Monthly Update

April 2023

The Nova Scotia Cattle Producers issue a monthly update to all members, occurring on the last Friday of each month. This is comprised of industry news and updates, upcoming events, upcoming sales and relevant articles.

If you have content to potentially be added, such as an upcoming cattle event/workshop, please contact the NSCP office at 902-893-7455 or

Industry News

NEW! Virtual Farm Tours

April 2023 – BigKer Simmentals (Melvern Square, NS)

April 2023 – Mountain Base Farm (Coldbrook, NS)

Agri LMI survey extended until May 7th – More time to have your say!

It is vital that you share your input as producers continue to have difficulty recruiting a sufficient workforce for their operations resulting in lost production. This urgent issue in the agriculture sector may have dire consequences for this vital part of the Canadian economy.

Ongoing evaluation of the current labour market for Canada’s agricultural industry assists in quantifying shortages facing agriculture and accurately forecasting worker requirements.

You will find the survey at:

Share your thoughts: Consultation on proposed changes to Part XV of the Health of Animals Regulations (Identification and Traceability.)

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is proposing amendments to Part XV of the Health of Animals Regulations (Identification and Traceability) to enable a more effective and timely response to disease outbreaks and food safety issues and improve support for disease surveillance activities.

This is an opportunity to share your views to inform changes to the regulations. The input gathered through this consultation will be used to improve the regulations, help Canada build a robust and effective livestock traceability system, and improve the Government of Canada's ability to respond quickly to animal health threats and other emergencies.

Regulatory Requirements Presentation

Current Opportunities: Nova Scotia

Check out the list of current opportunities available online HERE!

Beef Cattle Research Council Webinars

Upcoming webinars have been updated on the BCRC website HERE!

Transportation Manifests

As a reminder, the NSCP Livestock Transportation Manifest can be printed from our website, or books of 50 triplicate copies can be picked up from our office for a fee of $10.00.

Nova Scotia Cattle Producers - 2023 Presenting Partners

Upcoming Events

Red Meat Cutting

June 19-23

Red Meat Cutting returns! Join Dalhousie University June 19-23 for Red Meat Cutting Basics & Introduction to Sausage Making. Sign up for both courses before May 5th to save 10%.


Canadian Beef Check-Off Agency Scholarship

Deadline: June 30, 2023

The Canadian Beef Check-Off Agency established a scholarship to encourage and support students pursuing post-secondary studies in the field of agriculture, agricultural research, or with an agriculture background pursuing studies in marketing.

One scholarship of $2000 is available annually.

Farm Safety Nova Scotia- Endorsement Testing

May 1 and 4 – DAL/AC Farm, Bible Hill

May 2 – Tidal Tractor – Port Williams

May 10 - Antigonish Exhibition Grounds

Email for more information or to book a testing date and time.

Please note: Some Endorsement 15 testing may be available, however, you can also book that through Access Nova Scotia.

Nova Scotia Cattle Producers - 2023 Gold Sponsor


For a complete listing of all programs, please visit  for more information.

Environmental Stewardship and Climate Change Program

Application deadline: 15 June, 2023 & 15 September 2023

The Environmental Stewardship and Climate Change Program supports the Agricultural sector in reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and adapting to the impacts of climate change. This program helps primary producers accelerate the adoption of priority beneficial management practices. Click HERE for more information.

On-Farm Technology Adoption Program

Application Deadline: 15 June 2023

The On-farm Technology Adoption Program helps producers invest in equipment and processes that provide labour efficiencies, reduce cost of production, increase yields and support more efficient use of inputs. Click HERE for more information.

Value-adding Equipment Program

Application Deadline: 30 June 2023

The Value-adding Equipment Program supports value-added businesses. The program helps increase local food production and improve food security and sustainability for farms and communities. Click HERE for more information.

Limestone Trucking Assistance Program

Application Deadline: 30 September 2023

The Limestone trucking assistance program aims to help Nova Scotia farms defray the cost of trucking limestone to give equal opportunity in neutralizing the acidity of the soil on agricultural land and improve production efficiencies. Click HERE for more information.

Get Growing Program

Application deadline: 30 September 2023

The Get Growing Program supports small farms in adopting specialized infrastructure and equipment. The program helps with the expansion of local agricultural production for local markets. Click HERE for more information.

Wildlife Damage Mitigation Program

Application deadline: 31 October 2023

The Wildlife Damage Mitigation program helps farms protect crop and livestock from wildlife damage to improve industry competitiveness and resilience. Click HERE for more information.

Planning New Opportunities Program

Application Deadline: 31 December 2023

The Planning New Opportunities Program helps farms and agri-businesses be more competitive, manage a transition, develop risk management strategies and respond to change. Click HERE for more information.

On-Farm Industry Preparedness Program

Application deadline: 31 December 2023

The On-farm Industry Preparedness Program supports primary producers with water management activities, creating greater resilience against ongoing climate events.  Click HERE for more information.

Nova Scotia Cattle Producers - 2023 Silver

Upcoming Sales

Atlantic Stockyards Limited

Feeder Sale (10 am)

  • May 9
  • May 23
  • June 15
  • July 20
  • August 17

Click Here to visit their website!

Producers are encouraged to pre-register all feeder cattle as early as possible. Atlantic Stockyards Limited (ASL) will be listing pre-registered cattle on their website.

Click Here to visit their website!

Links of Interest

Check This Out!

Maritime AgCast Podcast

Brad McCallum, Agri-Commodity Management Association (ACMA), is the host of Maritime AgCast - the industry’s newest podcast based on discussions of important topics for livestock farmers with local, regional and national guests.

This podcast will air episodes, now monthly, ranging in topic from disease management, forage and pasture management, bull selection and many others!

Season 3 begins this fall!!

Click Here for more information!

Simply Verified Beef - The Podcast

The Verified Beef Production Plus podcast, Simply Verified Beef, hosted by Maritime Beef Council and New Brunswick VBP+ Coordinator Amy Higgins, focuses entirely on beef content.


Subscribe through your favourite podcast platforms, such as Spotify, iTunes or Google, or listen online at:

Facebook  Twitter