Thank you to The Honorable Melanie May for her years of service to NSU Law Board of Governors
NSU Law Board of Governors group with Judge Melanie May (center with award)
NSU Law Board of Governors and the NSU Law community would like to thank The Honorable Melanie G. May (JD 1981) for her service to NSU Law and the legal community. Judge May has served on the NSU Law Board for 21 years and has been the chair since 2005. Judge May has guided both the Board of Governors and the Shepard Broad College of Law with honor and distinction and participated as an ex-officio member of the NSU Board of Trustees.
The next chair of the NSU Law Board of Governors will be Douglas McIntosh (JD 1981). His term will begin at the Fall meeting.
NSU Law awarded LSAC Diversity Matters Award for Innovation
NSU Law was awarded the Law School Admission Council 2019 Diversity Matters Award for Innovation. This award is presented to the law school that demonstrated the most creativity in their program agenda and in targeting its audience. “Make an Impact with Law and Medicine Day,”
an interdisciplinary program,
introduced more than 40 South Florida high school students from historically underrepresented backgrounds to a wide variety of medical and legal practices.
The following College of Law faculty were instrumental in the program’s success: Dean Jon M. Garon, who together with Dean Johannes Vieweg of the Medical School, introduced the program and discussed its theme; Professor Emerita Lynn Epstein and Professor Roma Perez who conducted a Negotiations Lab with the students; and Professor Florence Shu-Acquaye who together with Associate Dean Elena Marty-Nelson and Assistant Dean Farzanna Haffizulla of the Medical School served on the panel on social determinants of health and social justice.
June 27, 2019 | 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
Sponsored jointly by NSU Shepard Broad College of Law and Rossway Swan Tierney Barry Lacey & Oliver, PA.
The annual alumni reception at The Florida Bar Annual Convention is open to all attendees of the convention and all alumni and students (whether or not attending the convention). As one of the largest gatherings of NSU Law alumni, judges, and dignitaries, this special alumni reception provides a delightful opportunity to enjoy refreshments and networking opportunities.
Ripped from the Headlines: The Free Speech Forum 06-28-19
Ripped from the Headlines: The Free Speech Forum will gather writers, professors, legal scholars – and you, the audience – for a provocative discussion about the state of journalism, art, and other forms of creative self-expression in the Trump era.
Jon M. Garon, J.D., Dean of the Shepard Broad College of Law, Nova Southeastern University
Karla Kennedy, Ph.D., Visiting Instructor, Department of Journalism and Media, FIU
Megan O’Matz, Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter,
South Florida Sun-Sentinel
Darius V. Daughtry
author of
And the Walls Came Tumbling: Poems that Unapologetically Speak Truth to Power
and Executive Director of the Art Prevails Project
6:00 p.m.: wine reception and tour of the “Ripped from the Headlines” multimedia art exhibit
7:00 p.m.: panel discussion and open dialogue
On Campus Interview (OCI) Fall 2019 - Student Information
NSU Law invites students to participate in our Fall 2019 On-Campus Interview Program (OCI), held between August 26 and November 1, 2019. OCI allows students to apply to government, public interest, and law firm employers for summer associate, law clerk, and permanent employment. Employers may also choose to participate in our Resume Collection Program. This program allows employers to receive resumes and application materials from students. The employers then have the opportunity to contact interested students directly to schedule interviews.
Bidding for the program begins in Symplicity on July 15. To prepare, students should review the employer list and schedule an appointment with a career advisor to have their resume reviewed and to discuss their bid list.
NSU Law launches Undergraduate Minor
Law, Science, and Technology
NSU Law leadership in legal education now includes an undergraduate minor in Law, Science, and Technology slated to begin in the winter of 2020. Courses will include Introduction to Law and the Legal Profession, Cyber Law and the Modern Mass Communications Policy and Electronic Commerce and Digital Trade. NSU Law now encompasses the following undergraduate and graduate degrees.
Juris Doctor J.D.
Master of Laws LL.M.
Master of Science in Law
Paralegal Studies – Undergraduate Major & Minor
Paralegal Postgraduate Certificate
Law, Science, and Technology – Undergraduate minor
NSU Law Paralegal Studies Major Presented on Fashion Law
Francesca Chavez (Paralegal Certificate 2019) and Professor Jessica Garcia-Brown
The annual Undergraduate Symposium is an opportunity to showcase research and scholarship completed by NSU undergraduates. This year, Francesca Chavez, earned honorable mention for her poster and presentation on “Fashion Law: A Comparative Study of U.S. and European Models.” Chavez interviewed attorneys representing those in the fashion industry and researched US and international laws. Chavez anticipates continuing her research to propose legislation that will provide guidance in the adoption of stricter protections to promote creativity, quality, and fair competition in the fashion industry.
140% Increase in Judicial Internships Applications
The Honorable Robert F. Diaz (JD 1984) & Professor Heather Baxter (JD 2000)
NSU Law’s Summer 2019 17th Judicial Circuit Internship Program set a new record with a 140% increase in the number of applications received compared with last year. This year, more than 50 law students applied to serve as judicial interns with the
Judicial Circuit. This internship program exposes law students to judicial practice and allows them to gain insight into the legal profession through courtroom observation, legal writing, and research. NSU Law’s Office of Career Services and Professional Development administrates the program, in partnership with the Honorable Robert F. Diaz (JD 1984). Through this program, NSU law students are eligible to receive pro bono hours or receive academic credit by participating in the Judicial Field Placement Clinic, led by Professor Heather Baxter (JD 2000).
July Bar Exam - Room Block Reserved & Free Lunch
on July 30 & July 31
As part of our ongoing NSU Bar Success Program, we will continue the law school tradition of serving lunch to our graduates on Tuesday and Wednesday of the Florida Bar Exam so you can focus all your energies on success!
Tampa Marriott Waterside Hotel and Marina, Grand Salon E
700 South Florida Avenue, Tampa
Time: 12:00 - 2:00 pm | FREE| No RSVP
*The Marriott is directly across the street from the Tampa Convention Center. You can either enjoy lunch with others in this relaxing hotel atmosphere or fill up a to-go box and eat on your own.
Don't forget to pick up your Bar Exam Welcome Kit when you check in at the Tampa Marriott Waterside Hotel and Marina. If you are not staying at the Marriott, you can pick up the package from Associate Dean of Students, Michele Struffolino at the lunches.
Pave the Way for Scholarships at NSU Law
NSU Law "Paving the Way for Scholarships" program is open to alumni and students alike. For a $150 donation to the Law Alumni Association Endowed Scholarship Fund, you may purchase a brick and leave your mark at Shepard Broad College of Law.
NSU Law Summer 2019 Events
2.5 CLE Credits & Certification Credits Approved
Law Connect Plus
New Considerations in Immigration Practice
June 14, 2019
Florida Bar Convention
Reception honoring incoming FL Bar President John M. Stewart (JD 1997)
June 27, 2019 | 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
Boca Raton Resort & Club
Ripped from the Headlines: The Free Press Forum
June 28, 2019 | 6:0o - 8:00 p.m.
FAT Village, 521 NW 1st Ave
Fort Lauderdale
20 CLE Credits
The William A. Van Nortwick Appellate Workshop 2019
August 7-9, 2019
Upcoming Events - All the Details
06-14-19 Law Connect Plus - New Considerations in Immigration Practice
The program and presentations will focus on the latest changes in immigration policies and how these changes affect immigration practice. Presenters will focus on a wide range of issues relating to Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), Temporary Protected Status (TPS), employment-based petitions, family-based immigrant petitions, citizenship, and refugee and asylum petitions. The program and presenters will outline the latest challenges in these areas and make recommendations on how best to handle these challenges.
Professor Shahabudeen Khan (JD 2003)
Elizabeth Blandon, Esq.
Sonia Oliveri, Esq. (JD 2015)
06-27-19 NSU Law Florida Bar Reception
Sponsored jointly by NSU Shepard Broad College of Law and Rossway Swan Tierney Barry Lacey & Oliver, PA.
Whether you are attending the 2019 Annual Florida Bar Convention or interested in mingling with your peers at the alumni reception, this is always one of the largest gatherings of NSU Law alumni, judges, and dignitaries. This is a special alumni reception to enjoy healthy refreshments and networking opportunities. This event is open to students, faculty, and staff, as well as those in the law community.
Ripped from the Headlines: The Free Speech Forum
Ripped from the Headlines: The Free Speech Forum will gather writers, professors, legal scholars – and you, the audience – for a provocative discussion about the state of journalism, art, and other forms of creative self-expression in the Trump era.
Jon M. Garon, J.D., Dean of the Shepard Broad College of Law, Nova Southeastern University
Karla Kennedy, Ph.D., Visiting Instructor, Department of Journalism and Media, FIU
Megan O’Matz, Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter,
South Florida Sun-Sentinel
Darius V. Daughtry
author of
And the Walls Came Tumbling: Poems that Unapologetically Speak Truth to Power
and Executive Director of the Art Prevails Project
Event Schedule
6:00 p.m.: wine reception and tour of the “Ripped from the Headlines” multimedia art exhibit with curator Elle Schorr
7:00 p.m.: panel discussion and open dialogue
08-07-19 The William A. Van Nortwick Appellate Workshop 2019
A CLE workshop presented by The Appellate Practice Section of The Florida Bar and hosted by NSU Shepard Broad College of Law.
This is a three-day intensive workshop focusing on the appellate process. In advance of the program, attendees will draft an appellate brief. The brief will be critiqued by appellate court judges and board-certified appellate practitioners. There will be small-group instruction on brief writing, including framing issues, drafting the statements of facts, and formulating arguments. In addition, participants will perform oral arguments.
Director of Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AIDD) Law Clinic, Director of Law Launchpad Program & Professor of Law Tim Arcaro
Provided expert testimony on behalf of a parent who filed a petition for the return of his abducted child from Canada under The Hague Convention on Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction. The Canadian court accepted Professor Arcaro’s testimony, adopted his interpretation of applicable law and ordered the child to be returned to Florida last month. The child is now back in the United States and subject to child custody proceedings in Broward County. Professor Arcaro also received a very nice thank you note from the Alberta Legal Aid Society.
Professor Heather Baxter
Right Result, Wrong Reason: Why the Intent Requirement in Florida v. Jardines Trespasses on the Clarity of the Fourth Amendment
, 51 Tex. Tech. L. Rev. 217 (2019).
Professor Randolph Braccialarghe
Was appointed Chair of the Professional Ethics Committee of The Florida Bar in April 2019, by John M. Stewart, President-Elect of The Florida Bar.
Professor Robert M. Jarvis
Was quoted in the Sun Sentinel (4/22/19) concerning allegations between a Palm Beach judge and an attorney.
Was interviewed by Carey Codd on CBS4 News in April 2019.
Professor Emeritus of Law and C. William Trout Senior Fellow in Public Interest Law Joel Mintz
Accepted an unsolicited offer to join the board of directors of the Center for Progressive Reform, a national organization of legal scholars who voluntarily advocate for progressive policies regarding the environment, worker safety, and other areas of regulation.
Attended a conference on EPA and the Future of Environmental Protection at American University in Washington, D.C. in April 2019 where he was a questioner on two panels: “Opportunities for Working with Business,” and “Designing EPA for the Future.”
Professor Emeritus of Law Marc Rohr
What Are the Constitutional Limitations on Prayers at Local Government Meetings?
in the May/June 2019 issue of the Florida Bar Journal.
Associate Dean of Students & Professor of Law Michele N. Struffolino
Will present with Associate Dean Debra Moss Vollweiler, “Modeling Cooperation and Communication: A Joint Approach Between Academic Affairs and Student Services to Addressing Student Needs”
at the Third Annual National Association of Law Student Affairs Professionals (NALSAP) Conference in Washington, D.C. in June 2019.
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs & Professor of Law Debra Moss Vollweiler
Don’t Panic! The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Learning Outcomes: Eight Ways to Make Them More Than (Mostly) Harmless
, 44 Dayton L. Rev. 17 (2018).
Will present, “Building a Culture of Communication and Cooperation Among the Associate Deans at the Law School” at the 2019 ABA Associate Deans Conference in Chicago, IL in June.
Will present with Associate Dean Michele Struffolino, “Modeling Cooperation and Communication: A Joint Approach Between Academic Affairs and Student Services to Addressing Student Needs”
at the Third Annual National Association of Law Student Affairs Professionals (NALSAP) Conference in Washington, D.C. in June 2019.
For questions, suggestions, and to submit news for any future editions of the Student Newsletter please contact:
Lynn Acosta
Assistant Dean for Student Services