NSU Shepard Broad College of Law | December 2017     
National Highlights
Passing of Professor Emeritus
John B. Anderson
NSU Law emeritus faculty member John B. Anderson passed away on Sunday, December 3 in Washington D.C. 
John was a former U.S. Representative from Illinois and joined the faculty at NSU in 1987 as a Distinguished Visiting Law Professor teaching Constitutional Decision Making and the Law of the Electoral Process. John was a statesman and leader as well as an excellent educator and generous donor and active supporter of the law school.
Alumni Receptions Around the Globe

Each year, the College of Law reaches out to our alumni located outside of Florida through receptions. We often schedule these events to coincide with national conferences such as the American Bar Association’s annual meeting, the Association of American Law School’s annual conference, the bi-annual Supreme Court Swearing In held in D.C. and other opportunities that bring alumni from the local community together with alumni and friends traveling to the national programs. San Diego and Washington, D.C. are the next two events.

If there is a national conference or similar event in your region, please let us know. We look forward to expanding our reach as NSU Law grows on the national stage. Please contact Laura Dietz at Ldietz@nova.edu to learn more.
AALS San Diego, CA - Breakfast with The Dean
Join Dean Jon M. Garon for breakfast in San Diego to catch up on NSU Law news and the latest happenings at Nova Southeastern University. Whether you are local to San Diego or visiting as part of the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) meeting, come share breakfast with your fellow alumni. Stay engaged and up to date. Sign up today for your complimentary breakfast reception and networking. We look forward to seeing you there. RSVP
Washington, D.C. - Supreme Court of the United States
On March 18, join NSU in a reception open to all NSU alumni as part of the bi-annual swearing in of NSU Law alumni before the Supreme Court. Then on March 19, 2018, twelve NSU Law alumni will attend the Supreme Court session where attorney Bruce Rogow will move for the admission of the NSU Law candidates to the Bar of the Supreme Court.
College of Law News
All Class Reunion Recap
Over 400 people attended the 2017 NSU Law All-Class Reunion held on November 4, 2017 in the atrium of NSU Shepard Broad College of Law. Click the link below to view photos. We hope you enjoyed this opportunity to reconnect with classmates, professors, and friends of the NSU Law community.

The All-Class Reunion recognized the graduation of NSU Law’s founding class. The event also featured the unveiling of the Judicial Wall of Honor, recognizing the 120 judges serving among the state and federal judiciary.

Fall 2018 Reunion at NSU Law - The Reunion is the beginning of a new NSU Law tradition of annual alumni events for those celebrating their five-year anniversaries.

Classes ending in 3's and 8's. Whether you're celebrating your 5th or 40th reunion. If you wish to be a Class Captain please contact Laura Dietz at LDietz@nova.edu or (954) 262-6303.
2017 NSU Distinguished Alumni Awards
NSU Law is proud to recognize Susan Mauer (JD 1980) as the 2017 NSU Distinguished Alumni for the Shepard Broad College of Law. Ms. Maurer’s commitment to her community and to NSU is strong. She consistently exemplifies NSU’s core values, always striving for professional excellence and community service. Susan Maurer currently serves as Managing Partner at Panza, Maurer & Maynard, P.A. She has been general counsel to the Community Mental Health Center, Florida Workers’ Compensation Insurance Guarantee Association, and Broward Principals Assistance Association and advisor to the City of Miami. She was appointed by the Governor to the Florida Commission on Ethics and to the Community Hospital Education Council, and she has advised the U.S. Senate Committee on Government Affairs. She was counsel for the American Lung Association of South Florida, a board member of the Fort Lauderdale Historical Society, a Scarlet member of an American Heart Association campaign, a board member of Temple Bat Yam, a member of The Florida Bar Fellows, and a member of the Women’s Executive Club.
Tiffany Garner - New Director of Donor Relations & Stewardship
NSU Law would like to welcome Tiffany D. Garner, (J.D. ’09) to our team as the Director of Donor Relations & Stewardship. She returns to NSU Law following a dedicated career in civil litigation. Tiffany’s focus will be to continue the success of NSU Law and assisting our students in areas including scholarship and clinical programs. You can reach Tiffany, at (954) 262-6261 or tiffany.garner@nova.edu
Lunch and Learn
Honoring Shepard Broad’s Legacy
The Jewish Law Student Association (JLSA) and Hillel of Broward and Palm Beach hosted Ann Bussel (née Broad), John Bussel and Mike Segal on Thursday, November 16, 2017. The Broad family and Mike Segal reviewed and shared Shepard Broad’s legal legacy and his legal and philanthropic impact on the South Florida community. Photos | Broad and Cassel News
Honoring Veterans
On Monday, November 13, 2017 the NSU Law Republican Law Students’ Association Kevin Cooper, President, presented a U.S. Flag and accompanying certificate to NSU and the Shepard Broad College of Law. The flag was flown over the U.S. Capitol in Washington D.C. at the request of Florida’s U.S. Senator Marco Rubio, in honor of NSU Shepard Broad College of Law. The flag and accompanying certificate are on display in the College of Law Veteran’s Clinic.
Upcoming Events 

NSU Alumni Holiday Reception
Thursday, December 14, 2017 6:00 - 8:30 pm - Shooters Waterfront


Breakfast with the Dean - AALS San Diego, CA
Thursday, January 4, 2018 - 8:00 - 9:30 am - Busters Beach House, San Diego, CA

Law Center Plus - Class Action Lawsuits
Alumni speakers Mike Pascucci and Josh Eggnatz
Friday, January 26, 2018 - NSU Law Classroom 1


Public Interest Law Society Auction
Thursday, February 1, 2018 - 6:00 - 8:00 pm - NSU Law Atrium

Kozyak Minority Mentoring Picnic
Saturday, February 3, 2017 - 10:00 am - 3:00 pm - Zoo Miami

Mentoring Breakfast: Career Path
Friday, February 9, 2017 7:30 am - 9:30 am - NSU Law

Public Interest Law Day
Thursday, February 15, 2018 - 11:00 am - 1:00 pm - NSU Law Atrium


Mentoring Breakfast
Friday, March 16, 2018 - 7:30 am - 9:30 am - NSU Law

NSU Law Alumni & Friends reception - Washington, D.C.
Sunday, March 18, 2018 - Washington, D.C.

Supreme Court Swearing In
Monday, March 19, 2018 - Washington, D.C.


Environmental Law Symposium
Friday, April 20, 2018
Student News
Bluebook Citation Interactive Workshop
Bluebook Citation Interactive Workshop
The LRW Student Outreach committee along with NSU Law students from the Nova Law Review hosted a “Bluebook Citation Interactive Workshop.” More than 150 students attended the day and evening presentations, which provided an opportunity for students to sharpen their citation skills and to identify common citation errors.
Shlomo Notzahon
Shlomo Notzahon was interviewed by Yoni Kempinski with Israel National News at the Israel American Council Conference (IAC) in Washington D.C. on November 6, 2017 concerning his research on current laws that protect social media networks and Internet Service Provider platforms. For more details visit: https://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/237719
Candace Lerman
Candace Lerman presented on October 24, 2017 at the World Congress’ 5th Annual Summit on Patient Advocacy in Washington, D.C. Lerman spoke on the 21st Century Cures Act and the aftermath of the legislation. Lerman also spoke at an Industry Pharmacists Organization hosted event on Patient Advocacy Roles In the Pharmaceutical Industry, held at NSU Health and Pharmacy Division on November 16, 2017.
Yesenia Calderon
Yesenia Calderon coaches and is a motivational speaker with the Falcon Cove Middle School mock trial team in Weston, FL
Claudiu Handaric
Claudiu Handaric and Victoria Esiobu competed in the national competition. Claudiu Handaric, with the Moot Court Society, was awarded Third Best Preliminary Oralist at the Southern Illinois University School of Law National Health Law Moot Court Competition, held on November 5, 2017.
James Foster
James Foster, with the NSU Trial Association, earned Overall Best Advocate and a scholarship. His team of Talya Van Embden and Sarah Shultz were acknowledge for being the Best Advocates at the Honorable E. Earle Zehmer Memorial Mock Trial Competition in Orlando, FL
Erik Bower
Erik Bower, with the NSU Trial Association, earned Best Direct Examination at the Buffalo-Niagara Mock Trial Competition, hosted by the University of Buffalo School of Law. The team of Bower, Fredrick Givens, Nicolas Palomino, and Jacarri Walker, along with their coach Professor Daus, placed fifth overall.
Faculty and Staff News
Debra Moss Curtis 2017
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Professor of Law Debra Moss Curtis Earned the NSU Professor of the Year Faculty Advisory Council Award for the College of Law, presented by the President and Provost at the October 2017 faculty reception at the Sherman Library.
Professor Michael Dale Moderated a panel discussion at the Tower Club in Fort Lauderdale on Immigration: Transfusion of Talent, or Economic Burden, on November 2, 2017. Dean Jon M. Garon was one of the three panelists. He discussed economic implications of immigration in the United States.
Taught at the National Institute For Trial Advocacy (NITA) advanced trial skills program at the United States District Courthouse in Washington, D.C., held November 7 to 12, 2017.
Associate Dean for Library Services & Professor of Law Vicenç Feliú
Received offers for publication for his article, So Happy Together: Should the California Decision be a Basis to Recognize a Right of Public Performance in Pre-1972 Sound Recordings? with the Intellectual Property, Sports & Entertainment Law Forum at Pace University, Elisabeth Haub School of Law, and the Sports and Entertainment Journal at Denver University, Sturm College of Law.
Dean & Professor of Law Jon M. Garon
Was a panelist for the Broward County Crime Commission, speaking on “Identity Theft, Economic Crimes, and Electronic Fraud” at the September 2017 Psychology of Cybercrime conference.
Was a panelist at the Tower Club in Fort Lauderdale, Florida on November 2, 2017, speaking on “Immigration: Transfusion of Talent, or Economic Burden,” regarding economic implications of immigration in the United States.
Professor Michael Masinter Was recently honored and spoke at an event organized by his former clients and plaintiffs in a 1987 pro-bono class action against Palm Beach County for unlawful race discrimination in the hiring of applicants to its firefighter training program. Five of the clients, all having had successful careers as Palm Beach County firefighters as a result of the lawsuit and one of whom became a chief whose son recently joined the department, attended the event at the E. Pat Larkins Community Center in Pompano Beach. Prof. Masinter thanked them for the honor of representing them and reminded the roughly 150 audience members that, while he, as a civil rights attorney, had the means to unlock a door, it was the courage and persistence of the plaintiffs that enabled them to walk through and find success on the other side.
Professor Joel Mintz Provided suggestions to two reporters for the Minneapolis Star Tribune as to how they should interpret data regarding the effectiveness of enforcement of environmental standards by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency against the taconite mining industry in Minnesota.
Was quoted for the fourth time in an ongoing series of articles in the Wilmington (North Carolina) Star News concerning lawsuits filed against Chemours, Inc. (a subsidiary of DuPont Chemical) to redress the company’s toxic chemical contamination of a local drinking water system.
Edited and posted an edition of the Newsletter of the Section on State and Local Government Law of the AALS for the 28th consecutive year, which included an original “editor’s note.”
Was invited to present a paper at an international conference on “Law, Regulation and Public Policy” that will be held in Singapore in June, 2018.
Contact Us
For questions, suggestions, and to submit news for any future editions of the Student Newsletter please contact:
Lynn Acosta
Assistant Dean for Student Services
E:  lynn@nova.edu    | P: 954-262-6127