December 2018
Dean Jon M. Garon, Michael Schiff, SBA President, U.S. Attorney Fajardo Orshan, William Mcelligott, NSU Law Federalist Society Vice President
U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Florida spoke at NSU Law
Sponsored by the NSU Law Federalist Society and the Student Bar Association, U.S. Attorney Ariana Fajardo Orshan (JD 1996) visited with NSU Law students prior to the Thanksgiving holiday break. Fajardo Orshan presented a brief overview of her legal background. She focused on the programs at NSU Law that positioned her for her current and past positions, including the NSU Trial Association, internships with the guardian ad litem program, and her internship with the Miami-Dade State Attorney’s Office. Fajardo Orshan and urged students to continue to be involved in organizations in which they have a passion.
News and Events
Karen Rose, NSU Law Director of Alumni Relations, Hilary Creary, Chad Van Horn, Sheena Benjamin-Wise.
Law Connect Plus Alumni Panel
Professional and Ethical Considerations in Starting Your Own Law Firm
Hilary Creary, Sheena Benjamin-Wise, and Chad Van Horn returned to NSU Law and provided an engaging and dynamic presentation on important details in starting your own law firm. Topics covered were transitioning your idea to a business plan, creating effective systems that help your business run smoothly, client management, marketing, and managing technology ethically and professionally.

For more information on this CLE or to become a sponsor of NSU Law's Law Connect Plus CLE Program, please contact Karen Rose, Director of Alumni Relations, 954-262-6303 or
NSU Law Wins NYC Bar National Moot Court Competition 2018 Regional Champion
NSU Law students Sarah Schulz, Jennifer Bautista, and Thomas Sternberg competed against University of Florida, Emory, Barry, University of Miami, University of Georgia, and University of South Carolina to win the regional competition. The trio, coached by Professor Heather Baxter, will travel to New York in January 2019 to compete in the Annual National Moot Court Competition co-sponsored by the New York City Bar and the American College of Trial Lawyers.
NSU Law students Sarah Schulz, Jennifer Bautista, and Thomas Sternberg.
Canned Immunity Drive
Canned Immunity Drive

The Public Interest Law Society, Christian Legal Society Fellowship, and the National Security and Law Society worked together to promote, gather, and donate 6,380 canned goods to LifeNet4Families and the Miami VA Healthcare System.

“Canned Immunity” is a College of Law tradition where students who donated canned goods are entitled to pass on a question if called on in class by their professor. The student’s primary motivation, however, was to reach out to those less fortunate. Competition played a role in the donation process as classes competed to have the highest number of donations. Professors Michael Flynn and Ron Brown’s section received the honor with 3,798 cans.
NSU Law student success featured in ABA Journal
The heartfelt post on Facebook, by Brian Tannebaum who represented Mr. Burns in the Florida Bar admissions process, went viral after it was shared by The Florida Bar. It reached the ABA Journal as well as multiple local and national print and TV news. Our congratulations to Raymon and his family and friends.
NSU Law Presented Promoting Resilience Training, Preparing Effectively and Efficiently for Exams and Core Courses for NSU Law students and alumni
Nikita Gupta presents to 1L - 4L students.
Nikita Gupta presented two interactive sessions that concentrated on tangible strategies for inner grit, resilience, and a growth mindset. The presentations included recognizing common mindsets that impede persistence and success.
Steve Friedland presents to 2L, 3L & 4L students at a special Saturday event.
Former NSU Law faculty member Steve Friedland communicated with 2L, 3L and 4L students in a program that focused on the core courses, which tie very closely to the MBE subjects. Professor Friedland is an expert on cognitive strategies to improve learning and retention. A special session was held for 1L students that was dedicated to preparing them for their upcoming exams.
Write a Letter, Change the World

In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, NSU Shepard Broad College of Law is sponsoring its fourth annual Letter-Writing Competition.

NSU Law places 2 nd in 9 th Annual Patently Impossible Project

Over 200 guests attended the Ninth Annual Patently Impossible Project and cheered on a dozen teams competing to assemble a UFO Space Launcher. NSU Law School Intellectual Property Law Society Michael Graham & Yipin Zhang placed 2 nd . This Annual Charitable competition is a race to assemble a patented invention. 

Photo: Michael Graham, Yipin Zhang, Alan Goldstraj, and Kevin DeMatteo
2018 NTA Buffalo-Niagara Mock Trial Team NSU Law Top 16

NSU Law students Kelly Ann DesRosiers, Yarly Cabello, Erica Amor and Chidinma (Victoria) Esiobu advanced to the top 16 of 40 law schools at the NTA Buffalo–Niagara Mock Trial Team held at the University of Buffalo School of Law.

Photo Kelly Ann DesRosiers, Yarly Cabello, Professor Ted Daus, Erica Amor and Chidinma (Victoria) Esiobu
2018 National Criminal Procedure Tournament NSU Law Top 16

NSU Law students Nicole Dominguez and Matthew Hunt advanced to the top 16 of 42 law schools at the 2018 National Criminal Procedure Tournament held at the University of San Diego Law School in San Diego, CA.

Photo: Nicole Dominguez, Professor Mark Dobson and Matthew Hunt.
Webinar - Understanding the Complex Trauma of a Trafficking Survivor
Friday, December 7, 2018 | 11:30 - 1:00 pm
Desantis Building 1053/1054

This webinar will provide an overview of the key components of complex trauma and how they are manifested and observed in survivors of commercial sexual exploitation. With an understanding of complex trauma, attendees will explore the holistic impacts of trafficking on a survivor.
Upcoming Events
Law Connect Plus
Recent Developments in Employment Discrimination Law - Supreme Court and Eleventh Circuit Decisions after August 1, 2017
The Program will focus on cases arising under contemporary and reconstruction era statutory prohibitions against employment discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, and other forbidden grounds, with a particular focus on how those decisions affect resolution through summary judgment and pleading practice. The discussion will also address the professional and ethical considerations which will guide the participants in making the right decisions.
Friday, December 7, 2018
7:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
CLE Credits: 2.5 General
Certification Credits: 2.5 Labor and Employment Law
Panelists: Professors Michael Masinter and Kate Webber Nuñez
Palm Beach Chapter Celebration
Wednesday, December 12, 2018
at the Gunster Law Firm
777 South Flagler Drive
Suite 500 East, West Palm Beach, FL
For sponsorship opportunities or questions, please email  Catherine Eaton  or call her at (561) 420-8500
Miami-Dade Chapter Celebration
Thursday, December 13, 2018
at Fiduciary Trust International of the South
2 Alhambra Plaza, PH #1A, Coral Gables, FL
For sponsorship opportunities or questions, please email  Kristen Reynoso  or call her at (305) 441-8881
John B. Anderson Visiting Chair Ronald Long
Presentation and Q&A
February 21, 2019
NSU Shepard Broad College of Law will be hosting Ronald Long as the John B. Anderson Distinguished Visiting Chair in February 2018.

Ronald Long is the Director of Elder Client Initiatives with WIM Control Group - Wells Fargo Advisors. He received the Barbara McGinity Service to Seniors Award in 2017 for excellence in elder financial protection from the National Institute on Financial Exploitation (NIEFE), an arm of the National Adult Protective Services Association (NAPSA).  

Please save the date and watch for your invitation to this engaging presentation and reception.
Save the Dates
NSU Law 2019 Events
Collaborative Divorce Training
Friday, January 4 and
Saturday, January 5, 2019
NSU Maltz Psychology Building
Public Interest Law Day
February 15, 2019 |11:00 a.m.
John B. Anderson Visiting Chair Ronald Long
Presentation and Q&A
February 21, 2019 | 5:30 pm
Public Interest Law Auction
March 14, 2019 |6:00 p.m.
ILSA Journal Symposium
Governmental Responses to Gun Violence Across the Globe and the Regulatory Effect on Society
March 22, 2019
3 rd Annual Legal Masters Conference
March 29, 2019
Immigration Legal Screening Clinic
March 30, 2019 | 10:00 a.m.
Medical Marijuana Symposium
April 11, 2019 | 12:45 p.m.
Environmental Law Symposium
April 19, 2019 | 9:00 a.m .
NSU Oceanographic Center
Sponsored by ELULS
NSU Law Commencement
May 9, 2019 | 2:30 p.m.
NSU Rick Case Arena
Faculty News
Professor Randolph Braccialarghe

Attended, as Vice Chair, a meeting of the Florida Bar’s Professional Ethics Committee in Tampa, FL on October 19, 2018.
Was invited to participate in the Stakeholders Workshop on Law Student Professionalism sponsored by the Florida Bar Professionalism Committee at the Fall Meeting of the Florida Bar in Tampa, Florida on Friday, October 19, 2018.
Professor Kathy Cerminara

Presented “Removing Obstacles to a Peaceful Death by Revising Health Professional Training and Payment Systems” at Creighton University School of Law on October 24, 2018.
Professor Michael Dale

Taught in the “Next Level Trial Skills Program” for the National Institute for Trial Advocacy (NITA) at the federal courthouse in Washington D.C. from November 7 through November 11, 2018.
Will be teaching at the Philadelphia Bar Foundation’s bi-annual trial skills program from December 10 through December 12, 2018, at the Pepper Hamilton law firm.
Professor Mark Dobson

Spoke at the Plantation Historical Society on Thursday, October 25, 2018. The topic was “The History of the United States Supreme Court.”
Director of Legal Research & Writing & Associate Dean for Faculty and Student Development & Professor of Law Dean Olympia Duhart

Presented twice at the October 2018 SALT Teaching Conference at Penn State College of Law. Her first talk, “Building a Better Pipeline: Starting Before Law School to Create a More Inclusive Profession” included panelists Andrea Curcio, Georgia State University College of Law; Ryan Dooley, CUNY School of Law; and Kellye Testy, LSAC President and CEO. Dean Duhart also presented “Promoting Success for First Generation Professionals and Other Similar Groups” in a session with Steve Friedland, Elon University School of Law and Brooks Holland, Gonzaga University School of Law.
D ean Jon Garon

Presented “Managing Change from the Middle by Leaning into an Unknown Future” at the Leadership in Higher Education Conference on October 26, 2018, in Minneapolis, Minnesota. His talk focused on how university leaders can respond to the disruptive changes impacting higher education.
Professor Richard Grosso

Was interviewed on October 31, 2018, by NBC 6 Steve Litz regarding Florida’s Amendment 9 on Offshore Drilling.
Professor Areto Imoukhuede

Presented his research “New Scrutiny for the Right to Public Education” and participated as a panelist in the University of Arkansas Law Review Symposium, Hiding in Plain Sight: What Education Reform Needs on November 2, 2018 in Fayetteville, AR.
Presented his research “College Admissions and Supremacist Attitudes” and participated as a panelist at the Ninth Annual Loyola Constitutional Law Colloquium on November 3, 2018 in Chicago, IL.
Assistant Dean of Academic Success and Professionalism and Professor of Practice Chance Meyer

Was invited to participate in The Stakeholders Workshop on Law Student Professionalism – sponsored by the Florida Bar Professionalism Committee in Tampa, FL on October 19, 2018.
Professor Emeritus of Law and C. William Trout Senior Fellow in Public Interest Law Joel Mintz

Published a blog article on the website of the Center for Progressive Reform entitled “Justice Delayed: Mercedes-Benz’s Diesel Pollution Remains Unprosecuted;”
Participated in a three-day meeting in Aberdeen, Maryland, of the Standing Committee on Chemical Demilitarization of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine.
Debra Moss Curtis 2017
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Professor of Law Debra Moss Vollweiler

Was invited to participate in the Stakeholders Workshop on Law Student Professionalism sponsored by the Florida Bar Professionalism Committee at the Fall Meeting of the Florida Bar in Tampa, Florida on Friday, October 19, 2018.
The Honorable Frank Orlando (ret.)

Was granted membership in the University of Florida President’s Council, by President W. Kent Fuchs, in recognition of his commitment to raising the University’s level of teaching and research.
Associate Dean of Students & Professor of Law Michele Struffolino

Was invited to participate in the Stakeholders Workshop on Law Student Professionalism sponsored by the Florida Bar Professionalism Committee at the Fall Meeting of the Florida Bar in Tampa, Florida on Friday, October 19, 2018.
Director Dispute Resolution Clinic and Professor of Law Fran Tetunic

Presented “Eldercaring Coordination in the United States” at the American Bar Association National Aging and Law Conference plenary session on participatory justice in Alexandria, VA. on October 25, 2018.
Spoke to the Broward County Lawyers Association on October 30, 2018 as part of a panel discussion on Eldercaring coordination in Florida.
Professor of Law James Wilets

Was interviewed on October 30, 2018, by NBC 6 Ari Odzer regarding President Trump’s statement that he would use an Executive Order to end the 14th Amendment’s provision of citizenship by birth in the United States.
Contact Us
For questions, suggestions, and to submit news for any future editions of the Student Newsletter please contact:
Lynn Acosta
Assistant Dean for Student Services
E:                   | P: 954-262-6127