Nova Southeastern University Shepard Broad College of Law | January 2017
In this Issue
Upcoming Events
January 20 - Law Center Plus | RSVP
January 23 & 24 - Town Hall Meetings with Dean Garon
January 27 - Mentoring Program Breakfast | RSVP
February 1 - PILS Auction | RSVP (Coming soon)
February 4 - Inaugural Stephanie Aleong Intramural Moot Court Competition | RSVP
February 12-15 - ABA Accreditation Site Visit |
Town Hall Meeting with Dean Garon
Day Division: January 24, 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Evening Division: January 23, 5:30 p.m. -6:00 p.m.
Location: NSU Law, Faculty Study
Attention all NSU Law Students! Join Dean Garon for updates about the college, ABA site inspection, and new programs. Ask your own questions and provide suggestions to make the law school stronger. Town Hall Meetings are a great opportunity for students to hear from the Dean, ask questions, share your feedback, and offer suggestions that you have about the program, the college, and the university. Please join us!
ABA Accreditation Site Visit
February 12-15, 2017
The Council of the ABA Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar of the American Bar Association is responsible for the accreditation of programs leading to the J.D. degree in the United States. ABA Standards require a site visit for every fully accredited law school every seventh year, and the NSU College of Law will be visited this Winter semester, from February 12-15, 2017. The visit, by a team of seven Deans, Professors and Lawyers, will include site inspectors visiting classes, hosting open meetings with students, and inspecting the building.
Please welcome them when you see them on campus during these dates!
IPLS Wins First Place!
On November 3rd, 2016, the Dade Legal Aid Society organized its 7th Annual Intellectual Patently Impossible Project at the in Miami, FL. This competition allows several teams of lawyers, law students, and engineers to compete to assemble a patented invention.
On behalf of the Intellectual Property Law Society (IPLS), NSU Law student, Nicholas Spatola won First Place in this competition! Congratulations Nicholas for a job well done! | More Info and Photos of Event
NSU Law Student Participates in Miss India USA Pageant 2016
Ritika Singh, 2L, participated in the Miss India USA 2016 pageant held in New York City and was awarded the title of 'Chairman's Miss Professional, Miss India USA 2016'. Ritika mentioned on her fun page: "Participating in Miss India USA after receiving the title of Miss India Florida 2015 while working through law school has shaped me into a better and stronger person". Miss Singh will be feature in the VOGUE magazine for the March 2017 edition. Stay tune for more success stories from this beautiful law student. You can follow Ritika on her Facebook page,
( L to R) Richard Rafuls,
Bethany Pandher, and Prof. Joseph Hnylka
Moot Court Team Earns Runner Up
in National Competition
Congratulations to
Bethany Pandher and
Richard Rafuls of the Thomas Tang National Moot Court Team. The pair won Runner Up at the National Competition on November 3-5, 2016 in San Diego, CA! Bethany and Richard competed against Southern Methodist School of Law in the final round and the teams competed in the James M. Carter and Judith N. Keep U.S. Courthouse for the Southern District of California. The final round was judged by a distinguished panel of judges, including: Judge Denny Chin, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, Major General Thomas Ayres, Deputy Judge Advocate General of the U.S. Army, Judge Dana Sabraw of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California, and Judge Susan Oki Mollway, former Chief Judge of the U.S. District Court for the District of Hawaii. The team was coached by Professors Joseph Hnylka and Shahabudeen Khan. Many thanks to everyone who assisted the team in preparing for this competition!
NSU Law Students Contribute to NITA's
The Legal Advocate
Law Center Plus: County Court for Big Time Lawyers
Friday, January 20, 2017
7:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
Shepard Broad College of Law
This particular seminar is designed to educate attorneys about how to handle a county court case, focusing on the differences between the Small Claims Rules and the Rules of Civil Procedure, as well as the law surrounding Evictions and civil Traffic Infractions. This event is FREE for students, you just need to RSVP
Next Networking Breakfast:
Friday, January 27, 2017, 7:15 - 9:00 a.m.
Shepard Broad College of Law
Save the Date: Friday, February 24, 2017
Join NSU Law for its second annual Mentoring Program taking place throughout the 2016-2017 academic year. Unlike the traditional 1:1 mentoring models often used, the NSU Law Mentoring
Program uses a group mentoring model organized by practice area. Mentees can meet Mentors who practice in an area of the law that interests them. Networking breakfasts and interactive learning presentations for Mentors and Mentees are held every two months during the fall and winter semesters. New members are always welcome!
If you have any questions, please contact Alumni Relations a
Public Interest Law Society &
Phi Alpha Delta Auction
Wednesday, February 1, 2017 | 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Shepard Broad College of Law
NSU's Public Interest Law Society and Phi Alpha Delta are hosting its Annual Auction on February 1, 2017. The auction is intended to celebrate the work of our previous Public Interest Fellows, and to raise funds to continue the public interest tradition that is such a fundamental piece of the academic experience at NSU Law. Join us for an evening with alumni, faculty, friends and the South Florida legal community to celebrate our students.
To donate an item or experience, please contact
Danielle Massalone Behring, Public Interest Law Society President or
Steven Avalon, Phi Alpha Delta Justice. You may also choose to fully fund a fellowship which will carry your name. For full fellowship sponsorship information, please contact
Jennifer Gordon, Esq., Director of Public Interest Programs.
Coming Up: Inaugural Stephanie Aleong Intramural Moot Court Competition
February 4, 2017 | 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Shepard Broad College of Law
Our Moot Court Society is pleased to announce the Inaugural Stephanie Aleong Intramural Moot Court Competition.
The purpose of this competition is to give all Moot Court members the opportunity to continue to develop their advocacy skills. This competition will be held on Saturday,February 4, 2017 at the Shepard Broad College of Law. Our Moot Court Society has named this competition in recognition of NSU Law Professor Stephanie Aleong.
Click Here for More Info, Details, and to RSVP
Professor Kathy Cerminara
NSU Health Law Program Joins International Academy of Medical Ethics & Public Health
"Nova Southeastern University's (NSU's) Health Law Program has joined the International Academy of Medical Ethics and Public Health," according to Law Professor Kathy Cerminara, J.D., LL.M., J.S.D. Professor Cerminara noted, "Biomedical research inspires more and more ethical controversies while advancing our knowledge base. Those combine with the international reach of research protocols to increase the need for cultural competency in both research and treatment, and overlaid on it all are increasingly globalized disease patterns."
Professor Cerminara has long been a leader in biomedical ethics. Her work bridges the medical and legal profession, an interdisciplinary approach, which is the hallmark of Nova Southeastern University. Participation in the International Academy of Medical Ethics and Public Health enhances the depth of the NSU Shepard Broad College of Law programs in Health Law, which are offered for both the J.D. and M.S. degrees every stage of their legal career. [...] Read full Press Release
Calvin Austin & Prof. Ronald Brown
NSU Celebrates December
2016 Graduates
December 12, 2016
On Monday, December 12, 2016, twenty-nine graduates were honored at the December Graduates' Reception. Dean Jon Garon opened the ceremony with a remarkable welcome message, followed by Calvin Austin as the student speaker and Professor Ronald Benton Brown as the faculty speaker. They both were selected and voted on by the law student body. The NSU law atrium welcomed more than 200 enthusiastic guests cheering on their new attorneys to be.
After Dean Michele Struffolino read off the names of the 29 graduates as they crossed the stage to shake hands with Dean Garon, 4 students received Pro Bono Honors: Willis Bowden (Silver Level Distinction), Jasmine Jas (Gold Level Distinction), Rossandre Jean-Baptiste (Gold Level Distinction), and Timothy McDonnell (Bronze Level Distinction). These four outstanding graduates received the Pro Bono Honors after completing 1,193 hours of service. All graduates received the sounding blocks to go with the gavels that they received when they started law school. Congratulations and cheers to a successful law career!
| Photos
ONLINE Master of Science Program Launches New Concentrations
NSU Law's master's degree programs in Health Law and Education Law have launched new concentrations. The Master of Science in Education Law degree program launched "Exceptional Education Law" and "Education Law Advocacy." The Master of Science in Health Law degree program, launched "Clinical Research Law, Regulation and Compliance Concentration." Read full press release
Professor Debra Moss Curtis has been appointed Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. Dean Curtis assumed her duties in December 2016, and she has made the transition a very quick and smooth one.
Professor Tim Arcaro attended the International Visitor Leadership Program on December 8-11, 2016. The program was presented by the Office of International Visitors, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, and the U.S. Department of State. Arcaro has been a volunteer lawyer with the U.S. Department of State, Offices of Children's Legal Services for nearly twenty years.
Associate Dean for Library Services & Professor of Law, Vicenç Feliú, will have his official first day at NSU on January 11th. Dean Feliú has been awarded tenure from NSU as recommended by the College of Law faculty and approved by President Hanbury.
Dean Jon M. Garon was featured in a South Florida Business & Wealth article on November 9, 2016. The article was entitled,
Part-Time Path, that focuses on the part-time J.D. program at NSU Law. Garon was also interviewed with NBC6 on December 6, 2016 on a news segment entitled, "
Uber App Tracking User After Drop Off."
Professor Shahabudeen Kahn will be filling the position of Associate Dean for International Programs, beginning July 1st. Catherine Arcabascio has done an exceptional job for many years as the former Associate Dean. She will be staying at NSU Law as a full time faculty member.
Professor Joel Mintz was quoted in an Inside Climate News article on December 5, 2016. The article is entitled, "
Big Win for Dakota Pipeline Opponents, But Bigger Battle Looms." Professor Mintz also wrote a blog piece for the Center for Progressive Reform website. Where he talks about the potential impact of the forthcoming Trump Administration and the next Congress on the environment and public health in general, and/or on environmental enforcement more specifically. The blog piece entitled: "
Environmental Enforcement in the Crosshairs: Grave Threats to a Vital Protection for All Americans."
Professor Emeritus Marc Rohr, starred in a community theater production
of Herb
Rappaport" (Tony Award winner, Best Play, 1986) from Sat. Jan. 7 through Sun. Jan. 15. Performances are at the Soref JCC. If you would like to attend, please contact him directly at to reserve a seat for you.
Professor John Sanchez updated his publication,
Local & State Government Employment Liability with West Publishing (Nov. 2016).
Director of Development Susan Stephan presented "A Matter of Trust: Technology and Privacy in eLearning Environments," at the 2016 International Forum for Women in E-learning conference in San Antonio, TX, on December 1, 2016.
Professor Marilyn Uzdavines was interviewed by the
Florida Record on November 4, 2016 for a story about the recent Florida Supreme Court case
Mendez, Jr. v. Hampton Court Nursing Center, LLC, and the impact it may have on arbitration clauses contained in nursing home admission agreements. On November 14, 2016, Dr. Kamilah Purcell invited her to speak about Medical Legal Partnerships to students in a Foundations of Public Heath course in the NSU Masters of Public Health program.
For questions, suggestions, and to submit news, please contact:
Lynn Ann Acosta
Assistant Dean for Student Services | 954-262-6127
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