Nova Southeastern University Shepard Broad College of Law | January 2016
In this Issue

Upcoming Events 

CLE Events:

Jan 22 Law Center Plus Event: "The Balancing Act: Managing Work and Life in a 24/7/365 World"

Jan 29-30 ABA Business Law Section: 2016 Cyberspace Law Institute & Winter Working Meeting

Feb 19 Palm Beach Bar - Bench & Bar Conference

Feb 28 - March 1 ABA Int'l Law Section: The Americas Forum

Other Events:

Jan 16 NSU Sharks Basketball - Free Admission

Jan 19 & 21 Resume Drafting Workshop

Feb 4 NSU Night at Panthers Game

incubatorLegal Incubator Launch in February

NSU College of Law will launch a Legal Incubator program  a new opportunity for Nova Southeastern University (NSU) law graduates to start their own solo, small firm or non-profit practices while serving military veterans and lower income individuals.

The innovative program, operating in coordination with the college's existing Veterans Law Clinic, will allow NSU law graduates to attain valuable legal and business experience while launching a practice and provide the new attorneys the affordable infrastructure and basic training to get established.

The integration of the NSU Law Incubator with the full-service Veteran's Clinic provides a truly unique resource for both our graduates and the communities they serve," said College of Law Dean Jon M. Garon. This model combines cutting-edge, post-graduate education essential for new lawyers while greatly expanding our service to the Veteran community."

For a full list of requirements, and to apply to the program, visit our Incubator page . The deadline to apply is February 1, 2016. 

NSUSharksYou're invited to Cheer on NSU Sharks Basketball

On January 16, Men's and Women's Basketball teams take on conference rival Florida Southern. You are invited to enjoy FREE admission to both games, Club Room and Club Box Seats access including complimentary food and beverages. RSVP  online for Club Access at This game will be broadcast for the NCAA Division II Game of the Week and the first 00 fans will receive a free Sharks t-shirt.  #fillthetank
The Balancing Act: Managing Work and Life in a 24/7/365 World

Friday, January 22, 2016 |  7:30AM to 9:30AM |  Shepard Broad College of Law Atrium
Advance registration is required |  Live web streaming is available.

Much has been written about the need for attorneys to find time for work, family, and relaxation in their fast-paced and high stress world.  This seminar provides an interactive role play and panel discussion among experienced attorneys who will share how they manage  the competing demands of their clients, their law practice, and their family.

Presented by:  (L to R above) NSU Law Professor Leslie L. Cooney, NSU Associate Professor of Psychology Jaime Tartar, Ph.D., Assistant State Attorney Sarahnell Murphy, Esq. and Stephen Mellor, Esq., partner at   Roig Lawyers. The Florida Bar approved 2.0 CLE credit hours (including 0.5 hour Ethics) for this seminar. Check-in begins at 7:30 AM. The Seminar begins promptly at 8:00 AM.  Learn more about Law Center Plus.

Coming in February: Putting Technology to Work for You: In Court, at the Office, and on the Road on February 19, 2016. Presented by Charles A. Morehead III, Esq.  Learn how to use technology in court, to organize and manage your practice, and when you are out of the office at mediation or meetings. Registration opening soon. 
resumeResume Drafting Workshops

Tuesday, Jan 19 | 11am - 1pm & Thursday, Jan 21 | 4pm - 6pm -  Faculty Study

Bring your laptop for this interactive workshop and learn how to best present your experience and qualifications to create an effective resume and reach your target audience. Food and drinks will be provided.  All presentations will be recorded and available on the Student Intranet.
cyberspacelawABA Business Law Section Cyberspace Law Committee 
2016 Cyberspace Law Institute and Winter Working Meeting  

January 29 - 30 | NSU College of Law

On January 29, 2016 the College of Law will host the Winter Working Meeting and Cyberspace Law Institute, sponsored by the American Bar Association Business Law Section Cyberspace Law Committee. The national program includes policy workshops on cybersecurity, Internet governance, federated identity management, international privacy and trade policies, and features the Cyberspace Law Institute talks on consumer contracts, data privacy piracy, and ramifications of the US/EU Safe Harbor collapse View the Agenda   | Register Online
panthersNSU Night with the Florida Panthers
Thursday, February 4, 2016 | 7:30 PM

Join fellow NSU alumni, family, and friends as the Florida Panthers take on the Detroit Red Wings. Enjoy an evening of networking and fun in the Sky Club - where unlimited food and all you can drink soft drinks, beer, and wine are included.  Tickets $35 | Purchase Online
pbbenchbarPalm Beach Bar Association Bench & Bar Conference:  "What We Wish We Knew in Our First Year of Practice"

February 19, 2016

Topics Discussed include: the importance of Civil Procedure,  how to read and draft a court order, different paths to practice,   billing and the business of being a Lawyer, developing competence, finding a mentor, seeking diversity, professional organizations to join, and more. 

A FREE afternoon session is geared specifically for law students. RSVP by Feb 12

For more information contact Leanna Lalla, Esq., Co-Chair Bench Bar Diversity and Inclusion Committee at or (561) 475-2297.
americasABA Section of International Law Presents 2016 Americas Forum

February 28 - March 1 | Mandarin Oriental Miami, Miami, Florida
The NSU College of Law is a Cooperating Entity on this event and alumni can take advantage of discounted ABA Section of International Law Member Rates by registering online and selecting the "Cooperating Entity" rate.  Registration rates are further discounted for full-time law students, full time gov./academic/NGO, corporate counsel, and young lawyers (35 and under). | Download Conference Brochure
Professor Mark Dobson
NITANational Institute of Trial Advocacy "Building Trial Skills"

February 29 - March 5, 2016 | NSU Law

Professor Mark Dobson, Program Director brings the National Institute of Trial Advocacy (NITA) to Shepard Broad College of law for "Building Trial Skills." This intensive week-long program helps develop and perfect your skills in all of the challenging arts of trial advocacy, persuasion, and communication.
In a realistic trial setting, using NITA's "learning by doing method " you will function as a trial lawyer by performing:
* Opening statements and closing arguments
* Direct and cross-examinations (both constructive and destructive)
* Impeachment and redirect examinations
* Evidentiary foundations
* Modern voir dire
NSU Law Alumni Receive 15% Discount, use code NOVA at registration
Clockwise starting at bottom left: 
Michelle Suarez (Mentor), Jamila Williams (Mentee), Jake Tover (Mentor), Samantha Metayer (Guest student),  Christine Venezia (Mentor), Maria Santi (Mentor), Valerie Barnhart (Guest Mentor), Sandra Williams, (Mentee) Mallorie Milord (Mentee), and Marcia Bernard (Mentee)
Mentor Organizes Luncheon for Mentees in NSU Law Mentoring Program's Civil Litigation Group

Michelle Suarez (JD 2013), an associate at Kelley Kronenberg in Fort Lauderdale, FL organized a luncheon for Mentors and Mentees on December 15, 2015. The attorneys and students are part of the NSU Law Mentoring Program, which brings Mentors and Mentees together in practice groups.  Suarez is a Mentor in the Civil Litigation Group and she led a discussion about the need to balance work and life as a new attorney.  The Mentors encouraged the students to get involved in one or two organizations that match their passion now-before they graduate. Other topics included brief tips when studying for the bar, and giving back as a Mentor once you transition from being a Mentee to a Lawyer.  Guest speaker was Valerie Barnhart (JD 2010), a partner at Kelley Kronenberg. 
Pave the Way for Scholarships at NSU Law

NSU Law "Paving the Way for Scholarships" program is open to alumni and students alike.  For a $150 donation to the Law Alumni Association Endowed Scholarship Fund, you may purchase a brick and leave you mark at Shepard Broad College of Law. | Order Online
Faculty News
Amanda Foster
Associate Professor Amanda Foster presented at the Legal Writing Institute One-Day Workshop, on December 4, 2015 at Florida International University College of Law in Miami, FL.  The workshop, Teaching: Both Tried & True and Something New included Foster's presentation, Professional Communication: Using Today's Technology the Write Way. Foster suggested that legal writing classes should include email and text-drafting with a discussion about the professional use of social media.  

Associate Professor Megan Chaney participated in " Judicial Symposium Using the Law and Economics to Reform the System of Criminal Justice: Theory, Empirical Evidence, and Some Applications" December 9 to 11, 2015 in Aventura, FL. Chaney participated in a panel discussion about prosecutorial discretion. Her panel included R. Alexander Acosta (FIU), Robert Frommer (Institute for Justice), Kathleen M. Ridolfi (Santa Clara University School of Law; Co-Founder and Former Director, Northern California Innocence Project), and William N. Shepard (Holland & Knight LLP). The symposium examined whether criminals could be deterred, if criminal punishment makes sense in terms of social and legal objectives and the costs of over criminalization, among other topics. 

Professor Olympia Duhart, who is the Director of the NSU Law Legal Research and Writing Program, completed her two-year term as co-president of the Society of American Law Teachers ("SALT") along with her co-president, Professor Ruben Garcia of UNLV Law. Founded more than 40 years ago, SALT is a national organization that brings together law teachers, administrators, librarians, academic support experts, and students to improve legal education by promoting diversity, justice, and academic excellence. 

During Professor Duhart's tenure, SALT hosted several major programs: the 2014 Teaching Conference, the Diversity in Law Leadership Workshop, the Cover Workshops focused on social justice issues, and several public interest retreats for law students. SALT also filed an amicus curiae brief supporting the respondents in the affirmative action case, Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin that was argued before the Supreme Court of the United States in 2015. SALT completed a "Shadow Report" on U.S. compliance with the International Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination in the context of the legal profession, and launched Choosing the Right Law School for You: A Consumer Guide for the Social Justice-Minded Law Student, an online resource for prospective law students. SALT continued its annual Salary Survey in The Equalizer. Further, SALT issued various position papers and offered testimony on issues such as academic freedom, financing of legal education, and the rights of students to challenge racialized injustice on campus. Professor Duhart will continue her service on the SALT Board of Governors.

Director of NSU Law Veterans Clinic and Adjunct Professor Jayme Cassidy, Esq. was awarded the 2016 Next Generation Faculty Development Award from the National Institute for Trial Advocacy (NITA).  The award was developed to identify, recruit, and train talent for the next generation of NITA faculty leaders and program directors.  Cassidy will be invited to teach a number of NITA programs around the country, including public service programs, where her expenses will be covered directly by NITA.  Her first NITA assignment is in Orlando in January 2016 at the National Conference of ACLU Staff Attorneys from around the USA.  Cassidy will also continue to teach NITA programs at NSU Law along with Professors  Mark Dobson (NITA Florida Trial Skills), and Michael Dale, Michael Flynn, and Kate Webber (NITA Florida Deposition Skills). Cassidy has been the Director of the NSU Law Veterans Law Clinic for almost three years where she teaches law students how to handle legal cases for US Veterans. She has taught in NITA programs for several years.
Student News
WLAW is going to be re-launching.  Be part of the excitement!

As it pioneered Internet Radio it is about to be on the cutting edge for law school podcasts. 
We are searching for on-air talent and show producers. Contact Ryan Adams at 954-557-0478 or by email at 
(From L to R) David Hernandez, Natalie Lopez, Omar F. Guerra Johansson,  Gabriel BalandranoSaida WurieDwight Gibiser, and Prof. Mark Dobson
Crimal Law Society Presents Lunch and Learn Seminar

Omar F. Guerra Johansson, Esq., presented "How to Start and Grow a Career in the Practice of Criminal Law" to NSU Law students at a luncheon on October 22, 2015.  Guerra Johansson has practiced criminal law for over fifteen years as a prosecutor at the state level, and as a federal public defender, and now has his own private practice in Fort Lauderdale, FL where he handles criminal defense and appeals.  He offered helpful insights to students interested in a career in criminal law.  Natalie Lopez, of the Criminal Law Society, said the program was well-received by the students adding, "He offered positive advice to the students, and truly connected to them on a personal level."  In case you missed it, here's a link to the video.
Victoria Perniola (3L) had her Animal Law Legislation Seminar paper published in the Fall Issue of the  Journal of Animal and Environmental Law entitled "Greyhound Racing: Florida's Most Dependent Child." 
Contact Us

For questions, suggestions, and to submit news, please contact:
Lynn Acosta
Assistant Dean for Student Services,  Shepard Broad College of Law |  954-262-6127
aboutlcpAbout Law Center Plus
Law Center Plus Seminar Series: Continuing Your Legal Education
Law Center Plus provides ongoing skills training and other resources for our alumni, especially our newest members.  A series of ten seminars each year will include practice skills that will build confidence among new attorneys and educate all our alumni seeking to improve their knowledge and skills in a variety of areas.  Seminars are held monthly on Friday mornings at the College of Law  and are free to alumni in their first 24 months post-graduation.  Other alumni and attorneys may attend for a registration fee.  All attendees receive a continental breakfast and CLE credits.

Registration for upcoming Law Center Plus Seminars will open each month as the year progresses.
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