The Nova Scotia Cattle Producers issue a monthly update to all members, occurring on the last Friday of each month. This is comprised of industry news and updates, upcoming events, upcoming sales and relevant articles.
If you have content to potentially be added, such as an upcoming cattle event/workshop, please contact the NSCP office at 902-893-7455 or
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Cape Mabou Community Pasture
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The Cape Mabou Community Pasture is accepting applications until May 27th!
Click the buttons below for more information!
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Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada is re-opening the Agricultural Clean Technology (ACT) Adoption stream program. This program was in high demand the last time it opened. This time, applications will be accepted from June 1, 2023, until June 22, 2023, at 12:00pm (Eastern Time) or until demand exceeds available funding or otherwise announced. are encouraged to apply immediately. Organizations that have received Adoption Stream funding in the past are not eligible to apply for this new funding opportunity.
All projects must be completed by March 31, 2026.
The ACT-A Program aims to support the adoption (purchase and installation) of commercially available clean technologies that will prioritize investments that generate measurable greenhouse gas (GHG), fertilizer, and methane reductions in line with the Government of Canada targets.
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On-Farm Climate Action Fund Program
Funding is available for eligible farmers who adopt and implement beneficial management practices (BMPs) for nitrogen management, cover cropping, and rotational grazing.
The deadline for this intake period is June 16!
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Job Opportunities!
The Agri-Commodity Management Association (ACMA) is hiring two summer students to complete administrative tasks!
ACMA is also hiring a Climate Change Adaptation (CALP) Coordinator for Cattle and Sheep!
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Kings Mutual Producer of the Year
Steve and Sue Darragh were born and raised on farms and have been around cattle all their lives. They started Orchard Hill Farm in 1988, building their first barn with many dreams and challenges ahead. As out-of-the-box thinkers, they were open to new ideas and wanted to try different breeds to see which performed the best. After trying different breeds in a crossbreeding program, they quickly learned that Simmental was the best fit for them. They started purchasing purebred stock and soon built a herd, but after a few trips to Alberta visiting large ranches that were crossbreeding black Angus/Simmental, they were so impressed they knew that was what they wanted their herd to be. So, 22 years ago, they purchased their first Angus/Simmental bull, and when his first crop of calves were weaned, they knew they were on the right path.
Currently, Steve and Sue, along with their son Chad, share the same keen interests and goals for their farm. They are working together to grow their 170 bred cows to 200 soon. They run six herd sires consisting of purebred Simmentals and registered Angus/Simmental bulls. The 3/4 Simmental×1/4 Angus is the ideal cross for them. The Darraghs stated, "It is all about how much that cow can bring you in at the end of the year, so the heavier the calf, the better. The Angus/Simmental does just that by weaning the heavy calf, we provide them with a high-quality replacement female, and the bulls are becoming popular. We breed them back either Simmental or Angus/Simmental, but when our customers buy them, they can breed them back to any breed, and it works well."
The Darraghs sell a group of bred heifers and some bulls every year. Some bulls are sold when weaned in the fall, and the rest are sold in the spring. They hope to have a sale barn facility In the next five years and hold their own sale at the farm each year. Orchard Hill Farm's goal has always been to produce the highest quality breeding stock possible for its buyers. With repeat buyers, the Darraghs find it rewarding to see buyers return. While they say that farming has certainly had more challenges than rewards over the past 35 years, at the end of the day, they like to focus on the rewards.
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Current Opportunities: Nova Scotia
Check out the list of current opportunities available online HERE!
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Beef Cattle Research Council Webinars
Upcoming webinars have been updated on the BCRC website HERE!
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Transportation Manifests
As a reminder, the NSCP Livestock Transportation Manifest can be printed from our website, or books of 50 triplicate copies can be picked up from our office for a fee of $10.00.
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Nova Scotia Cattle Producers - 2023 Presenting Partners | |
Open Farm Day
Open Farm Day registration will be open from June 1 to July 31
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Red Meat Cutting
June 19-23
Red Meat Cutting returns! Join Dalhousie University June 19-23 for Red Meat Cutting Basics & Introduction to Sausage Making. Sign up for both courses before May 5th to save 10%.
Canadian Beef Check-Off Agency Scholarship
Deadline: June 30, 2023
The Canadian Beef Check-Off Agency established a scholarship to encourage and support students pursuing post-secondary studies in the field of agriculture, agricultural research, or with an agriculture background pursuing studies in marketing.
One scholarship of $2000 is available annually.
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2023 Atlantic Forage Field Day
August 9
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Canadian Beef Industry Conference 2023
August 14-17
Registration is now open for the Beef Industry Conference. This year in Calgary there will be keynote speakers such as Brian Burke, NHL Leader, Community Activist and Philanthropist and Diana Rodgers of Global Food Justice Alliance and breakout sessions focusing on sustainability, marketing and biosecurity.
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Nova Scotia Cattle Producers - 2023 Gold Sponsor | |
Environmental Stewardship and Climate Change Program
Application deadline: 15 June, 2023 & 15 September 2023
The Environmental Stewardship and Climate Change Program supports the Agricultural sector in reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and adapting to the impacts of climate change. This program helps primary producers accelerate the adoption of priority beneficial management practices. Click HERE for more information.
On-Farm Technology Adoption Program
Application Deadline: 15 June 2023
The On-farm Technology Adoption Program helps producers invest in equipment and processes that provide labour efficiencies, reduce cost of production, increase yields and support more efficient use of inputs. Click HERE for more information.
Value-adding Equipment Program
Application Deadline: 30 June 2023
The Value-adding Equipment Program supports value-added businesses. The program helps increase local food production and improve food security and sustainability for farms and communities. Click HERE for more information.
Limestone Trucking Assistance Program
Application Deadline: 30 September 2023
The Limestone trucking assistance program aims to help Nova Scotia farms defray the cost of trucking limestone to give equal opportunity in neutralizing the acidity of the soil on agricultural land and improve production efficiencies. Click HERE for more information.
Get Growing Program
Application deadline: 30 September 2023
The Get Growing Program supports small farms in adopting specialized infrastructure and equipment. The program helps with the expansion of local agricultural production for local markets. Click HERE for more information.
Wildlife Damage Mitigation Program
Application deadline: 31 October 2023
The Wildlife Damage Mitigation program helps farms protect crop and livestock from wildlife damage to improve industry competitiveness and resilience. Click HERE for more information.
Planning New Opportunities Program
Application Deadline: 31 December 2023
The Planning New Opportunities Program helps farms and agri-businesses be more competitive, manage a transition, develop risk management strategies and respond to change. Click HERE for more information.
On-Farm Industry Preparedness Program
Application deadline: 31 December 2023
The On-farm Industry Preparedness Program supports primary producers with water management activities, creating greater resilience against ongoing climate events. Click HERE for more information.
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Nova Scotia Cattle Producers - 2023 Silver | |
Atlantic Stockyards Limited | |
Feeder Sale (10 am)
- June 15
- July 20
- August 17
Click Here to visit their website!
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Producers are encouraged to pre-register all feeder cattle as early as possible. Atlantic Stockyards Limited (ASL) will be listing pre-registered cattle on their website.
Click Here to visit their website!
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Agri-Commodity Management Association (ACMA), hosts Maritime AgCast - an agricultural podcast based on discussions of important topics for livestock farmers with local, regional and national guests.
The podcast episodes will include topics about disease management, forage and pasture management, bull selection and much more!
Click Here for more information!
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Simply Verified Beef - The Podcast |
The Verified Beef Production Plus podcast, Simply Verified Beef, hosted by Maritime Beef Council and New Brunswick VBP+ Coordinator Amy Higgins, focuses entirely on beef content.
Subscribe through your favourite podcast platforms, such as Spotify, iTunes or Google, or listen online at:
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