Passing of NSU Dean Athornia Steele
It is with great sadness that we share the passing of former dean and colleague Athornia (Thorny) Steele on September 14, 2019 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida after battling an extended illness.
Thorny's calling was in the field of legal education, Thorny was the former dean and a professor of law for NSU, Davie, FL; former interim dean and professor of law for Capital University, Columbus, Ohio; and former Board Chair and Interim President for the Law School Admission Council.
In recognition of the commitment Thorny made to NSU and the many friends he and Gay established within the NSU community, the College of Law will be placing a memorial bench on campus to show our appreciation for his years of service to legal education.
If you would like to contribute to this memorial for Dean Steele, please contact Tiffany Garner at
or 954.262.6261 to participate in this gift.
Passing of Adam Doner (JD 1983)
Adam Doner (JD 1983) passed away peacefully on Sunday evening, October 6, 2019. He was surrounded by his family and his closest friends. Adam lived every day like it was his last. He lived every day to its fullest. Adam was generous to a fault, never saying no to anyone. His philanthropy was spread across South Florida. He built a hugely successful business from nothing that now employs nearly a hundred people. He lived for his two children and his family. Adam is survived by his two children, beloved family members and many close friends. Those of us who knew Adam will never forget his quick, kind smile and his wonderful approach to life. May his memory always be for a blessing.
NSU Law 2019 Law Review Symposium
First Do No Harm: A Patient-Driven Approach to Navigating the Health Law, Intellectual Property, and Technology Maze
On October 11, 2019, NSU Law welcomed a wealth of expertise from across the United States to discuss two of the fastest growing areas in the modern economy - health care and technology. First Do No Harm: A Patient-Driven Approach to Navigating the Health Law, Intellectual Property, and Technology Maze, focused on the race to provide innovations in health care and technology, and how the patient and caregiver are often left out of the conversation. Consequently, some technologies, intellectual property rules, health care options, and health policy decisions are replete with unintended consequences.
Overall, the goal of the Symposium was to provoke conversation and presented an opportunity for academics, practitioners, health care providers, and students in a variety of legal, business, and technology fields.
Our distinguished guests included:
Marielle S. Gross
- Hecht-Levi Fellow, Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics;
Melissa M. Goldstein
- Associate Professor Department of Health Policy and Management, Milken Institute School of Public Health, George Washington University;
Sharon Bassan
- Jaharis Faculty Fellow in Health Law and Intellectual Property at the DePaul University College of Law;
Kathy Cerminara
- NSU Law Professor;
Marilyn Uzdavines
- NSU Law Professor;
Yaniv Heled
- Associate Professor of Law; Co-Director, Center for Intellectual Property Georgia State University College of Law;
Bethany Corbin
- Director of Master of Studies in Law, Wake Forest University;
Jennifer Wagner
- Geisinger Center for Translational Bioethics and Health Care Policy;
Robert Kain
- Shareholder, Kain Speilman PA;
Myrisha Lewis
- Professor William & Mary Law School;
Seema Mohapatra
- Professor of Law Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law;
Samantha Zyontz
- Research Fellow, Intellectual Property, Stanford Law School; and
Jonas Monast
- C. Boyden Gray Distinguished Fellow, Assistant Professor and Director of the Center on Climate, Energy, Environment & Economics University of North Carolina School of Law.
A symposium issue based on the presentations at the conference will be published by the Nova Law Review.
Olympia Duhart NSU Law Professor of the Year
Congratulations to Olympia Duhart who was awarded the Professor of the Year award by NSU President Hanbury, Dean Garon and Interim Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs Chenail at a faculty reception earlier this month. Professor Duhart is the Associate Dean for Faculty And Student Development, Professor of Law and Director of the Legal Research and Writing Program at NSU Law. The award is presented to an NSU Law faculty member in recognition of significant contributions to research, scholarship, and exceptional instruction.
Congratulations to NSU Law Alumni that Passed the FL Bar
New attorneys who passed the July Florida Bar Exam were sworn in at the Bar Induction Ceremony held on September 16. NSU Law Dean Jon Garon welcomed the group, congratulated the new lawyers and their families for the hard work, support, and sacrifices it took to get to this day.
The Honorable Melanie G. May (JD 1981) of the 4th District Court of Appeal and judges from the 17th Judicial Circuit in Broward County, Florida administered the oath, including The Honorable Robert F. Diaz (JD 1984), The Honorable Betsy Benson (JD 1984), The Honorable Kal Le Var Evans (JD 2003), The Honorable Jackie Powell (JD 2003) and The Honorable Mariya Weekes (JD 2008).
Make a Difference by Being an NSU Law Mentor
Mentoring Dinner Journey to the Bench
Join us for this informative program featuring distinguished alumni judges from the Fourth District Court of Appeal and the Seventeenth Judicial Circuit who will discuss their unique career paths, and how they ascended to the bench. The NSU Law alumni judges will provide valuable insights into the judicial career path and the personal qualities and characteristics necessary to become a successful judge. Following the panel, attendees will have an opportunity to network with the panelists and alumni.
Business casual attire is recommended.
Mentoring Dinner
Journey to the Bench
October 23, 2019 | 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.
The Honorable
Melanie May (J.D. 1981)
Fourth District Court of Appeal
The Honorable
Betsy Benson (J.D. 1984)
17th Judicial Circuit of Florida
The Honorable
Mariya Weekes (J.D. 2008)
17th Judicial Circuit of Florida
National Paralegal Day, October 23, 2019
Thank you to all the Paralegals in our community. You do so much for us and we sincerely wish you the best on your special day. Your role in the office and in your community is valued and appreciated.
NSU Law offers discounted tuition for students that are employed by NSU Law alumni.
Immigration Legal Screening Clinic Saturday, October 19, 2019
NSU Law, Americans for Immigrant Justice, Catholic Legal Services, and Hispanic Unity of Florida Legal Aid Services of Broward County and the Florida Immigrant Coalition are partnering to provide free legal screenings to the community.
With the help of partnering organizations, this pro bono immigration clinic will offer participants the chance to learn more about how immigration law affects them and their families with Know Your Rights presentations.
6th Annual Insurance Law Symposium Friday, November 1, 2019
Insurer Bad Faith: Best Practices and Litigation Trends
The American College of Coverage Counsel (ACCC) will host its 6th Annual Insurance Law Symposium at NSU Law on Friday, November 1, 2019.
The ACCC brings together pre-eminent lawyers representing the interests of both insurers and policyholders to improve the quality of the practice of insurance law and to increase civility and professionalism in our field.
Our mission includes educating all sectors involved in insurance disputes—including the judiciary, law students, legal and insurance professionals, and businesses—on critical topics such as best practices in policy formation and claims handling, developing trends in insurance law, and bad faith.
NSU Law Students Welcome
Free - but registration is required
Broward County Bench and Bar Conference
Visit the NSU Law Booth
October 18, 2019
Immigration Legal Screening Clinic
Volunteers Needed
October 19, 2019
Mentoring Dinner
October 23, 2019
6:00 - 7:30 pm
Roadways to the Federal Bench
Live Broadcast from Washington DC
October 24, 2019
4:00 - 6:00 pm |
Ferguson Court House 400 N Miami Ave
Judicial Conference of the United States committee on the Administration of the Bankruptcy System presents Roadways to the Federal Bench: Who, Me? A Bankruptcy Judge? Live broadcast from Washington, D.C.
NSU Federal Bar Association
CLE Labor & Employment
November 8, 2019
11:30 am - 1:00 pm
NSU International Arbitration Society CLE
November 22, 2019
5:00 - 7:00 pm
Save The Date
Five NSU Law students have been recognized as the 2019-2020 Business Law Section (BLS) Scholars.
From L-R:
Marialina Gonzalez, Kevin DeMatteo, Austin Nowacki, Andrea Pontecorvi, Rachel Bond Palmer
Congratulations to the five NSU Law students recognized as 2019 BLS Scholars.
The FL Bar Business Law Section had a record number of applications from NSU Law this year and the quality of applicants was outstanding.
T.J. Reddick Bar Hosts a Day at the Broward County Courthouse with NSU Law BLSA
The NSU Law Black Law Students Association enjoyed a behind the scenes tour of the Broward County Courthouse, visited with judges and court staff, and got an up-close look at the court’s Self Help Center, Broward County Kidspace, the jury room, courtrooms, and the Clerk of Court’s Office.
NSU Law LRW 8th annual Writing and Wellness Workshop
The Legal Research and Writing Student Outreach Committee hosted the 8th annual Writing and Wellness Workshop on the 3
floor of the library for first-year law students. The event was a huge success! More than 100 students attended, and they enthusiastically participated in the discussion on health, nutrition, and wellness. A special thanks to the speakers who volunteered their time:
Professor Marilyn Gordon
Lubov Baugh
(fitness coach and personal trainer), and
Sefania Jacques
(yoga and mindfulness instructor). This event helped our students reduce and manage stress as they prepare for their upcoming midterms and LRW memos.
Professor Randolph Braccialarghe
Was re-appointed to the Uniform Law Commission's Committee to Monitor Criminal Justice Reform.
Professor Heather Baxter
Professor Olympia Duhart
presented “Come Together: Successful Collaborations between LRW, the Community and Student Organizations” at the 2019 Central States Regional Legal Writing Conference in Chicago last week. The presentation, held at the University of Illinois at Chicago John Marshall Law School, highlighted the various collaborations supported the NSU’s LRW Student Outreach efforts.
Presented “Knowing (and Interpreting) the Rules of the Game” at American University, Washington College of Law 2019 Coaches and Competitions Clinic.
Professor Kathy Cerminara
Organized and will take part in the Therapeutic Jurisprudence Scholarly Workshop, at NSU Law September 13-14, 2019.
Was a moderator for the 2019 Nova Law Review Symposium the First Do No Harm on October 11, 2019.
Professor Michael Dale
Introduced the NSU International Arbitration Panel on August 23, 2019 at NSU Law.
Associate Dean for Faculty and Student Development And Professor of Law Olympia Duhart
Presented the following:
The Case for Cultural Competency: Navigating a Diverse Student Body, Faculty Training at Elon University School of Law, Greensboro, NC, August 2019.
Faculty Training on Teaching Methods and Active Teaching, Eugene Dupuch Law School, Nassau, Bahamas, July 2019 (Organizer and Presenter for Full-Day Workshop).
The Voice of the Dean and the Dean’s Designee - The Difference Between Chatting, Talking, or Speaking, Associate Deans of Color Retreat, Fort Lauderdale, FL, June 2019 (with Dean Mario Barnes and Dean Michele Alexandre).
Creating a Culture that Supports Teaching and Scholarship, ABA Associate Deans Conference, Chicago, IL, June 2019 (with Stuart Ford, Wendy-Adele Humphrey, Alicia Jackson and Debra Moss Vollweiler).
The Associate Deans’ Guide to Finding Balance, ABA Associate Deans Conference, Chicago, IL, June 2019 (with Cindy Archer, Enrique Armijo and Alicia Jackson).
Sword and Shield: The Disruptive Impact of Technology on Human Rights, Gonzaga Law Human Rights Conference, Florence, Italy, June 2019 (with Steve Friedland).
Whipping Up Wellness: Promoting the Well-Being of LRW Faculty and Students for a Successful Program, ALWD Biennial Conference, Suffolk University School of Law, Boston, MA, May 2019.
The Risks and Reward of Academic Leadership, ALWD Leadership Academy, Suffolk University School of Law, Boston, MA, May 2019 (with Anthony Niedwiecki and Cindy Archer).
Associate Dean for Library Services & Professor of Law Vicenç Feliú
Was a panelist and presented “Trademark, Trade Secret, Copyright, and Publicity Rights,” for the 2019 Sharon and Mitchell W. Berger Entrepreneur Bootcamp on September 7, 2019.
Professor Jessica Garcia-Brown
Participated in the Full-Time Program Civics Session during NSU Orientation “Why Civics?"
Moderated for the 2019 Professionalism Day Panel during NSU Law Orientation week.
Presented to NSU College Freshman at the First Year Experience Orientation in August 2019.
Dean Jon M. Garon
The Empires Strike Back: Reassertion of Territorial Regulation in Cyberspace
, 3 J.L. & TECH. AT TEX. 1 (2019).
Hosted the 2019 Sharon and Mitchell W. Berger Entrepreneur Bootcamp on September 5-7, 2019.
Presented "Crafting Relevant Education for the Modern Lawyer" and the October EU CARICOM Conference in Coventry, England.
Professor Pearl Goldman
Legal Education and Technology III: An Annotated Bibliography
, 111 LAW LIBRARY JOURNAL 325 (2019).
Professor Richard Grosso
Interviewed by Law and Disorder radio podcast on Issues of the environment, citizen advocacy, and the public’s right to know, that are converging in two South Florida court cases. Professor Grosso is the 2nd interview on the program beginning at 32:35.
Associate Dean of International Programs & Associate Professor of Law Shahabudeen Khan
Presented "Individual and Human Rights at Grave Risk of Deterioration Post Brexit; What Could be done to Protect these Rights" and the October EU CARICOM Conference in Coventry, England.
Steven Kass, Director of Sharon & Mitchell W. Berger Entrepreneur Clinic
Hosted and moderated the 2019 Sharon and Mitchell W. Berger Entrepreneur Bootcamp on September 5-7, 2019.
Research and Reference Services Librarian Tarica LaBossiere
Professor Camille Lamar
Article, “
Getting at the Root Instead of the Branch: Extinguishing the Stereotype of Black Intellectual Inferiority in American Education, a Long-Ignored Transitional Justice Project,”
was accepted for publication by Law and Inequality: A Journal of Theory and Practice at the University of Minnesota Law School for Spring 2020.
Professor Kenneth Lewis, Jr.
Was appointed to the Board of Directors of Look Through My Eyes (LTME). LTME helps the blind and the visually impaired, and LTME organizes and hosts wonderful events.
Professor Donna Litman
Was a panelist and presented “Legal Planning for Start-Ups,” for the 2019 Sharon and Mitchell W. Berger Entrepreneur Bootcamp on September 6, 2019.
Professor Kate Webber Nuñez
Was a panelist and presented “Legal Planning for Start-Ups,” for the 2019 Sharon and Mitchell W. Berger Entrepreneur Bootcamp on September 6, 2019.
Persuasive or Pipe Dream? The Feminist Judgments Project’s Potential Influence on Judicial Decision Making
, was accepted for publication by the peer-reviewed, British Journal of American Legal Studies (Vol 9. forthcoming 2020).
Professor Florence Shu-Acquaye
Was a panelist and presented “Legal Planning for Start-Ups,” for the 2019 Sharon and Mitchell W. Berger Entrepreneur Bootcamp on September 6, 2019.
Associate Dean of Graduate and Online Programs & Adjunct Professor of Law Susan Stephan
Moderated the panel, “Business Funding and Finance: Angels, VCs, and Lenders,” for the 2019 Sharon and Mitchell W. Berger Entrepreneur Bootcamp on September 7, 2019.
Presented at the Online and Hybrid Learning Pedagogy conference at the University of Denver Sturm College of Law, on the topic of “Accommodations in Online and Hybrid Learning,” on September 27, 2019.
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs & Professor of Law Debra Moss Vollweiler
New Article,
Law School as a Consumer Product: Beat 'em or Join 'em?
Was a Top Ten Download on SSRN for Legal Scholarship Education. August 2019 and featured in TaxProf Blog, August 2019.
Don’t Panic! The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Learning Outcomes: Eight Ways to Make Them More Than (Mostly) Harmless
, featured in the Law School Assessment Blog and The TaxProf Blog August 2019.
Named top 10% downloaded author by SSRN for August 2019.
For questions, suggestions, and to submit news for any future editions of the Student Newsletter please contact:
Lynn Acosta
Assistant Dean for Student Services