling you
  • How to set priorities for your quality improvement work
  • Choosing the project that will have the most impact
The TA webinar will take place on January 21, 2016 @3:00pm (ET)

Meeting information
Topic: Choosing Your Improvement Project
Date: Thursday, January 21, 2016
Time: 3:00 pm, Eastern Standard Time (New York, GMT-05:00)
Meeting Number: 645 838 291
Meeting Password: nqctacall123

To start or join the online meeting
Go to -------------------------------------------------------
Audio conference information
1. Provide your number when you join the meeting to receive a call back. Alternatively, you can call one of the following numbers:

Toll Free: 1-844-633-8697
Alternate Toll Free - (For callers not able to call the 844 Toll Free Number): 1-866-776-3553
2. Follow the instructions that you hear on the phone.
Cisco Unified MeetingPlace meeting ID: 645 838 291

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> About Us


We provide no-cost, state-of-the-art technical assistance to all Ryan White Program-funded grantees to improve the quality of HIV care nationwide.  


Send questions, comments, or suggestions | Info@NationalQualityCenter.org   


This document is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number U28HA041321200. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.