Nova Southeastern University Shepard Broad College of Law | December
In this Issue
Upcoming Events
December 1 - Deadline for Course Evaluations
January 13 - Florida Bar Tech CLE Program
January 27 - Mentoring Program Breakfast | Registration February 24, 2017 - Mentoring Program Breakfast | Registration |
Don't Forget! Course Evaluations due tonight, Dec. 1st at 11:59pm !
You have received a personalized link from the NSU College of Law that will lead you directly to your course evaluations. To log in, use your NSU credentials--your user name (without the and your password.
If you have any questions or difficulties with the course evaluation tool, please contact us at
Curriculum Sorting Guide
A student resource presented by NSU Law
provides students with a "roadmap" through law school, and is a one-stop shop for students to discover their passion in law school. Students can find this resource at
As students prepare for the future, the
Career Pathways Guide is also available for reference. This guide is intended to help our students and recent alumni navigate to their perfect career and provides information on popular legal specialties. Each specialty provides an overview, job search assistance, and practical information on a career in that area. Students and recent alumni can take advantage of this resource by visiting
Both tools are linked to help students explore how their course choices and career opportunities come together. NSU Law is dedicated to helping its students and alumni at every stage of their legal career.
The Florida Bar Presents
Competency to Practice in a Technology-Driven Legal World
Privacy, Security, and Electronic Discovery
Friday, January 13, 2017 | 7:45 am - 12:30 pm
at NSU Shepard Broad College of Law
Advancements in technology and their impact on the practice of law have been fast, frequent, and increasingly furious, and amended Rule 4.1-1 now requires obtaining and maintaining competency in technology for all Florida attorneys. Beginning January 1, 2017, all Florida licensed attorneys are required to complete three additional technology related CLE hours. This half-day session will provide attendees with the four technology-related CLE hours necessary to satisfy this requirement, and will also include 3 hours of ethics.
Learn More and Register Here
Mentoring Program 2016-2017
Next Networking Breakfast:
Friday, January 27, 2017, 7:15 - 9:00 a.m.
Shepard Broad College of Law
Save the Date: Friday, February 24, 2017
Join NSU Law for its second annual Mentoring Program taking place throughout the 2016-2017 academic year. Unlike the traditional 1:1 mentoring models often used, the NSU Law Mentoring
Program uses a group mentoring model organized by practice area. Mentees can meet Mentors who practice in an area of the law that interests them. Networking breakfasts and interactive learning presentations for Mentors and Mentees are held every two months during the fall and winter semesters. New members are always welcome!
If you have any questions, please contact Alumni Relations at
Amazing Response to NSU Law- Canned Food Drive
Every year in preparation for Thanksgiving, NSU Shepard Broad College of Law's Public Interest Law Society ("PILS") in collaboration with the Phi Alpha Delta legal fraternity, organizes a week-long event called "Canned Immunity." Canned Immunity aims to benefit Feeding South Florida and ensure those who are currently fighting hunger in our community are well fed for the Thanksgiving holiday
The entire week before Thanksgiving, PILS conducts a school-wide drive for canned and other non-perishable food items.
The annual drive always receives a high volume of donations thanks to both the generosity of the law student body and the method by which the week-long event operates. This year,
students collected over 6,000 cans of food!
To learn how you can get involved with this cause, or make donations,
contact Jennifer Gordon at
or 954-262-6126.
NSU College of Law Hosts the
Fall 2016 Caribbean Law Clinic
November 9-11, 2016
Twenty-three students and ten faculty members attended the Fall 2016 Caribbean Law Clinic ("CLC") hosted by Nova Southeastern University College of Law. These students and faculty members represented four Caribbean and four U.S. law schools. The participating law schools are members of an international legal education consortium called the American and Caribbean Law Initiative ("ACLI"). Prof. Jane E. Cross, the current president of the ACLI and director of the Caribbean Law Programs, coordinated the Fall 2016 CLC under the direction of the International Law Programs and with the assistance of the Veterans Law Clinic. The CLC provides students with practical experience in legal research, legal writing, advocacy, decision-making, oral argument, and teamwork.
Members of the judges' panel for the Fall 2016 CLC included attorneys from the Caribbean Bar Association, the T.J. Reddick Bar Association, the Haitians Lawyers Association and the Veterans Law Clinic.
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NSU Law Welcomes Laura Dietz
New Director of Alumni Relations
Laura Dietz began her role as Director of Alumni Relations at NSU Shepard Broad College of Law on November 2, 2016. As director, she oversees student/alumni reunions and events while maintaining consistent outreach to alumni. Prior to joining NSU Law, Laura worked as an Associate Director of Alumni Relations at Saint Joseph's University in Philadelphia, PA for six years, overseeing alumni benefits and services, networking events and programs, and sponsorship outreach. Laura brings with her a positive outlook and innovative ideas. Welcome, Laura!
Tim Arcaro presented at the November luncheon of the Broward County Matrimonial Lawyers section. His topic was, "Post-Trial Relief: The Hague Convention on Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction" and included a discussion of the practical and legal considerations when an abducted child is ordered returned pursuant to The Hague Convention on Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction.
Professor Tim Canova was quoted in an article published on November 1, 2016 by the ABA Journal entitled,
Trans-Pacific Partnership raises question: How should governments and corporations resolve disputes?
Professor Kathy Cerminara gave a talk on September 20, 2016 entitled "Intersections, Trends & Cross-Currents in the Law Governing End-of-Life Care" to the University of Pittsburgh Center for Bioethics and Health Law. Her article "Law, Perception, and Cultural Cognition Near the End of Life" appeared at 55 Washburn Law Journal 597 (2016). She submitted an article titled "Give Me Liberty to Choose (a Better) Death: Respecting Autonomy More Fully in Advance Directive Statutes" (co-authored with 3L Joseph Kadis) for publication in the St. Louis University Journal of Health Law & Policy.
Professor linda harrison published her article,
My Hair is Not Like Yours: Workplace Hair Grooming Policies for African American Women as Racial Stereotyping in Violation of Title VII in 22 Cardozo J. L. & Gender 437 (Sp. 2016).
Professor Joel Mintz
presented at "The Future of Environmental Law" conference in early November. His presentation was entitled, "The Future of Environmental Enforcement." The gathering was organized by the Assistant Attorney General for Environment and Natural Resources and held in the Great Hall in the Department of Justice Building in Washington, D.C. Mintz published an update to his treatise, State and Local Government Environmental Liability, a work which was converted to a two-volume set by the publisher (Reuters, Thomson, West). Mintz co-organized a panel and a discussion group, on two environmental law and policy topics, that will take place at next summer's SEALS conference. Mintz was quoted in a report prepared by the Center for Public Integrity, "State Budget Cuts Plague Clean Air Act Enforcement," republished in The Huffington Post and Greenwire. Mintz was interviewed by a reporter for the Bloomberg BNA Reporter for a story she was preparing regarding the future of environmental enforcement ion the Trump administration. In November, Professor Mintz wrote a blog piece for the Center for Progressive Reform website (PRBlog) named: "Florida's Constitutional Amendment 1 Is Anti-Solar Energy."
For questions, suggestions, and to submit news, please contact:
Lynn Ann Acosta
Assistant Dean for Student Services
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