Monthly Update

February 2023

The Nova Scotia Cattle Producers issue a monthly update to all members, occurring on the last Friday of each month. This is comprised of industry news and updates, upcoming events, upcoming sales and relevant articles.

If you have content to potentially be added, such as an upcoming cattle event/workshop, please contact the NSCP office at 902-893-7455 or

Industry News

NSCP Annual General Meeting

The Nova Scotia Cattle Producer 18th Annual General Meeting (AGM) date has been changed!

The AGM will take place on April 29th, 2023, at the Salmon River Fire Hall!

Salmon River Fire Hall

  • 102 Salmon River Rd, Salmon River, NS B6L 4E1

CRSB and Cargill Certification Recognition Credit

The Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef and Cargill are pleased to formally announce a CRSB Certification Recognition Credit to recognize beef producers who have made the investment to become CRSB Certified, but who may not have seen a cattle-based financial return.

Certification Recognition Credit Program

2023 Producer & Grower Registration

The 2023 forms are now available. It is important that these forms are completed and returned each year to ensure that you remain in good standing with NSCP, receive industry updates, have access to industry events, and are eligible for cattle-specific programs.



Seize The Opportunities- Learning From the Canadian Cow-Calf Cost of Production Network's Future Farm Scenarios

In 2022, over 70 producers participated in the second year of the COP Network. Increasing weaning weights and pasture management continued to be the two hot topics for the future farm scenarios. In the article, they look at the results for two future farm scenarios.

  • Water system scenario – another practice that could potentially increase weaning weights. 
  • Rotational grazing with water system and additional funding scenario – an expansion on year-one analysis, considering the potential stacked benefit from a water system with extra weaning weight and funding opportunities. 

CLICK HERE to read the article!

The Hidden Cost of Parasites in Cattle

The ongoing threat from internal and external parasites can lead to significant economic losses for Canadian beef producers if left unchecked. Out of sight shouldnt mean out of mind, especially when it comes to the health of your herd.

Click Here to read the article!

Apply to Canadian Cattle Young Leaders Today!

Take advantage of mentorship and career-building opportunities in the Canadian beef industry through Canadian Cattle Young Leaders! Program applications have officially launched and are open until March 31, 2023 at 11:59 pm MT at

The mentorship program was established by the Canadian Cattle Association (CCA) in 2010 and has since seen over 170 program graduates. Canadian Cattle Young Leaders is open to young people, ages 18-35, across Canada involved in all areas of the beef supply chain including producers, students, veterinarians, financial advisors and much more! Through the program, 16 participants are selected annually to be paired with a hand-picked industry leader for a nine-month mentorship to help advance their career in the beef industry and are awarded a $2,000 budget to put towards learning and travel opportunities of their choice. In addition, participants are offered skill-building training, travel and networking opportunities catered uniquely to the beef industry. We strongly value diversity amongst applicants where all are welcome to apply, as it plays a key role in young leaders gaining exposure to new ideas and creating peer learning experiences.

If you’re interested in taking the next step to fast-track your career and involvement in the Canadian beef industry, please visit our website for more information. 

Thank you to our Foundation Partners Cargill, MNP, McDonald’s Canada and New Holland, along with Gold Sponsors Farm Credit Canada, Alltech, RBC Future Launch and Elanco for your incredibly generous sponsorship that makes these opportunities possible!

Please direct any questions about the program or application process to CCA Youth Leadership Coordinator, Jessica Radau, at

Current Opportunities: Nova Scotia

Check out the list of current opportunities available online HERE!

Beef Cattle Research Council Webinars

Upcoming webinars have been updated on the BCRC website HERE!

Transportation Manifests

As a reminder, the NSCP Livestock Transportation Manifest can be printed from our website, or books of 50 triplicate copies can be picked up from our office for a fee of $10.00.

Nova Scotia Cattle Producers - 2023 Presenting Partners

Upcoming Events

Atlantic Beef School- Herd Health Management

February 25

Nova Scotia Workforce Insights Survey

Active until February 28

We invite all farmers across Nova Scotia to take part in the Workforce Insights Survey this year. Your contributions will go a long way toward identifying common opportunities and issues connected to the present and future farm talent situation in the province.

Sustainability of Canadian Agriculture Conference

March 7-9

This online conference provides practical information and considers the future of our agriculture as we strive to further develop sustainable food production systems.

National Symposium on Agricultural Mental Health

March 8

Vitual Symposium

The National Symposium on Agricultural Mental Health has been established to connect farmer mental health groups, researchers, government officials and policymakers, members of Canada’s agricultural community including agricultural associations and producer groups, individual advocates, and most importantly farmers to address the challenges and opportunities of the farmer mental health movement across the country.

A Seat at The Table - Canadian Cattle Youth Council Webinar

March 9

Join young producer panelists from across the country to learn more about the Canadian Cattle Youth Council and what it means to have a seat at the table as the youth voice of the Canadian Cattle Association.

Producer Outreach - Sustainable Agriculture Strategy Virtual Consultations

March 20

Consultations on the new Sustainable Agriculture Strategy are happening now, and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada wants to hear from you!

Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador March 20th from 12- 3 PM ET. English with French interpretation.  RSVP here!

AHEM Webinars - Mental Health

March 21

According to the 2021 study of ‘Farmer Mental Health in Canadian’ done by the University of Guelph; 1 in 4 Canadian Farmers felt that their life was not worth living, wished they were dead, or thought of taking their own life in the last 12 months.

Executive Director Megz Reynolds says "The needle has moved regarding mental health in agriculture it still has a long way to go before we are no longer loosing community member's to death by suicide. It is on each and everyone of us to work together to end the stigma surrounding mental health and change the culture, this starts with self education and by joining the conversation."


AHEM is pleased to partner The Do More Agriculture Foundation in delivering a 1-hour live virtual webinar focused on mental health in agriculture. 

Atlantic Stockyards Equipment Sale

April 22 – Equipment Sale. Begins at 10:00am

Nova Scotia Cattle Producers - 2023 Gold Sponsor


Nova Scotia

The Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture’s programs for funding for agriculture are now open for the 2022-2023 year! A full list of these programs, such as the Cattle and Sheep Industry Development Program and the Wildlife Mitigation Program, can be found on the Nova Scotia Programs webpage HERE!


An all-inclusive information portal is available to help farmers, food processors and agri-food businesses find information on new and existing programs and financial resources to address hardships that many are experiencing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Learn more about at the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada website HERE.

Nova Scotia Cattle Producers - 2023 Silver

Upcoming Sales

Atlantic Stockyards Limited

Feeder Sale (10 am):

  • March 16
  • April 11
  • April 25

Click Here to visit their website!

Producers are encouraged to pre-register all feeder cattle as early as possible. Atlantic Stockyards Limited (ASL) will be listing pre-registered cattle on their website.

Click Here to visit their website!

Links of Interest

Check This Out!

Maritime AgCast Podcast

Brad McCallum, Agri-Commodity Management Association (ACMA), is the host of Maritime AgCast - the industry’s newest podcast based on discussions of important topics for livestock farmers with local, regional and national guests.

This podcast will air episodes, now monthly, ranging in topic from disease management, forage and pasture management, bull selection and many others!

Season 3 begins this fall!

Click Here for more information!

Simply Verified Beef - The Podcast

Join VBP+ Coordinators, producers, auditors and other special guests each month as they discuss topics relevant and timely for beef producers all across Canada.

Simply Verified Beef- The Podcast episodes will be released monthly on the 3rd Wednesday of the month. 

Click Here for more information!
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