Facilitating Entering Research Welcomes its Fourth Cohort of Trained Facilitators to UW-Madison
The NRMN Mentorship Training Core hosted a 2-day train-the-trainer event on February 7-8, 2019 in Madison, WI. This event gave participants the opportunity to learn about the Entering Research Curriculum and develop their own implementation plans.  F acilitating Entering Research  is a workshop for leaders of research training programs (undergraduate or graduate) who want to build and deliver a customized workshop or course for their research trainees. 
Mentor of the Month: Michelle Kovarik, PhD
Michelle Kovarik, PhD

Dr. Michelle Kovarik is an Assistant Professor of Chemistry at Trinity College.  

"I appreciate how the NRMN program creates structured opportunities for conversation, especially about topics that are hard to broach, like race and gender issues in the sciences."

You can reach out to Dr. Kovarik via MyMentor or click here to read more about her story as a scientist and mentor.
Upcoming Conferences and Opportunities
Future of Research Meeting
Big Ten Conference Center, Chicago
June 14, 2019

is hosting a meeting at the Big Ten Conference Center in Chicago to discuss the development and implementation of a third party system for rating, certifying, and awarding mentoring climates at the departmental level. Department leadership and faculty interested in the discussions or in having their department serve as pilot study sites are invited to attend. 

For more information, review the meeting invitation and meeting brochure.
UAB Health Disparities 
Research Symposium
Birmingham, AL
April 18, 2019

The UAB Health Disparities Research Symposium shows the work of researchers across career levels who conduct research related to health disparities, and is titled "Addressing Health Disparities through Policy, Systems, and Environmental Changes."

June 6 and 7, 2019
MET Building at UNT Health Science Center
The Texas Center for Health Disparities, at UNT Health Science Center will host its 14th Annual Texas Conference on Health Disparities June 6-7, 2019 in the MET Building. Conference participants & presenters will include clinicians, health policy makers, researchers, health educators, public and community health leaders, and students whose work incorporates the use of multidisciplinary partnerships that build collaborations to eliminate health disparities and achieve health equity. The conference will feature nationally renowned speakers and will highlight evidence-based clinical, community and policy approaches to improving maternal and child health across the United States.
This year's focus is on Social Epigenomics & Health Disparities;
Evidence based approaches that identify mechanisms by which social experiences at various stages in life, both positive and negative, affect gene function and thereby influence health in racial/ethnic minority and health disparity populations.
We encourage all students and faculty to attend the sessions and meet the presenters.
Editor: Sarah Gluck, 
Associate Editor: Alexis Short,
NRMN is part of the

Click here to learn more about this NIH initiative.

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