Hear Me Roar: Women Leaders in Science
Click here  or on the above image to learn about the stories of just a few of the many women scientists from history and from our NRMN community whose contributions advance science for all.
Her Story: NRMN STAR Program Alumna Dr. Brandy Piña-Watson

As a mentee in the NRMN STAR grant writing coaching group program, Dr. Brandy Piña-Watson found the experience of working with mentors who've won NIH grants to be invaluable. 

NRMN's coaches have a proven record of garnering NIH funding. Dr. Piña-Watson joined NRMN STAR at the suggestion of her more senior colleagues at Texas Tech. Based at the University of North Texas Health Science Center, NRMN STAR is designed to help those who have not yet started writing a grant but who expect to do so within the next year.

Click here to read the full article.
Are You Eligible for an NRMN Mentor Certification?
Are you currently, or do you plan to be, a mentor within NRMN's Guided Virtual Mentorship platform who has completed at least one mentorship with a mentee?

If so, did you know you are eligible to receive up to three levels of NRMN Mentor Certification?

NRMN Mentor Certifications allow you to demonstrate, to your administration, peers, and others, your individual commitment to, and experience with, mentorship in support of an inclusive scientific workforce.

Click here to learn more!
Applications open through March 31st for Morehouse School of Medicine Grant Writing Coaching Group - Mentees and Coaches

Faculty, postdocs, or new NIH investigators preparing a new or resubmitting a revised NIH K- or R-series proposal who are ready to write at program start and senior faculty who want to learn an effective grant writing model they can implement at their own institution

Morehouse School of Medicine - Atlanta, GA + online sessions

May-September 2017

Application deadline: March 31st, 2017

Click here to apply as a mentee           Click here to apply as a mentor
Interested in other grant writing programs? Applications are also open to apply as a mentee or coach for NRMN's NU, P3, and NRMN STAR programs. Click here for more information and to apply.
Grant Writing Group February 2017 kickoff at Boston College

In late February 2017, Boston College kicked off the first session of this season's Grant Writing Coaching Group, with head coach Dr. Dan Jay of Tufts Sackler School, and featuring Harvard Medical School's Dr. James Gould.

Click here for the full recap.
It's not too late! Some summer research applications are still open
Still searching for summer research opportunities? Worried it is getting to late? See the applications still open on the Pathways to Science database, brought to you by the Institute for Broadening Participation.

Click here to browse the listings

NRMN at events in March 2017 and beyond

Learn where to connect with faculty and members of the National Research Mentoring Network across the coming months at scientific conferences and annual meetings across this and the coming months.

Click here to read more.
NRMN's Mentor Training Core shares report on Culturally Aware Mentoring group

The Sullivan Alliance hosts this recently-published guest blog post, with thoughts and preliminary findings arising out of the pilot trainings for NRMN's newest module for Mentor Training.

Click here to visit the post on the Sullivan Alliance website.
Dr. Janet Branchaw contributes to NAS report on undergraduate research experiences

NRMN's Janet Branchaw was among 16 experts from across the country contributing to the release of a recent study about undergraduate research experiences published by the National Academies of Sciences.

Click here to read the announcement.
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