NSU Law Celebrates December 2018 Graduates
On Monday, December 10, 2018, thirty-three graduates were honored at the December Graduate Reception. Dean Jon Garon opened the ceremony with a welcome message, followed by Megan Nelson as the student speaker and Professor Kathy Cerminara as the faculty speaker. They both were selected by
the NSU Law December 2018 graduating class
. The NSU law atrium welcomed more than 350 enthusiastic guests cheering on their new attorneys to be.
Dean Michele Struffolino read off the names of the thirty-three graduates as they crossed the stage to shake hands with Dean Garon. NSU Law December graduates completed 1,072 hours of pro-bono service. Six students received Pro Bono Honors: Claudiu Handaric (Gold Level Distinction), Juan Chaves Pernett, Richardine Estaba, Tarah Friedman, Megan Nelson and Natalia Savchyk (Silver Level Distinction). All graduates received the sounding blocks to go with the gavels that they received when they started law school. Congratulations and cheers to a successful law career.
Three Engaging Mentoring Opportunities for 2019
Florida Pro Bono Law School Challenge – launching January 7, 2019 |
NSU students choose Pro Bono opportunities and NSU alumni match for a win-win experience.
NSU Law Mentoring Breakfast – January 25, 2019 7:30 - 9:00 am | NSU Law |
Starting Your Own Law Firm: Lessons from Alumni
Carlos Carmona (JD 2006) & Michelle Suarez (JD 2013) with a special presentation from Professor Tim Arcaro
NSU Law Mentoring Dinner – February 19, 2019 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
NSU Law Faculty Study: More Information coming soon
Write a Letter, Change the World
In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, NSU Shepard Broad College of Law is sponsoring its fourth annual Letter-Writing Competition.
Milor Perdomo – Judicial Law Clerk position
Milor Perdomo (3L) has accepted a position with the Department of Justice Honors Program in the Executive Office for Immigration Review as a judicial law clerk for the Krome Immigration Court in Miami, FL.
NSU Shepard Broad College of Law Summer Fellowships provide law students with an opportunity to earn compensation for dedicating their summer to public service. NSU Shepard Broad College of Law offers six different summer fellowship funding sources to students who wish to work with a public interest or government organization:
1. The Christopher T. Byrd Environmental Law Fellowship;
2. The Ferroli Family Public Interest Law Fellowship;
3. The Martin A. Feinrider Summer Fellowship for International Human Rights;
4. The Ovid and Clare Lewis Public Interest Fellowship;
5. The Public Service Summer Fellowship; and
6. The Rebecca Knox Public Interest Law Summer Fellowship.
Please visit the
Public Interest Programs
web page for more information on fellowship eligibility, application requirements, application, and responsibilities of a fellow.
o Apply: Submit the Fellowship Application to Jennifer Gordon, Esq., Director of Public Interest Programs, by Friday, April
, 201
at 5 pm.
(L) Associate Dean for Diversity, Inclusion, and Public Impact Elena Marty-Nelson works with students
Nikette A. Neal, M.D., FAAP speaking with high school students
NSU Hosted “Make an Impact with the Law and Medicine Day” Program
An interdisciplinary program “Make an Impact with Law and Medicine Day” introduced more than 40 South Florida high school students from historically underrepresented backgrounds to a wide variety of medical and legal practices. The program was designed to empower students to recognize health disparities and to think of ways of addressing legal and medical hurdles through interdisciplinary collaboration. The December 11 event, spearheaded by Associate Dean for Diversity, Inclusion, and Public Impact Elena Marty-Nelson and funded through an LSAC Diversity Matters grant, included sessions facilitated by leaders and faculty members from the NSU Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine and Shepard Broad College of Law administrators, professors, staff, and students.
The following College of Law faculty were instrumental in the program’s success:
Dean Jon Garon
, who together with Dean Johannes Vieweg of the Medical school, introduced the program and discussed its theme;
Professor Emerita Lynn Epstein
Professor Roma Perez
who conducted a Negotiations Lab with the students; and
Professor Florence Shu-Acquaye
who together with
Dean Elena Marty-Nelson
and Assistant Dean Farzanna Huffizulla of the Medical School served on the panel on social determinants of health and social justice.
NSU Shepard Broad College of Law Global Reach
NSU Law faculty research and academic publications continue to have a global reach, with readers in 167 countries. The image above lists the locations and number of downloads of faculty research and academic publications for all of 2018. Nova Law Review articles were downloaded 44,379 times (a 29% increase over last year), ILSA Journal articles were downloaded 54,344 times, NSU Works of law faculty publications 136,060 times over the past ten years and 17,664 times during 2018 alone. To view NSU Works for the Shepard Broad College of Law visit:
Leaders include:
The Reality of Turning 18 Launch Team
Dean Jon M. Garon, Alison DeBelder, Jessica Rae, Brandon Thomas, Michelle Kenney, Olga Torres, Tim Arcaro
The NSU Adults with Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities (AIDD) Law Clinic along with Florida Justice Technology Center and GAPS Legal, PLLC sponsored the December launch of
. The website and presentation focused on what parents and advocates for children with developmental disabilities need to know. The Florida Justice Technology Center and AIDD Law Clinic will continue their partnership going forward to aid families, NSU Law students, and their clients with developmental disabilities. For more information or to view recording contact
Olga Torres, AIDD Clinic Fellow
NSU Law Winter 2019 Events
NSU Law Alumni Broward Chapter Trivia Night - World of Beer
Sponsored by Neptune Impact Windows
January 17, 2019 | 5:30 p.m.
Law Connect Plus
Caps on Medical Malpractice Negligence Claims... Where do we go from here?
January 18, 2019 | 7:30 a.m.
Mentoring Breakfast
January 25, 2019 | 7:30 a.m.
Starting Your Own Law Firm: Lessons from Alumni
NSU Law Faculty Study
Mentoring Dinner
February 19, 2019 | 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
NSU Law Faculty Study
Save The Date
Public Interest Law Day
February 21, 2019 |11:00 a.m.
John B. Anderson Visiting Chair: Ronald Long
Presentation and Q&A
February 21, 2019 | 5:30 pm
SELS Symposium
February 23, 2019
NITA Florida Basic Trial Skills
March 4-9, 2019
Use Discount code: ALUM15
Public Interest Law Auction
Lights, Camera, Auction
March 14, 2019 | 6:00 p.m.
AIDD Roundtable
Guardianship and All That Jazz
March 15, 2019 | 9:00 am
ILSA Journal Conference
Governmental Responses to Gun Violence Across the Globe and the Regulatory Effect on Society
March 22, 2019
Annual Legal Masters Degree Conference
March 29-30, 2019
Immigration Legal Screening Clinic
March 30, 2019 | 10:00 a.m.
Environmental Law Symposium
April 19, 2019 | 9:00 a.m
NSU Oceanographic Center
Sponsored by ELULS
Save The Date
NSU Law Commencement
May 9, 2019 | 2:30 p.m.
NSU Rick Case Arena
Save the Date
Upcoming Events - All the Details
01-17-19 Broward Alumni Networking Event – World of Beer
Sponsored by Neptune Impact Windows
The Broward alumni chapter is having a reception at World of Beer to kick off the new year, and you are invited! Enjoy refreshments while networking with alumni and friends. The first 50 RSVP's will receive one drink ticket and appetizers when you sign up.
01-18-19 Law Connect Plus
Caps on Medical
Malpractice Negligence Claims... Where do we go from here?
The program will focus on the intersection between Florida Constitutional Law and the Florida Medical Malpractice Act and how it impacts victims of medical negligence and their families and more.
- Professor Michael Flynn
- Brent M. Reitman (JD 2010)
- Sean F. Thompson (JD 2004)
01-25-19 NSU Law Mentoring Breakfast
Starting Your Own Law Firm: Lessons from Alumni
- Carlos Carmona, Jr. (JD 2006)
- Michelle Suarez (JD 2013)
- Professor Tim Arcaro
02-19-19 NSU Law Mentoring Dinner
NSU Law Faculty Study: More Information coming soon
02-21-19 Public Interest Law Day
Public Interest Law Day provides law students with information regarding the pro bono, internship, fellowship, clinical, and employment opportunities in legal aid organizations and services. Participation is free for both employers and students. Please contact Jennifer Gordon for more information.
02-21-19 John B. Anderson Visiting Chair: Ronald Long
Law and Emotion – The Financial Industry and the Fight Against Elder Financial Abuse
Ronald Long is the Director of Elder Client Initiatives with the WIM Control Group - Wells Fargo Advisors. He received the Barbara McGinity Service to Seniors Award in 2017 for excellence in elder financial protection from the National Institute on Financial Exploitation (NIEFE), an arm of the National Adult Protective Services Association (NAPSA).
02-23-19 SELS Symposium
03-04-19 through 03-09-19 NITA
Basic Trial Skills program
Are you ready to step into a courtroom with the ease and composure of a lawyer with countless wins at trial? What about walking into a tense negotiation showing so much confidence that opposing counsel settles the case rather than risks facing you in the courtroom?
Use Discount Code: ALUM15 for a 15% reduction in tuition for NSU Law alumni.
03-14-19 PILS Auction- Lights, Camera, Auction
Enjoy cocktails and hors-d'oeuvres while shopping our collection of incredible auction items. Proceeds benefit the Rebecca Knox Public Interest Law Summer Fellowship for students who choose to take non-paying public interest positions at legal aid organizations/services during the summer. Also, there will be a photo booth and a cash bar for your entertainment.
More Information & RSVP
03-15-19 AIDD Roundtable – Guardianship and All That Jazz
The roundtable brings together stakeholders in the AIDD community to network, learn, and plan strategic responses to address the legal needs of AIDD persons. This year the roundtable will include a CLE opportunity with confirmed speakers from the local bench and bar. This interdisciplinary event will explore the procedural and substantive aspects of Florida guardianship law. Moderators and Panelists include:
- The Honorable Mark A. Speiser
- The Honorable Charles M. Greene (tentative)
- The Honorable Yves P. Laventure
- The Honorable Claudette Vanni
- Edward O’Sheehan, Partner at Shutts & Bowen and the Chair of the firm’s Pro Bono Committee.
- Deborah Chin, M.A., The Daniel Jordan Fiddle Foundation Transition and Adult Programs.
- Susan Hofstetter, Assistant General Counsel for The School Board of Broward County.
- Dr. Andrea Horbey, NSU Director of Medical Education, Bethesda Health, Inc.
- Susan Kabot, Ed.D., CCC-SLP, Executive Director, the Autism Institute.
- Felicia Jordan, Attorney at Disability Rights Florida.
03-22-19 ILSA Journal Conference
The NSU Law ILSA Journal will host its 2nd Annual Conference this Spring on the topic of the Global Responses to Gun Violence and its Regulatory Effect on Society. This relevant topic will bring attorneys and community members together from South Florida to discuss the positive and negative effects of regulatory responses to gun violence. For questions please contact NSU Law ILSA Journal of International Comparative Law Editor-in-Chief
Christian Triay
03-29-19 3rd Annual Legal Master’s Degree Conference
NSU Law will host the 3rd Annual Legal Master's Degree Conference. This event will bring together law school deans, administrators, program managers, and faculty to explore the present and future of graduate-level legal education for non-lawyers.
More Information
03-30-19 Immigration Legal Screening Clinic
NSU Law, Americans for Immigrant Justice, Catholic Legal Services, Hispanic Unity of Florida, NSU Law student organizations, PILS, ILSA, ILO and HSBA are partnering to provide free legal screenings to the community.
More Information & RSVP
NSU Law Earth Day Environmental Symposium
Red Tide, Green Algae, Drilling Bans and More: Post – Election Environmental and Land Use Law Landscape
The seminar will feature lawyers and other speakers from south Florida and around the state, addressing environmental law changes resulting from the November 2018 Florida Constitutional Amendments, current issues involving south Florida’s water pollution problems, recent and pending legislative, rule and policy changes coming from Washington and Tallahassee. Speakers will emphasize land use and environmental issues impacting Florida’s coasts. For more information contact Professor
Richard Grosso
Director of Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AIDD) Law Clinic and Professor of Law Tim Arcaro
Presented, with Olga M. Torres, AIDD Clinical Fellow, at The Broward County School Board on December 13, 2018, on the differences between guardianship, guardian advocacy, power of attorney, and supported decision-making.
Professor Heather Baxter
Appointed to the 2019 Association of Legal Writing Directors Blackwell Award Reception Committee and the Chair of the Legal Writing Institute’s Teaching Resources Committee for 2018-2020.
Coached NSU Law’s NYC Bar National Moot Court Team who recently won their regional competition.
Professor Ronald Benton Brown
Published, with Professor Emeritus of Law Joseph Grohman, by the Center for Computer Assisted Instruction (CALI) two new lessons:
Letters of Intent in Real Estate Transactions; aimed at advanced students taking a class in Real Estate Transactions or any business-related course or workshop.
Finders of Personal Property; aimed at 1-Ls taking a Property course.
Professor Kathy Cerminara
Facilitated, with Senior Associate Director Panza Maurer Law Library Becka Rich, a bioethics discussion regarding genetics, gene editing, Nazi medical research, and research misconduct in the United States. The discussion was part of a graduate course on research ethics taught by Dr. Bob Speth, NSU College of Pharmacy, on Tuesday, November 27, 2018.
Professor Michael Dale
Taught at the Philadelphia Bar Foundation’s Gimbel Fund Trial Advocacy Training Program for public interest attorneys from December 10 through December 12, 2018.
Director of the Legal Research & Writing Program & Associate Dean for Faculty and Student Development & Professor of Law Dean Olympia Duhart
Presented at the AccessLex conference in Scottsdale, Arizona on November 12, 2018. Her panel, entitled “First Generation Law Students: Challenges and Interventions,” examined obstacles and interventions that can be used to help first generation law students succeed in law school and practice.
Dean Jon Garon
Served as moderator for the panel, “Epidemic of Online and Social Media Death Threats by Children,” at the “Kids that Kill,” Broward County Crime Commission’s 4th Annual Juvenile Crime Conference on November 8, 2018.
Professor Emeritus of Law Joseph Grohman
Published, with Professor Ronald Benton Brown, by the Center for Computer Assisted Instruction (CALI) two new lessons:
Letters of Intent in Real Estate Transactions; aimed at advanced students taking a class in Real Estate Transactions or any business-related course or workshop.
Finders of Personal Property; aimed at 1-Ls taking a Property course.
Professor Emeritus of Law and C. William Trout Senior Fellow in Public Interest Law Joel Mintz
Published the 2018-2019 annual supplement to his treatise, State and Local Government Environmental Liability (West Publishing, 1994),
Published an opinion article in the Sun Sentinel on the results of the 2018 midterm elections,
Spoke with a journalist at an Indiana radio station on recent trends in EPA enforcement against steel companies in the Midwest and elsewhere,
Spoke with a newspaper reporter in North Carolina regarding a Consent Agreement entered into by a large chemical company with several state agencies and an environmental NGO,
Participated as a questioner in a panel on “Responding to Climate Challenges” at “EU and the Americas,” an international conference in downtown Miami, which was organized and sponsored by the European Union Delegation to the United States,
Was recognized for being in the all-time top 10% of downloaded authors on SSRN.
Senior Associate Director Panza Maurer Law Library Becka Rich
Facilitated, with Professor Kathy Cerminara, a bioethics discussion regarding genetics, gene editing, Nazi medical research, and research misconduct in the United States. The discussion was part of a graduate course on research ethics taught by Dr. Bob Speth, NSU College of Pharmacy, on Tuesday, November 27, 2018.
Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AIDD) Law Clinic Clinical Fellow Olga M. Torres
Will be presenting, with Director of AIDD Law Clinic and Professor of Law Tim Arcaro, at The Broward County School Board on December 13, 2018, on the differences between guardianship, guardian advocacy, power of attorney, and supported decision-making.
For questions, suggestions, and to submit news for any future editions of the Student Newsletter please contact:
Lynn Acosta
Assistant Dean for Student Services