ROSES is an omnibus solicitation with many individual program elements, each with its own due date(s) and topic(s). From the NSPIRES website, you can view the list of opportunities in Table 2 (organized by due date) or Table 3 (organized by research) including hyperlinks to element descriptions in the Appendices. You can also view the list of open program elements here. Together, these program elements cover the wide range of basic and applied supporting research and technology in space and Earth sciences supported by NASA’s Science Mission Directorate. Visit the SARA ROSES blog for updates, clarifications and amendments. Here are a few of the many ROSES opportunities that are open and forthcoming:     

Award Amount: Maximum of $300k/year for 2 years
Information Site: Check out the Research Initiation Awards website for FAQs
Information Session: May 24 1:00-2:30 PM EST