NSU Shepard Broad College of Law | January 2018
NSU Law alumnus John M. Stewart,
president-elect designate of the Florida Bar
John M. Stewart (JD 1997) has become the president-elect designate of The Florida Bar and is the first NSU Law alumnus to hold this honor. Stewart will be sworn in as president-elect in June 2018 and take office for the 2019-2020 Bar year. Stewart practices with his father, and the team of William Stewart and Rossway Swan Tierney Barry Lacey & Oliver, P.L., in Vero Beach, Florida. In addition to other committees and organizations, Stewart led The Florida Bar Technology Subcommittee and the Board of Governors Technology committee that oversaw the recommendation to add a technology CLE requirement for bar members. Other friends of NSU Law that have held The Florida Bar president position include James Fox Miller, a member of the NSU Law Board of Governors 1990, and NSU Chancellor Ray Ferrero, Jr., who held the position in 1987.
NSU Law Celebrates December 2017 Graduates
On Monday, December 7, 2017, thirty graduates were honored at the December Graduates’ Reception. Dean Jon Garon opened the ceremony with a welcome message, followed by Keisha Hall as the student speaker and Professor Amanda Foster as the faculty speaker. They both were selected and voted on by the law student body. The NSU law atrium welcomed more than 350 enthusiastic guests cheering on their new attorneys to be.
Dean Michele Struffolino read off the names of the thirty graduates as they crossed the stage to shake hands with Dean Garon. Four students received Pro Bono Honors: Mariah Schiff (Gold Level Distinction), Nahum Joseph (Silver Level Distinction), Sophia Huda (Bronze Level Distinction), and Francesca Olivier (Bronze Level Distinction). All graduates received the sounding blocks to go with the gavels that they received when they started law school. Congratulations and cheers to a successful law career.
NSU Law faculty research and academic publications continue to have a global reach. The image above lists the locations and number of downloads of faculty research and academic publications for all of 2017. Nova Law Review articles were downloaded 34,249 times, NSU Works of law faculty publications 185,097 times over the past ten years and 68,896 during 2017 alone. To view NSU Works for the Shepard Broad College of Law visit:
Leaders include:
Michele N. Struffolino
For Men Only: A Gap in the Rules Makes Sex Discrimination in the Client Selection Process Ethical
, ExpressO (2015). Available at:
Leslie Larkin Cooney
Walking the Legal Tightrope: Solutions for Achieving a Balanced Life in Law
, 47 San Diego L. Rev. 421 (2010). Available at:
Debra Moss Curtis
Curriculum Mapping: Bringing Evidence-Based Frameworks to Legal Education
, 34 Nova L. Rev. 473 (2010). Available at:
Max Valverde Soto
Principios Generales Del Derecho Ambiental Internacional
, ILSA J. Int’l & Comp. L., Vol. 3, Iss. 1, Art. 19 (1996). Available at:
Max Valverde Soto
General Principles of International Environmental Law
, ILSA J. Int’l & Comp. L., Vol. 3, Iss. 1, Art. 10 (1996). Available at:
Elsa Stamatopoulou
The Importance of The Universal Declaration Of Human Rights In The Past And Future of The United Nation’s Human Rights Efforts
, ILSA J. Int’l & Comp. L., Vol. 5, Iss. 2, Art. 3 (1999)
Available at:
Deborah L. Neveils
Florida’s Vexatious Litigant Law: An End to the Pro Se Litigant’s Courtroom Capers?
, Nova L. Rev., Vol. 25, Iss. 1, Art. 10 (2000)
Available at:
Washington, D.C. - Supreme Court of the United States
On March 18, NSU will be holding a reception for all law and other alumni. Join President Hanbury, Dean Garon, and fellow alumni for conversation and an opportunity to network.
Alumni interested in participating should contact Laura Dietz
or (954) 262-6303.
On March 19, 2018, NSU Law will sponsor twelve alumni for admission to the Supreme Court. Founding Professor Emeritus Bruce Rogow will move for the admission of the NSU Law candidates to the Bar of the Supreme Court. This sponsorship occurs every other year.
Deborah Schwartz and
Massimo Reboa
Legal Incubator post-graduates
NSU Law graduates
Massimo Reboa (JD 2016)
Deborah Schwartz (JD 2010)
were accepted into the NSU Law Incubator Program. The Legal Incubator is a post-graduate program that enables NSU College of Law graduates to start their own solo, small firm, or non-profit practices while serving the veteran community and low and moderate-income individuals. This program fulfills a dual mission in providing new attorneys the infrastructure and basic training needed to get their practices up and running, while also providing the local community legal assistance at an affordable cost. The first NSU Legal Incubator program launched in April 2016.
2018 John B. Anderson Distinguished Visiting Chair in Public Interest Law
NSU Law is pleased to host Ben Hecht as the 2018 John B. Anderson Distinguished Visiting Chair in Public Interest Law. Mr. Hecht is the President & CEO of Living Cities, a collaborative of eighteen of the world's leading foundations who work together to boldly fight poverty in America's cities.
As the Visiting Chair Mr. Hecht will be leading classes, interacting with faculty and student, and presenting
The 5 Drivers of Transformative Social Impact You Need to Know in 2018"
on February 21, 2018 coupled with a reception.
To RSVP Visit law.nova.edu/alumni/events.html
Professor Richard Grosso
Professor Joel Mintz
Professor Brion Blackwelder
NSU Law partners with NSU Oceanographic Center – Environmental Symposium
The Environmental and Land Use Law Section (ELULS) of the Florida Bar has provided a grant to support the NSU College of Law, the NSU Halmos College of Natural Sciences and the NSU Law Environmental Law Society Symposium on
April 20, 2018
at the Guy Harvey Oceanographic Center. The Symposium will focus on coastal, sea level rise and related legal and policy issues. The grant was submitted by Professor Richard Grosso in partnership with professors Joel Mintz and Brion Blackwelder.
Upcoming Events
To view and RSVP for events
please copy and paste this URL into your browser:
Law Center Plus - Class Action Lawsuits
Alumni speakers: Mike Pascucci & Josh Eggnatz
8:00 am - 9:30 am
Friday, January 26, 2018 - NSU Law Classroom 1
Public Interest Law Society Auction
Thursday, February 1, 2018 - 6:00 - 8:00 pm
NSU Law Atrium
Law Review Breakfast: The Difference Between Sectors
Friday, February 2, 2017 - 7:30 am - 9:00 am
Kozyak Minority Mentoring Picnic
Saturday, February 3, 2017 - 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Zoo Miami
Mentoring Breakfast: Career Path
Friday, February 9, 2017 7:30 am - 9:30 am
Public Interest Law Day
Thursday, February 15, 2018 - 11:00 am - 1:00 pm
NSU Law Atrium
2018 John B. Anderson Distinguished Visiting Chair in Public Interest Law - Ben Hecht
Wednesday, February 21, 2018 - 5:30 pm ~ 8:00 pm
NSU Panza Maurer Law Library 3rd Floor
Immigration Legal Screening Clinic
Saturday, February 24, 2018 - 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
NSU Law Atrium
NITA Trial Skills
Program Director: Professor Mark Dobson
March 5-10, 2018
NSU Law Alumni may use discount code NOVA
Mentoring Breakfast
Friday, March 16, 2018 - 7:30 am - 9:30 am
NSU Law Alumni & Friends Reception
in Washington, D.C.
Sunday, March 18, 2018 - Washington, D.C.
Environmental Law Symposium
Friday, April 20, 2018
NSU Guy Harvey Oceanographic Center Facility
The Florida Bar Annual Convention
June 13-16, 2018
Hilton Orlando Bonnet Creek
American Bar Association Conference
August 2-7, 2018
Chicago, Illinois
Wendy Beswick – 2017 Dr. Fidel S. Goldson Sr. Memorial Scholar
Wendy Beswick (JD 2019) was the recipient of the Dr. Fidel S. Goldson Sr. Memorial scholarship awarded by the Jamaican-American Bar Association (JABA). Ms. Beswick, a 2L in the Foreign Trained attorney program, received her award at the JABA annual grand gala and awards ceremony in November 2017. Her paper topic was “Do the sanctuary policies implemented by some cities with large immigrant populations seek to nullify federal immigration law and obstruct its enforcement?”
Veterans Law Clinic Director Jayme Cassidy
taught at the National Institute for Trial Advocacy (NITA) Southern Poverty Law Center trial skills program, held in Montgomery, Alabama, November 29 to December 1, 2017. This year, Director Cassidy has volunteered over 100 hours teaching NITA programs.
Professor Kathy Cerminara
was part of a research team at the NSU Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine, which presented the following four posters.
- Improving End-of-Life Care for Minorities in South Florida: Knowledge, Choices, and Policies, presented at the World Congress of the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics in October 2017.
- Understanding End of Life Choices in the Aging Minority Population of South Florida: Policy Implications, presented at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association in November 2017.
- Legal and Policy Implications of Physicians Counseling Minority Patients Regarding Their End-of-Life Care Choices, presented at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association in November 2017.
- Knowledge and Preferences of End of Life Choices of Hispanics in South Florida: Informing Policy and Future Directions in End of Life Care, presented at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association in November 2017.
Professor Phyllis Coleman
Florida Family Law: Text and Commentary
(Carolina Academic Press), in November 2017.
Professor Michael Dale
was the lead teacher at the National Institute For Trial Advocacy Southern Poverty Law Center trial skills program, held in Montgomery, Alabama, November 29 to December 1, 2017. This year Professor Dale has volunteered over 100 hours teaching NITA programs.
Lead two half-day trial skills trainings in NSU Law’s large courtroom for the eight-member mock trial team from the Cardinal Gibbons High School in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on December 6 and 7, 2017.
Associate Dean for Faculty and Student Development & Professor of Law Olympia Duhart
presented at Tulane University Law School during the ClassCrits X Conference on November 10, 2017. Her talk was entitled, “Soldier Suicides and OutCrit Jurisprudence: An Anti-Subordination Analysis.”
Professor Robert Jarvis
Law and Holocaust: U.S. Cases and Materials
(Carolina Academic Press, 2017) (with Teacher’s Manual).
The Sailor, the Prostitute, the Pimp, and the Judge: Chasing Down the Loose Ends of Koistinen v. American Export Lines, Inc.
, 48 Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce 243 (2017).
Can the Federal Government Force States to Ban Sports Betting?
, 45 Preview of United States Supreme Court Cases 72 (2017) (previewing Christie v. NCAA).
Appeared on the radio program
First News with Jimmy Cefalo
(WIOD, 6:10 a.m., Dec. 6) to discuss Christie v. NCAA.
Dean & Professor of Law Jon M. Garon
In December 2017, Dean Garon presented “A Transnational Business Model to Improve Human Rights, Speech, and Security on the Internet,” at the Cyber Challenges to International Human Rights Conference cosponsored by The CyberLaw Program, International Cybersecurity Research Center, Hebrew University and the Cyber, Law and Policy Center, University of Haifa.
In January 2018, Dean Garon presented “Kickstarted Fan Art: Corporate Forbearance and Fourth Factor for Copyright Fair Use” at the Association of American Law Schools Art Law Section on Pop Culture and Fan Art.
Professor Michael Masinter
was quoted in the Binghamton University newspaper
Pipe Dream
article “Emotional-support animals don’t belong on campuses.” Professor Masinter encourages schools to comply with the Fair Housing Act by allowing students with emotional or psychiatric disabilities to keep emotional support animals in campus housing, provided the students supply appropriate documentation of the need for an emotional support animal, and provided that the animal is a common domesticated species that does not pose a public health risk.
Professor Joel Mintz
published a blog piece titled “
North Carolina v. Chemours
: Early Reflections on an Ongoing State Environmental Enforcement Case,” on the Center for Progressive Reform blog.
Is among the top 10% of downloaded authors on the academic website SSRN.
Professor Marc Rohr
was awarded first prize for his play "Rehearsal" by the Boca Raton, FL organization, The Playgroup LLC.
Professor John Sanchez
presented “Contempt Fines and the Eleventh Amendment” and questioned other participants on their papers, at the November 10, 2017 Virtual Symposium on Constitutional Remedies. Papers from this event will be published online, available on Lexis-Nexis in 2018.
Professor Florence Shu-Acquaye
was a guest speaker at St. Thomas University, Biscayne College Criminal Justice Program November 14, 2017 in Miami Gardens. Professor Shu-Acquaye spoke on “Policing, Courts, Corrections and Human Rights in Africa.”
For questions, suggestions, and to submit news for any future editions of the Student Newsletter please contact:
Lynn Acosta
Assistant Dean for Student Services