EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement (RII) Track-4: EPSCoR Research Fellows - NSF 21-557*
replaces NSF 20-543
*The solicitation was revised to include a RII Track-4:FAST, a new pilot program.
EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement Track 4: EPSCoR Research Fellows provides awards to build research capacity in institutions and transform the career trajectories of investigators and to further develop their individual research potential through extended collaborative visits to the nation's premier private, governmental, or academic research centers. Through collaborative research visits at the host site, fellowship awardees will be able to learn new techniques, develop new collaborations or advance existing partnerships, benefit from access to unique equipment and facilities, and/or shift their research toward potentially transformative new directions.
EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement Track 4: EPSCoR Research Fellows offers the following tracks:
RII Track-4:NSF provides support to further develop the individual research potential of Principal Investigators (PIs) through extended collaborative visits to the nation's premier private, governmental, or academic research centers of their choice. This track is closed as an internal limited submission competition was held previously.
RII Track-4:FAST provides opportunities for PIs from specific institutions of higher education with high enrollments of trainees from underrepresented populations in STEM.0 The aim of this opportunity is to further develop their individual research potential through extended collaborative visits to NASA research facilities located at NASA Centers throughout the United States. *This internal limited submission competition is only for this track.